Review on Trustpilot. New site



  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,173 Trailblazing

    Just realised "clique" has been misspelt on many reviews as "click" it's unlikely 2-3 different people would all do that or even use that word.

  • Luchia
    Luchia Community member Posts: 523 Empowering

    We all know who it is, it’s sad when someone has to make multiple accounts to leave nasty reviews but unfortunately some people are just like that.

  • Luchia
    Luchia Community member Posts: 523 Empowering

    My Grandma used to always say

    “You can’t make friends with someone who constantly changes their mask”

    Seems rather fitting for the situation.

    My general motto is: If you can’t be yourself then what’s the point?

    Of course that doesn’t mean been nasty to people etc, in a world we can choose to be anything, why choose anything but kindness.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,173 Trailblazing

    I'm getting random private messages questioning me from members I've never spoken with, I won't be answering them, And I'm not stupid either.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,315 Championing

    I wasn't going to comment again on here but having read more of the reviews on trust pilot I decided I had no choice. There really is some very nasty people out there and some really have no heart.

    There's someone on there that has given a very heartless review and it's clear the person they are talking about is me.

    They've accused me of stalking all their threads and posts on here, accused me of have having their threads closed, accused me of being a DWP spokesperson and I was working to protect their image and the public purse. Also accused me of inviting other members to "pile" on them. Also accused me of having them being banned from here.

    I remember this person very well because of all the trouble they caused me at the time and just how downright nasty they were towards me.

    I did nothing but try to help them but everything I said or did they didn't believe me and told me I was wrong. I also remember a member of the scope team stepping in to advise them that the advice I was giving was in fact correct. The problem here was that this member had deferred their state pension but their partner was claiming Income Related ESA. When you defer a state pension it's treated as notional income and will still affect any means tested benefits you're claiming but of course I was a liar and this wasn't true, according to them.

    I also see that a current member of the forum has found the comment useful.

    It's so upsetting when someone writes such nasty things about you when all I've done over a period of 7 years is put my heart and soul into helping and advising thousands of people. I've never worked for DWP or even considered "protecting the public person" in fact I've always done the opposite and help many thousands of people claim the benefits they are rightfully entitled to.

    Some people seem to forget that it's real people that are on here with real feelings. We maybe sat behind a screen but we are definitely real people. I just don't understand why some people can be so downright mean and nasty.

    I feel like I've been stabbed in my heart. I've never asked or even wanted any special awards, or any special treatment here and have always been my true self. What I do expect is for people to treat me with respect. I'm never nasty to anyone and have never disrespected anyone in all the time I've been here.

    I think I deserve better than to be treated like scum. I'm very upset by this whole thing. 😫

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,576 Championing

    @Nightcity you can report them to admin

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,173 Trailblazing

    You helped me with my first ever post back in July and halted what until I found the forum was weeks of anxiety.

    Yes you deserve better.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,173 Trailblazing

    Thanks. It wss nothing offensive just strange and clearly untrue. Not to mention random and opaque in motivation

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Community member Posts: 613 Pioneering

    All fine, thanks, Lou, hope at your end too.

    I went AWOL for a while, so missed the goings on. It's hard to comprehend how they could turn on those supporting them. Hopefully, when searches are made, it's the forum that comes up, then people can see for themselves the time taken with advice & support. Thankfully, there are very few unpleasant folk pop up, the decent far outweigh them, they are the past now, onwards we go.

  • Luchia
    Luchia Community member Posts: 523 Empowering

    You have always been very kind and helpful to me, If I recall you were one of the first to welcome me when I first joined

    So I have nothing but good things to say about you, please don’t let the nasty people get to you, you are a kind and generous person and that’s my honest opinion

  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Community member Posts: 475 Empowering

    Unfortunately Poppy, some people ask for advice but don’t actually want advice, they just want you to agree with them and if you say anything different to what they want then they turn abusive. I think we have all seen those posts that you mentioned and we all know that you are helpful and kind. You are very much appreciated by the vast majority of us and the vast majority of members are kind to each other. It can be just one or two troublemakers and those people can give out so much nastiness but it seems people here are very switched on and realise that it’s the same couple of troublesome people again and again.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,466 Championing

    There are no words to say how very sorry I am that you saw those reviews poppy. I know you for the genuine, kind & caring person you are, & we all know how many members you've tirelessly helped here in the community.

    I know I can't say don't let it get to you, because I know it does, & to be reminded of that time will hurt again.

    You know you help people, & we all know how much, & how well, you do that. Take comfort from the good, kind people around you here & their heartfelt words. I hope you value our opinions, & not those of such former members.

    I think we all feel some upset about some of the so-called 'reviews' on Trustpilot, which are a mixture of everything from misconceptions to downright untruths, but we know this community, i.e. the members + moderators for all the good in it & the positivity 💕

  • judie
    judie Community member Posts: 104 Empowering

    As I said before, you are indispensable on this forum Poppy. Some people are obviously intimidated by your vast knowledge of DWP rules and regulations. Now the sad little souls are shouting angrily into the void on Trustpilot. Good riddance. Me and many others on here, salute you 🫡

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 866 Empowering


    I’m really sorry to hear how upset you are poppy. I was very surprised to read that you think it’s clearly you that’s being discussed, as I wouldn’t have connected the comments to you. Tbh, I didn’t even realise it was one person that was being discussed, with all the examples you’ve given.

    I’m not posting this to try to minimise your distress, only trying to say that I don’t think most people would think it was you, in case any element of your upset is assuming everybody thinks it is.

    Hope you can put it behind you, and remember all the queries you answered, where people didn’t have a clue what UC (or whatever) was asking them. I know that I’ve read my UC letters I’ve literally not had a clue what is being asked, and you explain clearly and succinctly, which I’ve appreciated. Thank you.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 866 Empowering

    Aw come on, people, please - let it go😖
    If somebody has had a bad experience of something please don’t gatekeep and tell them they’re wrong, or somehow at fault. All this endless poking at somebody because they had a different viewpoint is proving the point.

    Surely there must be other things to talk about?

    Peace to all🙏

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,576 Championing

    Poppy you give a lot on the forum and your advice on benefits, always helps those that want to be helped. People need to realise it's done out of your spare time..

    Unfortunately your always going to get a few that make it difficult to see good advice when they are given it.They are just a few compared to how many are grateful.

    I don't agree with a lot of reviews posted, I've not done one myself, as I wouldn't hold back if I did towards some. Only thing that amazes me is they run the site down but can't stay off, laughable really.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    I agree yours and my name was mentioned on trust pilot naming me and you as Two worse people on the forum words like toxic racist thrown in our names mentioned called trolls ! Awful this forum only has time for choosen few anyway I could go on but let me say I am far from any of those things written about me it's like being at school and the clicky group excludes everyone out nicest person on this group is vikki66 poppy this is not a safe place at all

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 357 Empowering

    I haven’t bothered leaving a review, but noticed the nastiness of the reviews being left.

    poppy you have been and are nothing but helpful taking your time to answer members queries and you are valued on here as your wisdom is very helpful and appreciated, don’t let the trolls get to you, you’re a better person than them

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,173 Trailblazing

    Interesting typo above.

    I've.pressed the flag on some of the posts for trustpilot to review, they've responded they'll be checking if any share the same information on their system (I assume they mean IP address etc)

    I won't be commenting further on this thread but I think the forum deserves a more fair score through fact not malice or dramatics.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    I said the nicest people on here are vikki66 and poppy ! Has been extremely helpful people stop twisting my words I've been called racist for the conversation I had with you apple about refugees I get called toxic troll all these statements are untrue felt awful bullies that's all I can like a pack of wolves

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