Review on Trustpilot. New site



  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Community member Posts: 613 Pioneering

    Sorry, Poppy, I didn't see your post.

    You are a huge part of this forum & quite an oracle on benefits, you give your time & advice freely, helped so many folk understand the sometimes confusing things that crop up with the DWP. You have the patience of a saint, know that you are very much appreciated.

    BTW, when I had a problem, I Googled & it was one of your replies on here to someone that brought me to this forum & it gave me the correct answer I was looking for, thank you for that. I didn't know that this forum existed until then, so er….sorry, I joined! 😉 Anyway, don't let any negativity get to you 💐

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,466 Championing

    Hi @vikki66 - sadly I know that this poster on Trustpilot meant poppy, as I was there at the time. I remember reading all the comments, & saw, as I'm sure you'll realise, that poppy was giving the correct info as usual; I could even tell you which member of Admin verified that she was correct. There's another which may be referencing her, & I definitely remember another as they're using the username they had had here. I saw how much poppy yet again helped, & I 'think' I may have contributed, at least I'd hoped, on that occasion.

    Now I can only speak personally, but if someone's left a review on Trustpilot with a low score, I can appreciate that that is simply their opinion, & altho I'm saddened, as I mentioned previously, that they haven't found this community entirely helpful, that's what they think.

    I also 'think' that today's moderator has let this thread proceed, & they are the ones who 'gatekeep' after all, showing great diplomacy, because they've been here too when some of the upsets have happened, i.e. one previous member was shown considerable kindness & empathy by several members & the Scope team, which @Lou67 has identified. Then they caused considerable distress to several current members. Having seen all this, as the Scope team were also there, perhaps that's why they're letting members say how much this has all downright upset them. It was not a matter of any difference of opinion, but, sorry to say, one member lied.

    Upsets like this can, & do, cause members to feel like they don't want to be here. I don't think any of us want that.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,314 Championing

    I took a much needed break from the forum after typing my comment here earlier. I was washing the dinner dishes and heard my phone ringing but by the time I got to it, it stopped. When I looked I seen it was @chiarieds ringing to check I was ok, which I thought was incredibly sweet of her. Thank you for being the sweet, kind, caring person you are! ❤️

    Of course she asked me to come on the forum to look at the lovely comments from members so here I am.

    It's far too many to tag individually so I'll just thank those that have taken the time to comment and leave such kind words. I do know there's an awful lot of people here that do appreciate me and that does mean a lot!! Thank you again to everyone!!

    I also know that I shouldn't let some people get to me but I can't help the way I am. That review on trust pilot hurt me more than anything ever has on here because I went through it all with that person when they were a member and to read it all again, brought it all back.

    @vikki66 I wouldn't expect to you link any comments to me because you've only been a member a short time. The review I'm referring to isn't a recent one.

    @Catherine21 I'm very shocked by your comments here this evening. I can't see any comments on trust pilot that mention you or apples. In the time that you've been a member here I do remember you having a lot of support from many members so again your negative comments do surprise me. I do remember another member accusing someone of calling them racist but I believe that was a misunderstanding and don't believe it was aimed at you and it wasn't apples.

    What does confuse me is that some current members that have left a bad review continue to post here, very odd indeed.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 1,802 Pioneering

    When you get a reply from Trustpilot could you share their answer? I would be interested to know if any of the reviews have been done by the same person under a different name. Thank you.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,633 Championing

    Poppy I’m so sorry this rubbish was written about you you take the time out off your day to help so many people and all the while you suffer with illnesses yourself.
    They ought to be ashamed hiding behind a keyboard spouting lies and nasty comments.

    I have had the pleasure off becoming a friend off yours and I get nothing but kindness support and great advice.
    The more I have gotten to know you I have the upmost respect for you and I want to personally thank you for all your hard work on the forum and off with your lovely family.

    Take care and remember your worth ❤️

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    Yes someone called phoenix I was so upset because Admin said they would censors my posts I just felt like what had I done wrong maybe I put to many posts up wasn't positive enough really hurt me then that review on trust pilots saying I was racist troll she mentioned me and someone else

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,633 Championing

    I’m sure they will Harry and Betty are the same person 🙄

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    No didn't mention apples in the review but called me racist must have been when I said about refugees in that conversation that hurt I'm far fr racist my daughters dad from abroad my partner Albanian but I feel I have to justify myself to prove I'm not racist but you have been amazing and really really helpful and I respect that

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,633 Championing


    I love reading your posts and your PMs that I’m lucky enough to receive from you. I can’t believe all this has been dragged back up when base the first nasty review I was shocked then to see it deleted and another one pop up under a different name I knew right away who it was 🙄

    As for people posting thinking we would be to naive to know it’s the same person is nothing but an insult.

    I totally get admin giving people a second chance I’ve had a few in my lifetime but this has went to far when lies and accusations have been made against people that have done nothing but support them I think they have to be banned for life.

    Sorry if some people think that’s harsh but I certainly don’t I personally along with yourself and other good people were affected a lot by the vile behaviour that went on and I don’t think we should be subjected to anymore.

    I hope you’ve had a lovely day and this doesn’t get to you to much.


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,576 Championing

    Im glad you came back on poppy that was nice of @chiarieds to check in on you.

    @Nightcity you don't have to post anything on here regarding what trust pilot say to you.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 1,802 Pioneering

    @Nightcity It is ok I have my answer. Two of the reviews on Trustpilot have been removed.

    Thank you.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    So what's your answer ??? People are allowed to have opinions I wrote them all so intreasted but not intreasted I'm the bad review written about me and someone else being called racist toxic troll Alot of you act entitled unkind make a person feel excluded clicky childish you get upset about reviews really?? Funny how alot of people say the same this isn't for people with mental health to come and try be apart off I would never disrespect anyone unless they do me ! The way this group be structured is only for the people who asks questions few times not for people who want to be apart of something very clicky toxic belittling forum no wonder alot of people leave think about it or just moan

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    Count me out of this BS forum got bigger problems than this do not need the stress over people I don't even know here is a tip just be KIND

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 1,802 Pioneering

    Hi @Catherine21 This was never about you. I am sorry you are so upset. Please take care of yourself.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    Oh OK I thought it was thankyou for responding

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,314 Championing

    @chiarieds sorry, I only just seen your last comment!

    Yes, you were indeed here and seen exactly what happened. Yes, there’s 2 other reviews that reference me and it stands out a mile!

    One person was someone that I helped for many months with their UC claim when they moved from Tax credits and I was there for them right from the start up until they had a decision on their work capability assessment. That review too was rather hurtful. They are actually still a member here but all their comments seem to have been removed.

    It seems that sometimes I try too hard but not anymore because it’s time to step back a little from here.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,172 Trailblazing
    edited September 23

    I can confirm trustpilot has told me the reviews are basically dodgy and they'll be removed. They run checks and come to the conclusion we all did.

  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,375 Empowering

    Hi everyone,

    We've kept this discussion open until now as it was felt that people deserved a chance to say how some of these reviews made them feel and how it affected them. However, we would like to begin drawing a line under this situation, both for the wider community and for those who are more directly affected. We are continuing to monitor what is being said on the community and ask everyone that if they have not read them recently to just quickly refresh their memories of the House Rules: House rules - Scope | Online Community

    We'll now be closing this discussion, we want to thank everyone for any reports filed for concerns you had. As mentioned, we will be monitoring the community and we are still going over what has happened here. You can always reach the Online Community team by private messaging this account or by emailing

This discussion has been closed.