Job coaches for mentally ill in hospital settings - BBC



  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Community member Posts: 62 Empowering

    You cannot get someone who is seriously mentally ill into a job, if he or she has a breakdown in the workplace not only could it damage them it could damage the people around the person in question.

    I wonder if the thought has occurred to her that many seriously mentally ill people aren't 'safe' to do jobs?

    Also, what kind of prospective employer will, with open arms, positively embrace a candidate with serious mental health challenges, simply because that one has been "coached" and had a tailored CV provided?

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,367 Championing

    I agree with the government out there that it could be helpful for some people. However this shouldn't be forced upon people. PEOPLE ARE ILL there so why put added stress if the person doesn't want a job

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    This has tipped me how dare they even think that and say it so sinister I'm really worried now so are they going to say as you haven't seen can't spell it psychiatrist your OK literally impossible to see one these days I've had enough I'm getting so angry it vile

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Community member Posts: 19 Connected

    Liz Kendall should be classed as not being fit for work herself as she's clearly a danger to some of the general public (us) due to her mental issues (cruelness, no compassion, no empathy, etc).

    Put her in the support group where she wont be a danger to anyone.

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Community member Posts: 146 Empowering

    I don't think this will get off the ground. The people who are in those units, are there for thier own and everyone else's safety and the staff are trained. I don't think they'll take kindly to a DWP goon trying to come in to hassle residents into taking up work.

    Liz Kendall is on another planet.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,171 Trailblazing

    fully agree it's just going to burn like all the other ridiculous ideas have and will going back years.

    anything controversial and unworkable Will always find the bin.

    I think they are just throwing things out randomly before the budget to test what they can and can't get away with.

  • Numan
    Numan Community member Posts: 31 Contributor

    There are many people in these units who are not only emotionally extremely unstable but have high degrees of paranoia towards anyone,be it staff,those in authority(doctors/government/DWP etc) or other patients. To be coerced to engage in this state could end very badly,for all and create new levels of trauma for patients.It would have to be ONLY on a non pressured ,voluntary basis, if at all.

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 89 Empowering

    My hope is that the senior consultant psychiatrists, who can not be contradicted by anyone other than someone of their academic and medical level and experience, decides against this. They should have full autonomy of how things are run on their wards and should stand up to the government on this.

    I am not getting PIP for MH issues, but physical ones and believe me, since I transitioned from WtC to UC I have been having nightmares and all sort of problems due to the way I am treated (like dirt) by the work coaches in the JC. I have stated several times, I dread to think what this would do to someone with MH problems. In short, WCs create MH problems in people who didn't have them or perhaps brings them out in people.

    I am hoping that this never gets off the ground and that no more loss of life occurs, i.e., death by DWP. We have lost too many vulnerable people already. This has to stop.

    As I mentioned in another post, getting people with disabilities into work costs money. It is not like getting an able bodied person into work as many disabled people need extras such as interpreters, transport to work, helpers, counselling, special equipment etc. and the costs of having someone at home not working and the costs of the having the same person in work will not be the same, in fact it is often less expensive to keep the disabled individual at home. The funding is in place also for the purposes of social inclusion not solely to support the social fund.

    I am also hoping the work coaches speak up and say they do not feel comfortable doing this. But they tend to only employ yes men as people in the DWP with consciences always feel the need to leave. Hence why I am on my fourth work coach in two months. The nice ones left.๐Ÿ™

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Community member Posts: 146 Empowering

    Feels like Labour are playing good cop bad cop. On the one hand, you've got Stephen Timms giving PIP claimants peace of mind by saying that vouchers won't be happening, then you've got Liz Kendall coming out with this ****, putting the fear of God in vulnerable people!

    We all know this will never happen, but she doesn't have an ounce of compassion in her!

    These are human beings!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    Can't sleep eat again tried so hard to keep grounded oh she's a piece of work that one can see it in her eyes

  • Grissom123
    Grissom123 Community member Posts: 48 Empowering

    I'm no expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure this ridiculous proposal could have some serious legal repercussions for the DWP.

    Anyone who has spent time in hospital knows how strict they are with regards to visitation. Most times it's only family members who are allowed, and this never happened with me but if it's someone you don't know, don't you have to give some kind of consent?

    I imagine very few hospitals would stand for some work coach just waltzing in and demanding access to patients. And surely this would be interfering in the doctor patient relationship, and also infringing on patient's privacy?

    I have no experience of being sectioned, but I imagine the visitation rules in those hospitals are even stricter? Surely they don't just let strangers in to see patients?

    This clearly hasn't been thought through properly and could potentially have disastrous consequences.

    Honestly if i God forbid made another suicide attempt and got visited by some idiot from a jobcentre to discuss writing my CV, I would tell them, and pardon my french, to go f**k themselves.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,171 Trailblazing
    edited October 17

    I agree with @Ironside1990

    at the end of the day let's be honest whether you like him or not TImms has always shown compassion where possible and is for an mp (overall) a really good person as was vicki foxcroft.

    Liz Kendall however by contrast is a not a very nice person who has a bizarre obsession with both her position and work being good for people, although it may be in a tiny amount of cases in general it's not if you have a lot of issues.

    she also seems to enjoy games, throwing out ideas which I'm sure she herself knows will never happen just for a laugh.

    I wouldn't listen to her too much she's one person no matter what her role is she can't do anything without significant backup and that includes, charities,activists thinktanks,the NHS,the quality care commission and us complying.

    and that's not going to happen.

  • Sharebear
    Sharebear Community member Posts: 63 Contributor
    edited October 17

    This women needs a good talking too. She needs to know what it's like with any disability. I fought for 20 odd years with myself and managed to work with depression and anxiety. As I believed the routine would be better for me. After being told by one of my last employers I couldn't amend times I worked ( needed to go in on earlier less crowded bus) as she didn't see mh as a disability I founde it harder. Ended up on diazapam to get on bus and still struggled, i no longer use public transport and only leave my house if necessary. My body eventually just told me enough. Does this women look at how many have actually worked previously and then had to stop. Does she not realise we know how to write cvs? We definitely don't need some jumped up self important person telling us how to do this especially those who need hospital care. Maybe we should send her all the discussions that have been on scope alone where we are all worrying.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,171 Trailblazing
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    I'm going to email Stephen timms and also going to say about liz kendell and the constant attacks we had on us for a year from tories and Labour turning out worse we need people talking on our behalf like wfp I am so so so angry

  • Sharebear
    Sharebear Community member Posts: 63 Contributor

    She must be triggering so many people. It's so wrong

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,171 Trailblazing

    wait till you calm down before sending an email ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,171 Trailblazing
    edited October 17

    I genuinely believe in her case it's for kicks


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    Yes your right I was terrified the last email your so right thankyou

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,453 Pioneering

    We are being psychology bullied beaten down through news