UC Claim review - HELP



  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener


    Thank you so much for that, I've been worrying myself sick about it.

    We Don't have any savings at all. We're lucky if we have £30 at the end of each month lol

    Thank you again for replying.

    Hopefully now I can stop winding myself up about the appt.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    I'm the same with housing benefit doing random checks I automatically think I've done something wrong it's awful but I understand they need to do them

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    Poppy I couldn't find other post I get 481.20 every two weeks does that help I'm scared to call esa again incase it triggers assessment thankyou

  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Atlas Shoulders

    That's exactly how you feel, it's so intrusive them look at what you spend your money on as well. The whole thing is traumatising and feels degrading but as you say, I understand they need to do them, I just wish you weren't left feeling like you do when it happens.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    I'm dreading it I'm terrible with money I really wish I could work I'd be off this system you never live a life the stress is immense oppressive its designed to keep us low I understand why if thier going to question 20 pound item ect to me that's uncalled for

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    So I have 5 8000 as pip payback got on 20th march this year so they won't be counted as far as council concerned.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing
  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener


    I completely agree, I lost my job due to long covid, which has made other ailments I had but managed worse. I feel like I lost everything when I lost my job, I'd live nothing more than to ha e my job and independence, health back but it's been 3 years now and I'm no better. It doesn't help when you have to deal with this or people gaslighted you because they don't believe how bad it is because your disability isn't visible.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    Sorry to hear that also the goverment doesn't mention all people claiming because of long covid some people don't care when applying for uc me I'm shaking with fear don't mind them looking at bank statements but to ask what I spent on a certain day I'm sure not to remember the fear it put into you is immense along with our illnesses is soul destroying

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    That is disregarded from all means tested benefits for 1 year. After that it will be counted in with all your other capital/savings. There's a deduction for every £250 or part thereof over £6,000. £1/week for Income Related ESA and £4.35/month for UC.

  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Catherine 21

    Yeah if they ask me to remember anything it's going to be hard. My whole life is now run by alarms on my phone, 6 alone a day for medication, the rest are like check. The oven is off, feed the cats etc. I'll be buggered if they ask anything from memory 🙈

    I had a UC claim pre covid though, I worked in a school kitchen so not good money, they topped up the wages so to speak. So it wasn't a fresh claim from being ill, that just happened along the way.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    Its the fear of the unknown my mind will always come up with worse case ever let's us known how you get on I'm sure it will be absolutely fine

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Catherine 21

    Oh I feel that, I always go to the worst, never the good stuff 🙄

    I'll will definitely update once I've endured the appt!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    So when they ask om the 30th September your purchased item for 4.99 can you explain what on Oh yes that was for my piles I had to sit on a runner ring gets worse when cold and a purchase for 15.99 oh yes I remember for a recorder to play three blind mice

  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Catherine 21

    Lmao 🤣 I neveruse cash, always my card so they've got a ton of purchases to choose from lol

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    Oh don't that's kept me awake spend ebay clearpay tik tok you name it but I'm sure loads of people spend spend especially if it s linked to illness just horrid having to explain

  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Catherine 21

    Yes, when your health is bad and you're unable to work or even get out and about you have to find pleasure where you can get it, for me it's gaming so a fair few of my purchases will be on playstation store, I'm dreading them asking about all those 🙈 but it keeps me sane.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,782 Championing

    Yes mines face creams Loads obsessed well at least thier see it all in black and white questioning people on taking out cash and wanting proof of purchases some people don't have smart phones to order on there going to see alot of purchases especially if adhd and other disabilities spending