Do you believe in ghosts ?



  • Dragonfly79
    Dragonfly79 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    edited December 14

    Yes.we are given warnings sometimes..its just most people can't hear that mother was a nurse and was very psychic..she was always telling my father things that would happen..which he never believed till they did..most irrational he would think..

    I once thought I saw The Ghost of Chriistmas Past coming down the hallway ,but it was just the Mother in law,hehe..

    Merry Christmas everyone,stay warm and safe..have fun :=)

  • Dragonfly79
    Dragonfly79 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor


    Yes,animals and plants belong to their collective kingdoms..they're not as individualised as humans (but have great wisdom).

    Domestic pets are different and will return to owners after departure..they're often emotionally very close to their owners..

    Its a funny old world..universe..thingy..Good though :=)

  • birdwatcher
    birdwatcher Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering

    Yes. I've heard and felt pets we've lost. Always known who it was

    And years ago I think I saw a young man. He was dressed in modern day clothes. It was only when he disappeared I realised he wasn't flesh and blood. Didn't recognize him though

  • Dragonfly79
    Dragonfly79 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor

    Well,it looks like a win for the believers in a big and mysterious universe,and a loss for the James Rhandi fans…:=)))

  • stay_positive
    stay_positive Online Community Member Posts: 370 Empowering

    My best friend used to be security, she was at abandoned school and was on night watch. She took a friend with her to keep her company . They were sat in one of the offices and they heard a noise from the cupboard which was a walk in cupboard , they ignored it for a while thinking it was a mouse , then they heard a child singing and then the child was crying , my friend who is not freaked out by these things said she would take a look . When she opened the cupboard door there was a shelf and a child sat on it and was singing then crying . My friend told the entity to reveal its true self and then to leave . With that they both saw a really ugly demon and my friend told it to leave and never return and quoted bible scripture . It left , but so would I have left too lol .

  • egister
    egister Posts: 559 Empowering

    IMDb RATING 8.5/10 15k

    Mushi Master Ginko travels from place to place investigating occurrences that could be tied to supernatural creatures called Mushi.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 2,775 Championing
    edited December 15

    When I was a child we lived in high rise flats and the person before us ended thier life in the flat I was about 4 years old and every morning if felt like people jumping on my bed whispering (removed as personal details) and laughing I used to scream and I seen a shadows the scariest one was a shadow in the corner of my room all hunched up always hearing whispers in that flat when I got older I did actually think i was psychic and some studies have shown people with autism can have more that 6 senses very intuned

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 124 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Removed personal details from post - Holly.

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 872 Trailblazing
  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 124 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @michael57, no lol it is not. 😂

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 872 Trailblazing

    haha i am 99% sure i can read my dawnies mind the answer is always no 😈

  • IndignantPigeon
    IndignantPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 77 Empowering

    Really Agnia there really aren't evil spirits. Despite what I wrote earlier, I don't know what I experienced, whether it was a ghost, or me tuning into something bad that had happened in the building in the past, or whether it was just steps creaking behind me, given that it was full of old timbers and your imagination can run wild when you're left alone and it's dark outside. But even if it were a ghost, I came away completely unharmed. And it's very rare to hear of anyone who's actually been injured by what they think is a ghost.

    I take from what you say that you think evil spirits "make" people do bad things. Quite honestly we have to own up to our own responsibilities, we cause the problems, not celestial entities. Humans have an enormous capacity for imagination and intelligence, and they can use it to do good, with compassion and kindness, or they can use it to do wicked "evil" things. You don't need to imagine that spirits are responsible for this, that they direct the behaviour of humans, humans choose to do good and bad things all by themselves. If you're basing your ideas from the Bible, refer to Genesis, where it says humans were given, above all the animals, and above the angels, the power of choice. No one else, no evil spirit, is responsible. We are not empty vessels on which evil spirits act. Believing there are gives you a feeling of powerlessness, but the power to change ourselves lies in our own hands, not in the spirit world.

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 192 Empowering

    Apart from Pets why would other species of ghosts if there are any come and see us as humans anyway, just because we have not seen them does not mean there are not any, in my opinion, certain tribes, etc do communicate with other species' spirits as far as we know

  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,451 Connected

    a demon can attack a person in different ways , demonic possession is real and devil is real unfortunately

    Everyone has the right to their opinion and im too tired to convince anyone, there are many credible ghosts stories confirmed by people who have extensive knowledge in this field, for example pan Krzysztof Jackowski Polish clairvoyant or Polish Catholic priest and exorcist Piotr Glass who lives in UK ,

    Demonic obsession occurs when the devil specifically and intensely attacks at the person at the thought level he put obsessive thoughts and bed thoughts in a person head over and over again some people become suicidal some have mental problems , demonic harassment people in dreams as well

    fims were made to confirm and testify to demonic possession, and also the exorcism that took place , many books have been written by people who have a lot of knowledge on this topic to give testimony to it or help people at risk , i once had a friend who was a true Christian she had many books on this subject , spirit possession is explained in Wikipedia And This is too serious topic for me to say more about it

    Kind regards

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,244 Championing

    Demons/Ghosts/Devils etc do not exist - they are a figment of some peoples imagination…

    There are scientific explanations for all of these false beliefs

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 192 Empowering
    edited December 18

    And so is religion

    however, it has gotten the human species so far and now maybe it is time the species evolves with science, not forgetting our past so we won't do the same thing again

    One way ticket who is up for it?

    on a scale of 1 2 5 what r U?

  • IndignantPigeon
    IndignantPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 77 Empowering

    Hi Agnia,

    I agree this is too big a topic to discuss in depth here, but in general terms I respectfully have to disagree with you. There is absolutely no scientific evidence for demonic possession, the devil and so forth. I'm afraid it's harking back to the good old days of mythology and superstition. And yes of course everyone has the right to their own opinions, but the real problems start when these opinions are broadcast as "facts". This was after all how so many poor old women and their cats were burnt at the stake and drowned in duck ponds. And this was the basis for the thousands executed during the Inquisition. Beliefs that cannot be easily disproved can become incredibly dangerous, especially for the most vulnerable in society who would prove easy scapegoats for the woes of others.

    As regards demonic possession, I would say this has been disproved time and time again by medical advances, which would have proved ineffective if your claims were true. As for the existence of the "devil", actually the meaning of the devil / "satan" has changed dramatically over hundreds of generations, from it's initial meaning in the Old Testament. The satan used to mean any angel which was sent by God to test the faith of Jewish people. As such it was a label, "a satan", not a specific demon, and as an angel it was fulfilling the work of God. (I'm not speaking as a fundamentalist Christian, just an interested party) If you look at the early books of the old Testament, eg Numbers or Job, you will see this was the meaning of Satan.

    It only takes on the meaning we know today many centuries later, for example by the Essenes, who were a radical sect based around the Red Sea, ostacised by the orthodox Jews, who used it to good effect to bolster their own self-belief (normal Jews were supposed to be in league with Satan). This meaning was taken up by the early Christians, who were mostly Jews to start with and ostracised from synagogues by their contemporaries. Jews who weren't Christian were labelled in league with the devil. And again, when Christianity spread through the Roman empire, the remaining pagans, including the Roman power base, became the target for being under Satan's power, when being a Christian could mean a death sentence in the arena.

    In actuality there is not such thing as Satan, anymore than demonic possession. The horned devil we associate with Satan was a fabrication by the Romans to destroy the Celtic religion, they believed in a horned god who was the protector of the forests and believed to look rather like a stag, and aligning him with the devil was a good way to dissuade the local population.

    We should try to base our beliefs in scientific fact, not revert to superstition and their associated dangers.

  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,451 Connected

    Hi to everyone,

    i base my beliefs and rely on anthropological and neurological experiences and research and on the basis of the professional literature on this subject and i also had anthropology classes while i was studying , the last popes John Paul II who was Polish and Benedykt XVI and and Francis they often mentioned satan and warned against his actions ,

    on July 3 , 2014 Pope Francis formally announced and recognized International Association of Exorcists, the group consists of over 250 priests of various denominations from 30 countries who specialise of evicting evil spirits and demons from people or places , and for example German scientist Traugott Oesterreich psychologist already in 1921 wrote a book on demonic possession and as one of the first he was to provide a comprehensive description and he did present documented cases of demonic possession from ancient times to the present day,

    and belief in spirits already existed in the upper paleolithic age , and not only throughout the ages but also nowadays there are many people who voluntarily and intentionally submit to various practices in order to become possessed for example channelling, shamanism, hypnosis and the phenomenon of possession is common in time and culture and has a Well Documented and sufficient theoretical and empirical background

    a very dangerous demonic possession exists and satanic, vodou,black magic etc

    i could write and write here about this very serious topic and English is my second language , i had a friend who was a true Christian who belonged to the Protestant church a very wise woman who had many books on the subject of possession and as i wrote before for me this is a very very serious dangerous topic

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 1,640 Trailblazing
    edited December 20

    The absence of current scientific evidence for demonic possession doesn't entirely exclude the possibility that such a thing exists.

    There will always be things that science cannot explain and that we cannot understand.

    At one time in the past, those that advocated the germ theory were ridiculed. Florence Nightingale was laughed at for advocating hygiene practices in Hospitals.

    Science at that time could not prove the hypothesis, but they were proven right in the end.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 59,330 Championing

    @agnia My tag is not working, yes I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their beliefs, even if some disagree, it doesn't mean that one is right or one is wrong.