WCA consultation ruled unlawful - White paper, part 2



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,076 Championing

    Thankyou always so supportive means alot

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 82 Empowering

    I won't start a new thread but a Lords committee have called for reforms, these are recommendations NOT set in stone reforms.

    The cross-party House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) has today called for the government to “accelerate its plans to reform health-related benefits”, warning that the country now spends more on incapacity and disability benefits than on defence  

    • A reform of the fit note system
    • Individuals who are signed off work for more than a month should undergo additional or ongoing assessments
    • Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is not rigorous enough and susceptible to error. The assessment should be face-to-face and seek to establish what work an individual can do rather than looking to corroborate what they cannot do.
    • If people return to work, they should not be at risk of immediately losing benefits; or, if the job proves unsuitable, they should not be immediately faced with having to reapply for these benefits.
    • Just as unemployed people have a work coach, so should those on incapacity benefit for the first two years of their period on benefits.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,323 Empowering

    None of this takes into account severe conditions that are chronic / progressive. At one time, people on DLA were protected from reassessment, I think, but all that changed with the move to ESA and PIP. T

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 82 Empowering
    edited January 20

    Remember these are recommendations, not set in stone plans.

    Bare in mind though this "engagement" aspect has been mentioned by Alan Milburn.

    Quite frankly I'm sick of this nonsense that everyone puts it on for the bennies, I have to take a breather just to not go on a rant. So more is spent on disability/incapacity benefits than defense spending….is that OUR fault? No it isn't, who was in government from 2010 to 2024? They had plenty of time to reform the welfare system.

    I read the financial times article about this and people were salivating at this, yet I bet you that they're the ones who cry and whine about losing their Winter Fuel Allowance.

    Yes reform needs to happen but it needs to be in a way that benefits the disabled, not slash and cut and MSM constant hit pieces.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,323 Empowering

    I just can't stand all this. I've been physically disabled since childhood and am waiting for an ASD assessment. They're killing me.

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor

    Getting Britain Working White Paper ruled unlawful;

    huge victory, we shall see. Human rights cannot be ignored, and we have a independent (of the govt of the day) judiciary, which is basic to democracy: the govt cannot be judge, jury, lawmaker, and executioner.

    Laws must be objective and serve all citizens: all are equal under the law; nobody, not even govt, is above the law.

    So keep writing to you MP: Google ''Fin your MP'' please.

    Never give up. D o not give up on human rights to benefits,

    right to life duty of care, health and safety etc. I guess there are about 300* human rights, so can we really lose, if we get solicitors, and barristers to enforce them on our behalf as citizens with universal rights?

    • Under domestic UK , UN, and ECHR laws

  • stay_positive
    stay_positive Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering

    well it said it is for new claimants , so should not depress you , should relax you a bit more. But it was laughed at anyway because it was from Yahoo .

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected

    By the looks of it major reform to disability benefits is on the way. I just wish the government would be upfront with what the changes are going to be. Until they do say there is going to be never ending speculation by the media etc.

  • stay_positive
    stay_positive Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering

    But the Labour government said they are going ahead with it , this is to show how corrupt and uncaring they are , now it might wake people up , especially those that voted them in and thought they were going to save us .

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,120 Championing
    edited January 20

    Let's just stick to the facts -

    The LAST government's consultation process was ruled unlawful. This government will re-consult.

  • mangomungo
    mangomungo Online Community Member Posts: 85 Empowering

    I’ve just given up. Probably will be my last post here aswell as I’ve noticed replies getting snippier and I’ve had warnings from mods about the content of my comments. The government don’t care about me or my well-being so whatever happens, happens and if that means me being retraumatised into psychosis again by the benefits system then so be it. If that means no longer being able to have my sanity or any food or heating then so what, I feel helpless and like the dregs of society anyway and I’m sick of fighting against a mega machine that see me as a problem and not a person so I’m just done. I wish everyone here the best but I don’t hold out any hope for the future of this country or things getting any better

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor

    It is a good Q that 'Labour' govt will still go ahead with disability benefit reforms, in fact I am sure they are consulting their lawyers, and bill writers right now.

    We've won a battle not the war. We can win the war - which is an unfortunate word for a practicing Buddhist of 25.5 years like myself. And there is no justification for revenge, or ilwwil, ever Buddha said. We need to make a legal and moral case, with sweet reason, compassion for all, and show the govt and others, the very best in humans. Any fool can get cynical, downhearted, depressed, anxious, and inactive; we are better than that.

    We are stronger, and more effective than we know; stronger together; unity is strength. I am impressed by the more positive tone in SCOPE's discussion forum in recent weeks; we are not victims. People have shown willingness to explore egal options, taken up a more positive suggested, active, organised tone. And have shared their legal, and other knowledge and inspirations.

    Keep going, but we still need an alliance of disabled peoples organisations, Age UK as elderly often have several disabilities, trade unions, the TUC, friendly and free for good cause/ pro bono lawyers, e.g. Mind Legal Unit, pro bone group itself.

    And we need to know what SCOPE Campaigns, and media dept are doing to create and promulgate this positive suggestion for a Disability Benefits Alliance

  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 179 Empowering

    I feel the same I am not too sure how much further they can push me. It is a thin line now.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,323 Empowering

    But disabled people are not strong, united, or allied. The changes initiated by the Con/LD coalition proved that. Those changes led to deaths yet they didn't shock the general public, voters we need on side. The Green Paper re PIP of last year received a mere 16,000 responses from interested parties and only a tiny number of disability/ health related charities forwarded their perspectives. Cuts to welfare is a cross-party consensus. MPs are interested in their political futures… not us. We are weak and the easiest means of filling the supposed financial Black Hole. I'm exhausted and without hope now.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,076 Championing

    Just so much out there sayimg lords are pushing for this to be done quicker im worried about it alll plays with your head thanks for message

  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 179 Empowering

    I can't take anymore of this. I am done now they have pushed me over the edge today.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,120 Championing
    edited January 20

    carbow32, we are united as a community and we have a voice on this forum!

    This ruling came about because of DPAC's determination to expose the truth. They did this for you and me. This is progress because only with the facts can we challenge any new proposals..

    About Disabled People against Cuts (DPAC)

    DPAC is a grass roots campaign body. It was formed by a group of disabled people after the first mass protest against the austerity cuts and their impact on disabled people held on the 3rd October in Birmingham 2010, England. It was led by disabled people under the name of The Disabled Peoples’ Protest. DPAC has over 20,000 members & supporters and an outreach of over 45,000 disabled people. DPAC works with many anti-cuts groups, Universities, Disabled Peoples’ Organizations, and Unions.

  • Remina
    Remina Online Community Member Posts: 218 Empowering
    edited January 20

    It boggles my mind that the lords comittee claimed that..

    "Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is not rigorous enough."

    At least hundreds, possibly thousands, of people have been driven into early graves after having their support wrongly cut off due to failing their WCA. How much more "rigorous" could they possibly want to make it?!

  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 179 Empowering

    I just get weakier and weakier by the next thing I read .. this has been a bashing to my mental since latter part of 2023. It is like they want to beat us into submission take our LCWRA and leave us too weak to fight for it back. I'm done!! I am now definitely going to deregister as self employed with them (selling some craft items) before they use that to steal away the LCWRA. So in effect they are pushing me further from work not closer to it out of scaring me.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,120 Championing
    edited January 20

    I didn't understand that either. The summary is from B&W. I've had a quick look at the letter to Liz Kendall 😶

    Tomorrow from 11:30 - 12:30 is Live Treasury Questions with Rachel Reeves.

    ( BBC Parliament )

    (I won't be watching)