March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)
My chronic pain is consistent, whether I am at home or in the office. Since it doesn't vary much based on location, I find it beneficial to continue working. It helps me maintain my financial independence and provides me with a sense of purpose.
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I'm the same @MW123 I'd much rather keep myself busy when I'm in constant pain. Working certainly helps my mental health too.
But I'm very lucky to have a workplace where disabilities are understood and adjustments are put in place. I know many workplaces wont be the same and every person is different.
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I am having difficulty understanding the link below if you can please explain to me at the bottom where it says property disregarded close relative who has limited capability for work does that mean that if my friends has 2 property and they both joint claim in uc and they each of them leave in both property will they get universal credit? Thank you
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Why would a multi property owner need to claim state benefits? It's supposed to be a safety net.
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do you not think you answered your own question when you put in the 2 houses in the form and the answer was no entitlement to uc
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I did not say my friends will apply for state benefit he just wanted to know how it works because previously tax credit did give benefit and he doesnt know how uc works and the link that is been given by kimmy87 we wanted to know what it is explaining
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Does he get Tax Credits currently?
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What I don't understand is people saying will take years and this saying will start from 2025 so confused
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The thing is that they want us to go to work but because of reeves tax hike and ni ,business are closing.
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He doesnt get tax credit but he wants to know how uc works before he gets in uc he just wanted know the link you gave is that saying that if there is second property and first house that he lives in main home and other house for his family to lives in and the link you sent to me does it say that if friend or family lives there it should be ok? Thanks
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No the link doesn't say if a friend or family member lives there it is okay.
It has to be a close family member (parent, parent-in-law, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, step-parent, step-son, step-daughter, brother, sister)
The family member has to be state pension age or be receiving ESA Work Related Activity Group/Support Group or LCW/LCWRA with Universal Credit.
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The Guardian reports
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is due to publish a green paper on welfare "in the coming days", before Rachel Reeves's statement, on March 26
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Thanks for sharing @keira We're all prepped and Scope will give a statement once they've had a chance to compile all the information.
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I’ve just stumbled across this
I’m unsure whether this is a trustworthy source?
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Im in receipt of PIP just the lower amount for both. Does this government not think that people won't be scared,i am for one. I just want everyone to keep their PIP & BE LEFT ALONE! Last MARCH I had a TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT BUT I'VE NOT TOLD PIP BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO DRAW THEIR ATTENTION TO ME!
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It’s about to be on ITV news now
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Can someone post some thoughts on this. It's from ITV, it says about PIP being cut, UC being reduced etc.
Can UC being reduced happen immediately or is it like the other things, its something that takes time and can't just happen?
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I’ve been told, that according to the news this evening, the government are planning to put save £6 billion from benefits payments. Is this true? How will it affect UC and PIP payments going forward? This is very worrying as I’m just about managing at the moment. I can’t cope with the thought of having to survive without my current payment.
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The radical package of reforms will see:
- £5bn in savings by making it harder to qualify for Personal Independence Payments - a benefit not linked to work that is meant to help people with the additional costs of their disability
- Further savings by freezing PIP payments next year, so they do not rise with inflation
- Raising the basic rate for Universal Credit paid to those searching for work, or in work, while cutting the rate for those who are judged as unfit for work.
- A billion pounds of savings ploughed into a major investment for employment support for those who are looking for a job
The aim of the measures is to massively increase the incentives for people to remain in the work-search category of Universal Credit, even if they suffer with a health condition or disability, but also to more than £6bn a year by the end of the decade.
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This is published on the ITV News website:
The source is reputable. As yet, we don't have the fine details.
It is very troubling.