Upcoming changes to benefits



  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    Please, please don’t apologise! You didn’t say anything wrong at all, and your sense of humour is great ;)

    I’m autistic so I struggle to read tone, but I absolutely wasn’t trying to be rude there and I’m so sorry if it came across that way! I’m just so incandescently angry with this government and their spineless MPs (bar the ones who are actually giving an F about our rights to exist.) And I’m tired of mental illnesses being diminished in general. But I know that’s not what you were doing and again I’m so sorry if it came over like I was insinuating you were!

    I think a lot of it is also exploitation by the media. I keep seeing articles staying nonsense like “mum of six claims £3k in benefits a month is NOT ENOUGH” when in reality it’s a vulnerable disabled person who is genuinely struggling (and is likely on that much from enhanced PIP, being in a couple, having kids etc.) But the media take advantage of these people who have real concerns and publish them with the intent of making them seem like scroungers wasting hard earned tax. And then folk see these headlines and decide that mindset is true and they’re personally paying us to sit about watching tv all day (which is sometimes how I spend the day, because I’m too fatigued to do anything else or my paranoia is too bad to leave the house, and believe me I’d rather be up and about!)

    Sorry for that slightly off topic rant! I also just wanted to say that you have been through so much, and I’m so sorry to hear that. Your experiences and illnesses are valid, and I know that’s a given and also sounds cliched but I feel like sometimes it’s good to be reminded, even if by a stranger, considering everything we’re hearing about ourselves right now. You are stronger than these weak-willed cowardly politicians ever will be! We all are. We should never forget or doubt that.

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Just seen on X the TUC leader putting out a message saying they (labour) need to learn from history & not repeat it (Tory). Not to touch PIP it does need sorting but with unions & disabled community involved

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 447 Pioneering

    it’s a rollercoaster Catherine . And they know they’re causing suffering. Psychopaths all of them especially Starmer . Who’s taking Starmer to court ? I haven’t heard anything about that . Who’s fifi ? Glad her bloods came back good . Anything medical is such a worry.

  • Slonvinton
    Slonvinton Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    We all know that the 1billion they reinvest in employment support willl mostly be wasted- they have never managed to make any impact in getting employers to take us on.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,288 Championing

    Well I seen hope its true supreme court over connections to EU breaking some brexit rules and not consulting or following laws

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering

    Hi. Do you mind me asking who your MP is? (If you'd rather not say, that's fine of course).

    I'm just trying to get an idea of who may be on our side. I suspect that there may be unease beyond the usual suspects.

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    I think I’m going to email my MP, but I read last night that he voted for WFA cuts. (Even though there’s a lot of deprivation in my constituency. But who cares about the vulnerable right.)

  • Hobbit25
    Hobbit25 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    My MP voted for it too and it makes me feel awkward mailing her but I am still going to. I don't expect to get anywhere with her but at least I'll have tried to get my voice out there.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 387 Trailblazing

    None of it is making sense, if they're not going to cut LCWRA, they can't be thinking of cutting LCW surely? They get so little as it is which is one reason we have so many foodbanks. If I was on basic LCW rate as it is now I'd be homeless, if they cut it further I'd be literally starving, they have got to stop floating around mad ideas just to see what fightback they get, it's so Trumpian and it's not what I voted for.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 800 Trailblazing

    There is no LCW component on UC, its a classification but doesnt add extra money, so LCW will be bumped the same as base I assume.

  • Slonvinton
    Slonvinton Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    Yeah there is nothing to cut for the LCW group as they have no extra add on like LCWRA. If they wanted to cut money to those in LCW it would have to be a negative add on if you got into LCW…. could they do that- surely thats even worse than cutting LCWRA from a PR perspective.

  • ThirtySixteen
    ThirtySixteen Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor

    But it will be a negative for a lot of people on LCWRA too.
    For instance we were FORCED to move over to UC and as such we were awarded the transitional protection of £420.
    Then, we were awarded LCWRA and got the disabled element of £416. This ate up all but £4 of the transitional element. That’s fair enough.

    But if they take it then we will be £416 worse off after being FORCED over to UC.

    Surely this can’t be legal.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 447 Pioneering

    I just watched the video recommended on here , Noah bear Nyle life. She said she thinks they mean they will allow ppl to work and still claim benefits for a certain time which in affect means lcwra will be classed as lower . It’s a bit confusing so I’ll need to watch again but it did seem more positive.

  • Grissom123
    Grissom123 Online Community Member Posts: 113 Empowering

    Surely they should've done that from the beginning?

    They're basically acknowledging that they threw these plans together without even considering the effect they would have on vulnerable claimants.

    They're doing the same exact thing the Tories did - throwing together plans with no regard for the effect they will have for the sole purpose of winning favour with voters. Except its not working out so well for them.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 447 Pioneering

    Catherine did you watch YouTube video recommended on here ? Noah bear nyle life. She explains what she thinks they could mean about lcwra getting less money. She thinks , if I understand this correctly, that they’ll be allowing the people in the job seeker part to keep their benefits for a set time so it means then they’ll be getting more than lcwra without cutting lcwra . Obviously nothing is fact but it’s worth a look .

  • evonneo
    evonneo Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor

    My current MP is IDS so that is a non starter but is seems that Labour 's paymaster The TUC aren't happy...

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,395 Trailblazing

    The trade unions protested about the winter fuel allowance but Liebour went ahead regardless.

    They are hell bent on just refusing to listen to anyone.

  • Slonvinton
    Slonvinton Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    I cant claim to know what they will do, but if they did cut LCWRA I imagine your transistional protection of £420 would save you from it having a major impact. I dont see how it makes sense to cut LCWRA and say your transitiona protection is not moot.

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