Upcoming changes to benefits



  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 277 Empowering

    Thanks for recommending Noah. He has made it all a bit less scary. I had started self harming again, feel like I've been on the edge for weeks now, waiting for some clear picture of what is coming down the tracks. Even if it is bad, I just need to know! I feel calmer after Noah's 2 podcasts - thanks again to him and yourself @snuggles65

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 43 Empowering

    My experience in both WCA and PIP was that they were medically trained. Mostly senior nurses? I’m in Scotland on ADP.. my experience was positive.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 397 Pioneering

    a different bias also says the savings will be purely from stopping fraud . Obviously no one knows for sure but it’s good to hear others who seem to know what they’re talking about be more positive. Fingers crossed they’re right and we can relax.

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Listener

    Hi everyone, I’ve just been reading this. I’ve noticed a few citizens advice pages on social media have confirmed this too.

    What does this mean. Does it mean from April everyone on UC regardless of disability or not will have to upload things like bank statements every 6 months and will everyone be questioned on their claim?


  • IrishManc
    IrishManc Online Community Member Posts: 65 Empowering

    Since being diagnosed (online) with autism later in life in 2021, living 24 years in the U.K. originally from Rural Ireland, I’ve had no-post diagnosis assessment which would have been the bridge to accessing appropriate post-diagnosis adult autism support at age 54 now (there is none) and I still don’t know what my support needs are - the harsh reality is that mental health and hidden disabilities are not considered real and are not taken seriously, no-one is interested, it’s just assumed that you are “trying it on” and “attention seeking” or it’s “all imagined” and you are simply told (ordered) to “calm down and be quiet” and “stop talking nonsense” because there is a point-blank refusal to understand - and all of this in a (supposedly) compassionate and caring, civilised society, underpinned by Christian moral principles (I’m a traditional Irish Catholic myself) - attacking the most vulnerable in our society is totally ethically and morally unacceptable and it is very clear that there are other very sinister agendas behind this - it’s also very clear that for those in positions of power, arrogance and hypocrisy is a very dangerous mix indeed - aside from the “elected” politicians, it’s really time to look at the (real) role that the civil service and senior civil servants have played in all of this

  • mangomungo
    mangomungo Online Community Member Posts: 162 Empowering

    I could be wrong but I believe that this is just a prompt for people to confirm if there’s been any changes of income, starting a job or any other changes. To me it reads that it’ll be on the to do list as a prompt to confirm every 6 months that nothing has changed rather than leaving it to people to report a change themselves. I’m not 100% sure though as like everything with this government it’s all vague

  • deewhite
    deewhite Online Community Member Posts: 19 Contributor

    I have just email verses arthritis and asked them to jump on board with the campaign to .

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Listener

    I’d be fine with that. Just don’t want to be having to send in bank statements every 6 months as part of this new rule if it’s true.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    Labour not happy about all the WCA deferrals.

    Sir Keir responded that the Conservatives had "locked millions out of work

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    Well notice that Keir keeps saying for the "working people", to him everyone else isnt in the picture when it comes to decisions. He clearly only thinks the needs of working people matter.

  • Doglover2
    Doglover2 Online Community Member Posts: 153 Empowering
    edited March 12

    @kittenface19 You are NOT a burden,none of us are, I use to think I was too.

    Then one day I said why do I think this way? I'm of value to my family and that's all that matters.

    We didn't chose this life, we didn't ask to be born in this time frame or to be sick and disabled. This is not our fault... NONE of it.

    All we are trying to do is get one day by the next, we don't live ,we merely exist. My health's gone south rapidly,I've 13 conditions, new one cropped up two years ago and only got diagnosed last week after invasive tests and scans bloods etc. Part of my new problems Stress, no prizes for guessing why. Dreading the moves you uc,then I've a pip review if not this yr then def next. Had to calm myself down from my intrusive thoughts as it was exacerbating at least four of my conditions, I just had to try and get headspace or else I'd go under. It hasn't been easy for any of us,and the public think we get it easy. What a joke. There's not enough money they could throw at us to put up with the shizz we do.

    Head up,chin up, be kind to yourself. Namaste. 🕉

  • Houdini
    Houdini Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    they haven’t said much about DLA so anybody got any idea if they are going to do anything with it.You surely can’t just kick people off or is it just freezing it

    Take years for anything to get implemented anyway surely?

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing
    edited March 12

    Kendall has always been a "benefits are too soft" person. She looked quite angry that someone dared to ask the question. How dare they.

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 62 Empowering

    Dr Watts is wonderful. Her username is @ shrinkatlarge for anyone wondering. I’d really recommend looking at her tweets

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 397 Pioneering

    I’m not on X . Do they have an opinion on the welfare reforms ?

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 397 Pioneering

    aren’t we all vulnerable though? What’s their definition of vulnerable ?

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    love crace too

    Crossing fingers for a Jonathan pie video rant 😆

    Oh and a politicsjoe mash up video 🤣💖

    those would be the early signs of this going full blown public scandal (all exposure is got exposure as far as our community is concerned - the more people who start talking to one another hopefully the more they start asking the questions we’ve been begging them to ask for months)

  • theme79
    theme79 Scope Member Posts: 24 Contributor

    the cost savings (vague and uncertain as they are) are an inevitable consequence of what I warned when DLA was replaced by PIP - or when the identifying word‘DISABILITY’ was expunged and Alowance replaced with payment - words reflect the underlying language shift in philosophy and meaning and led and leads to justification of policy change.

    Disability benefits have been used since the Thatcher years to cover unemployed people without then having them listed as unemployed or creating a system that actually helps and supports people into or back into work.

    We have aided this mess by being too broad and loose in the use of the term disability which is (or should be) more closely defined and nothing to do with whether or not you can work - helping people to work if they have access to work or social disadvantages or face barriers and discrimination if they are neurodiverse is a role that government and society should have a robust and supported system in place which isn’t just about money but one to one support, education and training for both employers as well as employees.

    The problem has arisen because many disabled people would be part of such a scheme but that should have nothing to do with providing disabled people with the ‘allowance’ to meet the costs of having severe physical or cognitive long standing impairments.

    we have lumped all uni one basket and so end up with a mess. I could write teams on both how we define disability and how our failure to Bute that bullet or even engage in it for fear of not being inclusive has led to this situation. Of course inclusion doesn’t mean we are all disabled - it means we all need different supper and as such PIP is just a stupid,complex, adversarial and stressful benefit which should actually probably be two separate types of benefit one of which wo you of more closely resemble the early days and principles behind the iris DLA. The other would be a more proactive and well resourced system to help people get appropriate work or flexible employment that is appropriate and give employers the facilities and eduction to employ people - even the old quota system has merit compared with todays messy hotch potch.

    so much to say and having been disable almost all my life and been a CEO of a national charity, worked setting up counselling service for disabled people working with central government and LA etc I am only too aware of the inability for those in government to admit sometimes they just don’t understand what they are doing and also sometimes us as disabled people don’t help by not biting the bullet and working out what we mean by ‘I am a disabled person’ if we did and were clear and not trying to be all things to all people we could present a united and clear front to defend ourselves from being scapegoated as The Problem and too costly to support