Upcoming changes to benefits



  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,371 Trailblazing

    My personal opinion is if you have an existing award it will remain that way until it is due to end but my award ends next year.

    I think it will effect people like me and new claimants.

    Just my thoughts.

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering

    Here's a Telegraph article via MSN, of course the Telegraph love this but it's worth taking onboard. Define "minor mental health problems"? This will have legal ramifications because we're going into what is a disability aren't we? You cannot bar people from claiming incapacity benefits.

    It will be interesting to see how "Minor mental health problems" gets defined within a legal context.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering

    Yes but such an interesting way of ending poverty dont you think? Woefully need to slash welfare bills not lifting child cap ending winter fuel allowance.

    RIP Labour Party once an opposition and quite a force to be reckoned with going way back to 1946

    They didn't feel they were electable under Corbyn ...........I'm expecting a wipe out under Starmer at this rate but till then much damage limitation needs to be implemented

  • Jamk85
    Jamk85 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Empowering


    thats all we heard from angela rayner, to end all poverty! well that aged well.

    liers the lot of them.

    I have even heard liz kendal is not happy with these cuts, perhaps going a bit to far.

  • Jamk85
    Jamk85 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Empowering

    But this was from daily mail source so may not be accurate about liz kendals thoughts, i just wish they would bring out the green papers now and put us out our misery!

    Again this won't happened fast once they are announced well for current claimants anyway.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    This is true, but only if they are tested, they can attempt to ignore the law, and will only be held to account if the community is prepared to take them to court.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering

    It's possible Liz Kendall was more focused on youth but her boss has weighed in and the cuts rachel reeves were orginally planning of welfare has dramatically changed from 3 billion over three years to 6 billion a year quite a leap from her first budget in order to meet her fiscal responsiblities.

    Thing is to meet your fiscal responsibilities it doesn't specifically have to be Welfare it could be through alsorts of ways including wealth tax but Starmer has wholly declined that proposal so its a case of "Those with the broadest shoulders "will not be taking the brunt of responsibility after all.

    There will be Labour mps against these but realistically power of the Party lies more with the leader and Chancellor and they are no longer bound by membership or unions like they used to be but Private sector and private Corporations are reason why the rights of the people have been eroded over time just look at health Ombudsman and wholesale sacking of the health councils under Tony Blair because private sector didn't like complaints from the public for medical negligence. So they were fired and you have Ombudsmans in there place who are parliamentary with powers of zilch and there solely to act as a way of public Thinking they have somewhere to complain and actually don't because they are all Sirs that protect ministers of government, healthcare and so on.

    Times they are changing ~Bob Dylan

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Pioneering

    possible plans to crack down on the appeals process . Apart from the MR which is decided by the DWP the only other appeal is tribunal. Unless as was found in my case the tribunal erred in law . I can’t see them getting away with scrapping appeals.

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 379 Empowering

    Thank you. I do hope that is the case. I just found it so traumatic last year so don't really want to go through it all again so soon. I also worry they are going to reassess everyone on the LCWRA with must stricter criteria sooner than they would have done. It is all speculation I know, but it just constantly whirrs away in the back of my mind, however much I try and ignore it. I really hope your PIP assessment goes well next year. It is not right we are forced to keep going through these stressful ordeals when we can't help being ill.

  • PatrickLondon
    PatrickLondon Online Community Member Posts: 12 Contributor


    Brand new BBC Verify article with numbers, data, and stats.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Pioneering

    if this continues under Starmer labour are finished. Their only hope is to get rid of him and reeves. I don’t know one single person who likes them or what they are doing.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering

    I'm thinking if Labour were smart they'd call a vote of no confidence and reinstate Corbyn .

    I know he lost election and rattled the middle class and wealthy but so did trump and he got reelected why can't we get another shot her certainly won the popular vote.

    Let's be real after 14 years of Tory Austerity and Labour jumping on the austerity bandwagon which even Tony Blair didn't do people are hoping mad so a good chance to get the Party back to something resembling Labour not Tories on coke

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 774 Trailblazing

    I read even George Osborne refused ro freeze pip , that's saying something. He said it would go to far if he did that

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 774 Trailblazing

    I'm the same, sent mine form back last Jan, I can't work. Are they cutting it then before we migrated

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Pioneering

    it would be amazing if they did . They must know under Starmer they’ll be finished as a party

  • bench
    bench Online Community Member Posts: 84 Contributor

    Worrying times, we will all end up in the a Victorian workhouse,at this rate

  • Vulcress
    Vulcress Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor

    I honestly believe the lack of understanding the complete lack of empathy

    will see her removed, Call it lettuce watch II.

    They backtracked on non doms

    Taxing Gambling firms

    actually getting a viable agreement in place for brexit

    Windfall tax on energy or make them lower the bills

    I emailed the local MP, included a complete breakdown of everything needed,

    also informed them poo, pee, vomit, blood do not come out at 30C and quick wash

    despite what the adverts suggest meaning energy bills of 400 PPM are now the norm

    dropping slightly in the summer. disabled people are poor they know the poor in society are the ones who when they have payments it goes right back into the economy,

    Finally some sections of the local government are saying huge cuts could force disabled people into care and would mean either huge rises to council tax or those councils actually going bankrupt.

    I also reminded them, imagine a tummy bug the normal treatment doesnt work

    so you are having incidents of soiling but its on the same day you are either giving a media briefing or just working, the soiling occurs its visible and requires full change of clothes and a shower with the likelihood its going to happen a few more times.

    We know what would happen they would cancel and you would not see them until the bug is gone, but for others its not a bug it doesnt go away its part of life they have to try and deal with. And the non stop rhetoric everyone can work, most are frauds is getting soul destroying when in effect they are blaming people for either being born disabled or becoming.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 774 Trailblazing

    What did you read about esa ?

    I sent my esa 50 back in Jan last year. All I get we be in touch if needed. I'm still getting my money. I've just done that link you had and I need to be in support group. I sent loads of evidence to support my claim. I know there is a back log but there taking the mick