Upcoming changes to benefits



  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    Where are people seeing Timms saying 18-24 year olds need to be in work/training by April?

    The Green Paper consultation won’t have even finished by then

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,250 Championing

    Knowing them it's a preplanned I reckon thier roll out wca from September they will say as trialing not up to late 2025 2026 for new claimants they want this like a vampire wants blood I prey pls pls let be better than we think

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 145 Empowering

    That will be to do with that right wing think tank they wanted it to start with age up to thirty. Start with being the main point.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 777 Trailblazing

    There banning the tik tok etc for giving advice, scaming mobility cars. Timms is pathetic. He hasn't stuck up for us. Our jobcentre closed, due to unstable roof.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 145 Empowering

    I think I'll just turn into an anarchist

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    basically it’s the protest vote

    Strategic voting worked but that huge majority gave power they shouldn’t have.

    Aim one is to not vote in a way that gives any party a massive majority in votes or seats (unless labour sort themselves out by 2029 then the 2/3 major parties are all unvoteable)

    Aim two - use your vote even if in your area the winning party is locked

    Lastly vote for a party you feel comfortable doing so even if there’s no chance it will alter the seat result - the Lib Dem’s being the 3rd biggest party currently are probably the ‘tactical protest vote’ but I know that many scope members would buy Kendall’s flowers before voting Lib Dem.

    If that’s the case - England based, vote greens - Scotland based, consider snp - wales based, see if Plaid Cymru is a fit

    The 2024 ge was about voting with your head - in the 2029 ge it may be best off left to the heart

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Pioneering

    I don’t know. I watched Dynamic duo on YouTube. He’s usually pretty good . Take a Quick Look as I’m sure he mentioned where he got info from but my minds frazzled

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Pioneering

    yes I just saw that on YouTube. And I know some ppl don’t like the advice given out but the ones I’ve seen are not telling ppl to con the system just how you fill out the form. Thing is the assessors are against us and want to trip us up . I know it’s happened twice to me , even at tribunal. So these videos give knowledge where the government don’t want us to have .

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Pioneering

    I think done right it could be a good thing. If they put money into MH etc for the young from school age . Help them with apprenticeships. If no threat of lose of benefits and made VOLUNTARY. But there will still be young ppl unable to work and they still have the right to a decent life .

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering

    The Greens and Reform will win a lot of seats in the next election, that's my prediction. Tories are going nowhere, Tories are defecting to Reform and the Greens will outflank Labour on the Left.

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    I just watched it — thanks! (Also he seems really good — need to watch some of his other stuff later!)

    So yeah he did say that.. but I’m confused as to whether that means changes to LCWRA as well, or if it does mean changes but for new claimants only.

    But most importantly — how the fk is she going to get EVERY 18-24 year old into education/work in a few weeks? Logistically how would that even work?

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Pioneering

    my MP is corbyn and he’s going no where. Unfortunately he’s no longer in labour so I don’t know how much power he has as an independent

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Championing

    think you will find government scope have and are making cuts to save money

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering

    I'm reading all what Kendall and Timms have been saying and it just comes across as nonsense, about TikTok or Mobility scooters and getting 18-24 year olds to work by April.

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering

    Out of Timms mouth this afternoon “we are dealing with incentives for inactivity” so I’ve taken that as the payment you get for being on LCWRA is an incentive to get into that group .. extra money!

    It's because they CAN'T WORK. They're twisting the whole reason why people are signed off, it's really disingenuous.

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 139 Empowering

    @Stellar I see your point, and I agree that any scheme like this needs strict safeguards to prevent exploitation. Honestly, I don’t see the current government pushing it forward to that extent. I vaguely remember the Tories having a similar scheme when Sunak was in power, possibly under a similar name, but I never saw it in action.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,336 Championing

    just refuse to comply because you genuinely can't, if they start throwing their weight around state that doing so will worsen your condition or put you at risk and you'll seek legal advice.

    it works everytime and you're just telling the truth and refusing to damage your health further and they know very well if you did get legal advice they'd be in trouble so back off 😀

  • dream
    dream Online Community Member Posts: 118 Contributor

    This labour government is going to have a lot of blood on their hands

    People living on the streets coz they going to lose everything

    I'm worried about being put on the streets on case I loss my welfare

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 420 Pioneering

    he claims to know ppl who work in the DWP . He himself did too apparently. And some dwp in the comments. Obviously right now no one knows for sure but he gives good breakdown of information. I also just watched A different bias again. Even he seems upset with the government.

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