Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    I'm more worried about wca hope your move going well and your mum's doing well

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    I think it will have to happen doctor first do you think you have any traits of anything else ? If you do tell doctor everything over last 30 years till today he may refer you for therapy or mental health team that really would be first port of call I understand not wanting a label I was same for years but yes definitely start with doctor get your therapist to write a letter to take to doctor and go from there p

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering


    Was just browsing and yeah Labour's really bad Blair tribute act is going to bite them on the Left where the Greens are making headway across the country though primarily in more University oriented places.

    Labour are the party for working people but they were the party which cared for the most vulnerable in society.

  • Vulcress
    Vulcress Online Community Member Posts: 22 Contributor

    I still cant fathom a G7 country a permanent member of the UN security council

    the UK keeps getting warned about its treatment of disabled people.

    this is why various MP's want out of the ECHR, You know its heading there.

    I keep hearing social media posts about it being the Green paper and various deals

    will be made to water it down, But this level of stress is worse than 2010. Its 100% on Purpose

    They bailed on Non Dom taxes, Taxing Gambling firms and of course the windfall tax on Energy.

    Economists have told her in meetings the lower 50% of the country *all of us

    are the ones not only power growth through putting any money back into the Economy

    but any cuts would 100% wipe out her plans for Growth unless they rejoin the EU.

    The only Glimmer I see in this nightmare even more moderate journalists seem to be reporting Labour MP's are deeply unhappy and the ones who have a Majority they know will be almost certain defeat next time are reporting 1-5 of the people they were voted by are on PIP.

    Its like Talking to a brick wall, So wont amend her Fiscal rules but daily they say the Global situation has changed, they want to avoid "chaos" they might want to look at the shambles in America and still try and say her Fiscal rules wont be changed. The Security of being an EU member has gone.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    IIf You look on gov.uk says from 17th March changes to wca

  • egister
    egister Posts: 790 Empowering
  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 449 Empowering

    Hi, I did, yes. Funny enough (well, not really funny) my first one was in late December 2020 then another different one in I think February or March 2021. Then a third one, possibly in the summer of 21. I was very unwell after the first two but I was ill anyway so it was hard to know for sure if it was connected. As a nurse, I felt I had to have them, I think it was compulsory at some point to be able to stay in healthcare. I can't really remember I might have just imagined that last bit 🤨🙄

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,732 Empowering

    @Catherine21 Can you post a link or tell us what it says about WCA changes? Thanks.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 375 Pioneering

    you would think the UN could sanction them in some way . If they don’t have any power what’s the point ?
    I read on the guardian online not long ago that reeves doesn’t need to listen to the OBR forecast for the future five years . I don’t understand the full jest of it but he was ex OBR I think

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 375 Pioneering

    I haven’t even migrated over yet so no idea what will happen. I could have gone over to lcwra years ago as I don’t get SDP so I would actually be better off on lcwra. I’m also more concerned about lcwra as how much could they reduce it by and more importantly will they sanction us is we can’t work

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,104 Championing

    so your not opposed to trying something that you dont know will work one way or the other so why fret over taking another drug or a placebo i could say my strokes were due to not having any covid jabs but were most likely due to my age and working 60 or 70 hours a week

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 61 Empowering
    edited March 17

    I can’t follow Kendall’s speech on BBC but so far on BBC live reporting:

    She says there has been lots of speculation about reforms to social security, and that she wants to reassure the Commons and the public that the government will be coming forward with its proposals imminently.

    She says this is to "ensure trust and fairness in the social security system, and to ensure it is there for people who need it now and for years to come".

    Trust and fairness? Where? I’ve lost every shred of trust I had, and there wasn’t much to start with!

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 449 Empowering

    Oh I'm so sorry you suffer with all that. I think out of all the organs that could be affected, to me, the worse possible is the bowels. I felt really shamed by it, i don't think I do quite the same now but it's still so very limiting. I tried probiotics when I was still working but can't afford them now, tbh they didn't make any difference for me over 4 months and I'd got some that were highly recommended by a specialist IBS clinic i think in Wilmslow plus a professor in gastroenterology at a leading Teaching Hospital in Manchester I wasn't his patient but picked his brain via his secretary. They recommended I think it was hypnotherapy but there's no funding for that where I am. I have ocular migraine where my eye goes all fragmented like I think they call it kaleidoscope vision, it's very strange when it happens as everything i look at looks like its all broken up into bits and i feel i can almost see my eye, my optician chuckles at that one but its true plus j have nuclear sclerosis (basically early cataracts) and corneal dystrophy which I'm told is inherited/genetic but apart from osteoarthritis, I had no real health issues before Covid.

    Just saw yesterday that the scientists and Boris etc knew it came from the Wuhan labs in China as early as c Feb 2020 and kept it quiet.

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 84 Empowering
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    Also. Says reassessment for people who got lwcra under substantial risk that's me I be put on lwc has this actually been passed thier talking 2025 I think it's pip that will take years

  • Vulcress
    Vulcress Online Community Member Posts: 22 Contributor


    This was the last intervention from the UN and instead of reversing it seems Labour are going further, Kendall Suggesting in the HOC all this was in the manifesto ah yes that's why its takrn months of "planning" for these policies

    The same Manifesto that has seem huge policies dropped, the plan to axe the WFP a really vote winner. They stood side by side with WASPI Women then "Sorry not helping"

    but the Photo op was done.

    The list is endless, now the No 10 spokesperson has said the PM feels its a Moral duty to proceed, that guy lost all moral authority when he dropped the non dom tax changes,

    allowing Energy companies to do what they like, and the final insult is picking a fight with the weakest in society because he's lost every other fight with stronger people.

    Labour MP's now are at the same Crossroads as the libdems in 2010, If they vote for these cuts people will not forget, they are there to stand for the people who voted for them

    NOT to be sheep. I swear its like someone at No 10 is running some experiment to see how far they can push people in making sure its a one term Government, dear lord.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 375 Pioneering

    one condition leads to another doesn’t it ? My migraines are caused by stress and weather changes. So when it’s been nice out and it needs to rain I get a migraine. I’m basically the cow that lies down ( that old saying 😂)

    I buy H AND B probiotics 50 billion. Usually they’re on some offer . Right now it’s all I can do . I’m waiting to be assessed for intolerances now .
    I hope your ibs gets better soon as ppl don’t realise how restrictive it is to where it’s a worry going out.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Trailblazing
    edited March 17


    Sorry I don't seem to be able to quote reply for some reason.

    I have been under the NHS Psychotherapy service at my hospital MH wards for over 20 years, that's one reason I never bothered with a diagnosis, because I never needed one to access the treatment I wanted. My current therapist has had no luck in arranging a psych appointment for me because she's been informed there are none available to me, they only see inpatients now.

    In her opinion, I have CPTSD and Sensory Processing Disorder, also I would seem to tick lot of ADHD boxes and my daughter is diagnosed as having ADHD so it's possible there is some underlying neurodivergence, which would explain why I still have severe difficulties even after so many years in therapy.

    Unfortunately it's not within her remit to be able to diagnose me officially, she's not allowed. All she can do is write a letter with her opinion of the likelihood of further diagnoses and she's leaving in 6 months so I won't even have that once she's left because her post is not being filled. I will be passed back to the GPs who haven't seen me for 20 years.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 129 Empowering

    Omg going full swing . Far left mps ~no just normal mps ~


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    Has the wca actually been passed as everywhere I see wca changes 2025