Today is National...
...4pm Finish Day! Hint Hint @Adrian_Scope😂 But it is also National Online Learning Day! We chatted on a previous thread about If you could instantly learn a language, which would you choose? I thought it would be fin to ask; What online course would you take if you could? Languages aside, I would love to study Literature,…
Shops of yesteryear
I recently popped into Wilko's as they are selling items off due to the store being in some difficulty and it's a little sad seeing all the shelves as empty as they were and that got me thinking about shops and stores that have come and gone. Do you remember a shop/store that you use to shop in that's no longer on the high…
So Wrong
Hi as we have all heard what mel stride the boss of the DWP is planning to do making sick and disabled people find work...now i no some of you out there as disabled people might already be working or find this a good idea...but for the one,s who really struggle like me with day today activities this is going to be hard all…
Is it cursed? 👀
[Image above is a framed picture of a young girl in a red dress with a slightly stern expression]Hitting the papers the last few days has been a story from St Leonards-on-Sea. Reported in LBC this morning, we know that the picture was bough be a shopper at the Hastings Advice Representation Centre. Then returned two days…
Scope Shops Are Where It's At This Autumn / Winter
I know we have just gotten over a heatwave but the Autumnal months are just around the corner. Our Scope Stores have been busy getting their windows and stock ready. Just look at some of the stunning displays! <3 [Image is a collage of 4 window displays. top left is the Nuneaton store, top right is the Chester store, the…
Good Morning. I am going into town today with my support worker to buy some wool. I love knitting and socialising. What are you doing today?
Good afternoon
Good afternoon all. Hope you have a great week a head ☀️😎😊
Rosh Hashanah this weekend Happy New Year/שנה טובה
My Mate told me it was Rosh Hashanah so I'm wishing everyone who celebrates Happy New Year/Shana Tovah/ שנה טובה 🍎🍯
Times you were really lucky
Does anyone care to share stories from their life of times when they felt they were dealt some exceptionally good luck? Could be anything like getting a job you weren't totally qualified for, meeting a partner completely by chance, surviving illness or evading injury, winning something. But take skill out of the equation.…
Did anyone else read this in the paper?!
"Builders demolish section of Great Wall of China to create shortcut to work" I couldn't believe it when I read that headline in the Telegraph. According to reports, builders in China were seeking to create a shortcut to work and decided to smash a hole through an existing break in the Great Wall of China. A 38 year old…
Hi again. I have learning disabilities following a car crash when I was 26 years old. I am a sociable person and love writing letters. Is there anyone out there that I can write to? I am also hoping to meet people within my area.
GCSE dt research
Hi guys please delete if not appropriate, for my gcse DT I am researching and creating a product for people with disabilities, to make life a little bit easier, if I could have 2 minutes of your time that would be greatly appreciated Many thanks, Henry https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/T67JWWS
Set up a gaming community
Hello everyone So I am a gamer I play various online games and would love to build an online community where people can game and have abit of social contact with people I know I struggle to get out of the house so thought I would reach out on here to see if anyone would be up for building a gaming community to support each…
What would you study?
If you were given the option of a free undergraduate course, you didn't have to consider money or finances (including jobs after the course) and you had all the time needed to learn it. Just purely what topic you would most love to do at university. What would you go for? Personally, I'm struggling between picking…
RAAC / Concrete
The Daily Mirror leads on an investigation that found an IT firm linked to the husband of Education Secretary Gillian Keegan won a £1m contract from the schools rebuilding fund to replace server infrastructure in schools....Another example of more Conservative Government corruption? Giving contracts and public money to…
Buddy says Good Morning everyone 🥰
Good morning all
Good morning all hope you have a lovely weekend 😊☀️🍵
.....And the winner is..........
It is inevitable that Arsenal win the Premier League this season, Right?
I have just learned that they want to reform benefits again and as I fall under limited capability for work I would be affected. I am tired of living in fear all the time that I will starve or become homeless because nobody in power cares. I am feeling completely hopeless and I don't trust that things will get better. I've…
(Lack of) relationship & family members passing
Didn’t post this in the relationships section but feel free to move it if you think it is better suited there. Thanks. As a result of my circumstances, I am not interested in having a relationship. I have never had one and am not sure I ever will either. I wish I could have one but I am not able to. It boils down to all…