Hello! I have a close friend who has a daughter with PDA
Dear all I have a close friend who has a daughter with PDA although she has always said it was autism or aspergers. Having read more about PDA on your site and on the web I can understand more about how it affects both her, her husband and their daughters lives. She constantly eats ice and is free and inappropriate with…
I don’t know where to start. After a very traumatic birth my son (18) was born with cerebral palsy
Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong category I wasn’t sure where to put it and this is probably going to be quite long. Back story, after a very traumatic birth my son (18) was born with cerebral palsy, (mild athetoid quadriplegia) I was adviced to claim Dla for him at about the age of five but they denied it and…
Autism and eating
Hello all, I have a verbal four year old who is autistic and seems to be less and less flexible with what she is willing to eat as she gets older. She likes food to be plain, dry, and not touching. She loves crisps and cakes and eats apple at times. Sometimes she eats curry that I make and can handle spaghetti and pasta…
Hi, my name is KCJ81! Any advice on getting additional support for my child?
I'm a mum of one to a brilliantly charming, inquisitive little boy of 7. Unfortunately I am struggling to find inclusive services to meet is basic human need to belong. It appears that to be able to access local universal services he needs a one to one and I am not in the position to fund this as I am not able to work due…
Hi, my name is Rosierosie! Wondering if I should try to apply for direct payments for my step son
My stepson receives some funding from Social Services to pay for a session at Headway. Unfortunately the session he attends has been cancelled without any notice and he doesn't want to attend any other sessions Headway provide. I'm wondering if I should try to apply for direct payments so I can pay for another group or for…
Genetic chromosome disorder
Hey ladies I know I’ve asked this before but I’m desperate to find someone who something similar! So I’m a carrier of a balanced translocation between one of my X chromosomes and one of my 7s chromosomes which could results in my baby either having too much or too little genetic information and it would most likely result…
My child has communication difficulties. How can I teach him sign language?
Hi, my child has no diagnosis but communication difficulties and I want him to communicate . How can I teach him sign language please?
Anyone in the same situation? My little boy is not speaking and doesnt sleep
Hi everyone, I’m be here just reaching out for some support, chat, advice anything really. I’m a mum to 1, little boy 3 and a half. He has additional needs, no diagnosis as of yet. He is not speaking, doesn’t sleep and doesn’t follow any kind of instruction. I guess I’m just looking for people in the same situation because…
Kid refusing to go to school.
Good morning, well for me it isn't, my 15 year old son is blatantly refusing to go to school, I'm sat here this morning crying, as I suffer from depression and a disability that affects me, so don't have strength or will power to do anything, my son does suffer from anxiety, and states his being bullied, but won't tell me…
Using house to pay care fees
Hi, my brother is mentally disabled with hearing difficulties and continues to live in the family home in Wales following our mothers death 4 years ago. My mother’s Will set up the house into a discretionary trust for for the benefits of her 3 sons and family. My disabled brother now 74 needs to enter a care home and his…
PA how to get help?
We've been told that my son is not eligible for a PA. He is 17 has cerbal paulsy,learning disabilities and epilepsy he's on highest rate of pip on both becauseof his age he needs to be with other childrenhis age . I have two other younger sons things they want to do isn't age appropriate or not ideal for his disability.
Finding a carer
Hi, we’re looking for someone to collect our son from college 2-3 days per week, spending a few hours with him. They need to drive and we’re based in Hackney - any ideas welcome?! thanks
Seeking help for 12 year old son
Hello I am a mum of a 12 year old son who developed vocal tics 2 years ago. He then went on to develop one motor tic of rolling his eyes. The motor tic subsided but his vocal tics are getting worse and worse. The tics are affecting his daily quality of life including his schooling. I have had to keep him off school today…
Hi everyone. I'm one super proud auntie
A few days ago my sister-in-law (my youngest sister's wife) posted a a video of herself and my middle niece walking to their local shops. My middle niece is 9 years old, but she was diagnosed with global development delay when she was 2 years old. Usually when either my youngest sis or sister-in-law take my middle niece (I…
Changing from bottle to beaker
Hi everyone my son is autistic and other complex needs, I've been told by several authorities to get him on beakers and not baby bottle however he is completely refusing and will go all day without a drink if I didn't give him his bottle (basically his comforter) any advice on this would be much appreciated
Hi, my name is Pixiesparent! Parent guilt
Parent guilt, missing out on things all the time due to being housebound or bedbound, due to multiple conditions, single parent here with 3 gorgeous girls, finding it so hard to cope 😿
My step son has CP, learning disabilities and epilepsy. We're interested in groups and activities
I have 17 year old step son that lives with me he has cerbal paulsy, learning disabilities and epilepsy. We love to know more about groups and activities
Autistic son entitlement to his own room?
have four children in a four bedroom house, two of my children are autistic. My eldest gets a discretionary payment for her own room due to her needs. I am trying to apply for a disability grant from our local council to convert my loft so that my autistic son can have his own room. He recieves middle rate personal care…
Hi, my name is Istar! My daughter's under assessments of autism. I need help
I Have a 3 year old daughter who is under assessments of autism. I am strugling to understand how the support System work. I work part time and my daughter goes to nursery 3 half days even though I pay full days. lately I start strugling with everything like so many appointment and keep up everyday things. I am single mum…
Hi, my name is Legallybutterfly43! I have a 21 year old disabled daughter
I have a 21 year old disabled daughter, she doesn't go to college and she really wants to meet others and I really want to meet others who are carers and understand the life.