Trying to get a DBS for carers
I've discovered how hard it is to get a DBS check (police check) for carers. Particularly an enhanced DBS that you need for carers who look after very vulnerable people. Some councils don't provide this service at all. My council doesn't do them, and there are thousands of families using carers in my borough. So what are…
What does Christmas look like for you???
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Better to have a private carer or go to agency? Is it possible to keep my PA and get cover?
I have a PA that’s worked for me for a long time and I have got very used to her and comfortable being around her. During this time with my PA I have deteriorated and now fully wheelchair bound, so really rely on help, but my concern is if she has to call sick without warning and I don’t have no one I can ask to cover her.…
Occupational therapy
Hi to all, 11 year old son has been struggling to walk,lack of balance tripping over weak muscle tone in his legs he’s been diagnosed with flat feet about 3 years ago the last 18months he’s got worse he’s stopped going out just to school and back where he struggles constantly falling over covered in bruises no help/support…
Looking for parents of children with PVL and CP
Hi all, I'm Jodie, I'm 30 years old and a Mum of two. A boy and a girl. My girl is 13 weeks old and neurotypical. My boy is 2 years and 4 months, he has been diagnosed with Pereventricular Leukomalacia and resulting in Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy symptoms. He has global development delay and some sensory processing…
Creating Free (or cheap) Christmas Magic
MoneySavingExpert: 20 free (or very cheap) ways to sprinkle some Christmas magic MoneySavingExpert (MSE) have put together 20 ways to give kids some Christmas magic this year, on a budget. I've included brief descriptions below, but follow the link to get more detail on each tip :) What are your top tips for making…
Disabled parent in relationship breakdown
Good afternoon. I am a disabled mum of an almost 5 year old child. My spouse and I agreed to separate last month and we are currently co-parenting in the same house. He is my carer and main physical carer of our child. I'm not sure we could maintain this situation permanently but I'm beyond heart broken at the thought of…
Female Cerebral Palsy Football
Our friends at CP Sport have created a short survey to help more females living with CP get into and enjoy football. Female Cerebral Palsy Football (google.com)
Severe Microcephaly, hemorrhagic stroke inutero
Hi my name is Emma and it's my son maximus-theo that brings us here. Max was diagnosed with microcephaly at 26 weeks gestation so they sent us for an emergency fetal MRI the next day. At 28 weeks we received te results of the fetal MRI that confirmed max had had a hemorrhagic stroke inutero that had in turn destroyed both…
Daughter with CP struggling to sleep
Hi there my name is Nicola and I’m new to this page,I have 3 children 2 daughters aged 8 and 5 and a little boy who is nearly 3.My eldest daughter has cerebral palsy,Which affects mainly her legs,She can walk with her Kaye Walker but not unaided at the moment ..H has always been a good sleeper but as of late we are really…
Hi, my name is h11! I'm looking for ways to help my daughter socialise and make friends
Hi I'm looking for advice on online communities or ways for my daughter who have complex needs to socialize and make friends
Anyone experienced a parent getting more than 50% of assets in a divorce because they're your carer?
Hi - nice to meet all of you :smile: My Mum is currently going through a divorce from my Dad...which has been very difficult. It has taken him over a year to provide all of his financial information. Last year I was studying a master's part-time but due to my disability- neurological- and needing increase in treatment I…
Hi, my name is mattsteele! We're looking for PAs or carers in North Oxfordshire
We have two boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We're trying to find PA's or carers in North Oxfordshire. We have only had the usual no-shows so far. Can anyone help? Many thanks in advance.
I paid for a private OT assessment for my child. After 8 weeks I still haven't received the report
Hi all I’m sarah and I have a special needs child, on the 29th September I paid privately for an OT (occupational therapist) to carry out an assessment so that the school and myself could understand my child’s needs better. It’s now been nearly 8 weeks and despite sending several emails the OT is not responding and I…
Hi, my name is Benheidichloe3! My daughter screams for hours at night and doesn't sleep much
My daughter screams for hours on a night and doesn’t sleep much worried about affects it’s having on her
Hi! I have CP and pregnant with my first child. I am struggling to find support/advice/help
Hi! I have CP and pregnant with my first child. I am struggling to find support/advice/help for one armed parenting and looking after my newborn. It would be great if anyone has any advice or support groups that they could share - anything would be much appreciated. Thank you
Differing parenting styles and how it makes parenting a child with a disability 10 time harder
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Does anyone know of any respite services for a vented 13 year old with complex needs?
Hi does anyone know of any respite services in the east midlands for a vented 13 year old with complex needs
Hi, my name is Barry, Kayley's father in need of advice
we moved from the Northwest of England to West Wales late December 2019, Its been very difficult trying to get any day center to get Kayley the socialization she desperately needs but the task has been compounded by the Covid19 issues, after being assessed over 20 moths ago & a couple of times since Kayley is still being…
Anyone got experience of being prevented from seeing their disabled child due to parental arguments?
Good evening everyone. I wonder whether anyone has experience of being prevented from contact with their disabled child by virtue of parental arguments? It’s been six months and it just doesn’t get any easier.