I claim Pip And when I signed up on my assessment I stated that I was on the waiting list of being diagnosed for adhd, today I got diagnosed with adhd so I was just wondering if I should ring to make a change of circumstances and if so do I receive a higher payment for my change of circumstances?
Pip text
Hi Has anyone had text to say may need to see medical assessor and if yes how long to wait ? O
Why did my PIP stop?
I turned 40, is that anything to do with anything? My ESA didnt stop, why not? My ESA increased, why? Ive been on PIP for about 8 years, does it stop at a set date? Id call but I have mental health problems that makes it ghastly, and I dont want it to make my ESA stop as well
Second pip assessment
Good Morning!! I'm speaking on behalf of a friend that has severe mental health issues (she has been sectioned twice in the past, but last March she scored zero from her first pip phone assessment & after she put in a mr (with help from CAB & they said she should definitely have her pip reinstated) she scored zero yet…
Appeal help please
I have just spoken to the DWP and my sons award has been reduced to just mobility despite his needs increasing. Can anyone help me with the appeal please?
When would my pip assessment be sent to dwp
Hey guys, I'm claiming for the first time after being told that I should have claimed for YEARS. Anyway, I had my telephone assessment over two weeks ago but when I've called the pip inquiry line, they keep saying it still hasn't been received by them. I was under the impression it would take between 2 days - 1 week for it…
Cost of living
hi does any one know if we will be getting any cost of living extra payments with pip this year
Positive PiP review
Positive PiP review So last July I had my PiP review start, fast forward to the other day and just before I was going bed I get a message from my bank in my phone saying I had just shy of 3.5k go in, I had a look and it was from PiP. Yesterday I got a letter saying they have awarded me enhanced in both and the money is…
I have had my assessment, now waiting for the outcome. The only issue is my gp hasn't returned the factual form from pip yet. I am worried they won't wait for the form or do the descion makers always wait for the medical evidence if they themselves request it. It is all making my mental health worse
Redetermination time.
Hi Guys, Looking for some help. My husband applied for ADP in January, and was awarded standard daily living. We have appealed this and the 56 days for them to make a decision is up tomorrow, but we have heard nothing from them other than them confirming they had received the documents. Has this happened to anyone else?…
Pip online evidence upload
Hi Can anyone help please has anyone uploaded video evidence at all. My wife has tremors In Her hands and I captured it on a video. I would think thus would show that this is happening but the files are not allowed only Docs, PDF, and Jpeg. It does nor mention Mp4 or AVIs. Thanks in advance.
Hi All, I’m new here but I thought I’d ask your opinions My MR decision came through the post yesterday and as expected no change! I currently get standard living rate and I believe the struggles I face on a daily basis still isn’t being taken into consideration in the points they have given me! I had a stroke a number of…
Capita (pip) update
Good morning just a quick update I had an assessment book for 9:15 Friday 7th no phone call. I called capita Friday & was told to call Monday, I’ve just called & have now been told to called Thursday or Friday when their systems have been updated. I queried why does it take so long & was told they need to look into why I…
PIP new. Unexpected phonecall!
I've recently applied for pip for my 16 Yr old son. He has Autism and possibly ADHD. struggles terribly with his mental health. Am his appointee so maybe they havnt given us an assessment. I sent forms back 3rd March. Then yesterday they phoned unexpected and asked me some questions. She went on to say she will complete…
Medical evidence
Hi. I have received my PIP form. I have a basic print out from the GP listing my conditions, medication, the last consultation details. I also have OH reports, sick notes spanning the last few years, a mental health services referral (I’ve lost their assessment and subsequent referral back to the GP), a letter confirming…
Pip review assessments. Mental health.
Hi guys I'm sam. I was thinking I could offer assistance. I've heard people saying it's hard for mental health. My brother luke got complex paranoid schizophrenia at 17 he's 33 now. They put him on higher for both with dla. When he swapped over to pip, he still got higher everything. He's Been sick 16 years and had dla/pip…
Interview for the BBC...
So, this is a bit different. In a nutshell.. Made a comment on 'Your Voice, Your Vote' (BBC news story). The comment was about how we, on benefits, have no idea what's going to happen in the next government in relation to benefits and the clear lack of support for people on the sick etc. A producer then made contact..…
Hello All, Hope you’re all having a great weekend. I finally had my dreaded pip assessment On Tuesday just gone (4th June), Report was sent off to DWP literally 10 -15 mins after my assessment as i had received the text to say they got my report. I called DWP and asked for it literally within the same hour. My Report was…
Hi, my name is jodaley!
Hi , i' ve just had the letter saying I need to change from DLA for my son who is autistic, to PIP before he is 16. I can nominate myself to be his appointee to answer their questions, but I m obviously highly suspicious of the process. Is there anywhere I can get help from to do the application to ensure he receives…
hello can someone help me I have had pip for over 13 years and I have a denigrated disease I was involved accident a work i have iidb 80 percent assessment by dwp doctor for the PIP I sent the Revue and the send form for my gp to file up my gp done the form now who sent me a letter for a telephone assessment is good news…