Pip payment stopping
Hi there pip payment changing to vouchers I am deaf I don't wear hearing aids it work on me I read on Google page they are rolling out vouchers that sad... do still get cash or ammi getting vouchers even tho I don't wear hearing aids??
PIP assessment
Hello everyone, I just got this text and am feeling rather anxious. Does this look like they are currently looking at my claim? How long does this usually take? Thank you “Hello from Independent Assessment Services. We conduct Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments for the Department for Work and Pensions DWP.…
Pip decision, confused
Hi I rang pip yesterday regarding my son’s claim, I’m his appointee. the woman said there was a decision and told me the decision over the phone. i rang again today to find out when it would be switching from dla to pip and the man I spoke to said he couldn’t see the decision? He spoke to a case manager who told him there…
Mobility payment
Hi I was expecting my first mobility payment to be taken for my car today but I got the full amount does anyone have the number I could phone so I can check if it’s a mistake? Thanks
I was advised to go for ill health retirement. I've now been told I may have to have a reassessment
Hi I’ve just found out about this forum today, it’ll be great to be able to speak to somebody. I’ve just been told by my Occupational Health and Manager that I should go for Ill health retirement, as I lose a lot of time off work through fibromyalgia, I work full time as a Healthcare Assistant. I spoke to somebody today to…
Hi, my name is salem! I wanted to share my PIP journey.
Good morning all just wanted to share my journey i applied for pip 11th march telephone call 23rd april awarded 2nd may was surprised after everything ive read at how quick it was
Pip deadline before tribunal
Hi I was rejected for both original and mandatory reconsideration for pip, their deadline for before tribunal hearing was today, I have missed a phone call and had a voicemail to call them back, is this potentially good news? Thanks all
PIP Vouchers
Hi, What's peoples understanding of this is it everyone on pip regardless of how the illness affects you or is it certain groups of people that they believe can do without PIP payments?
Pip new rules
Hi everyone , Just wanted to ask if there was any news on what's going on lately with pip ? I can imagine a lot of us being stressed out right not knowing what's going to happen next ?? It's a true worrying time for us all Thankyou 🙏
has anyone received their yearly pip update letters?
has anyone received their yearly pip update letters
PIP Appeal and weird phone all
Hi everyone. Looking for some advice on here. I was awarded PIP in March 2022 however my mobility needs have never been taken into account. I was awarded points under the “cannot undertake any journey” I have always argued that this is not the case and that I go out daily with my assistance dog and someone else. In January…
Change of address pip
Hello I've recently been in supported living and due to the accommodation feeling unsafe now as other residents there are using etc and being too far from my family and support network ive now decided to move back into my parents where my mum will help support me with my care needs. My question is since my care needs will…
Hi, my name is Jesswebbo66! will they take the payment for working tax over payment owed from 2016?
Hi I have a pip back dated payment but there said its gone to debt management will they take the payment for working tax over payment owed from 2016?
Pip reviews - getting quicker?
Is the back log easing and are reviews getting done quicker now?
hospital stay
Hi I am due to go into hospital for surgery soon and will likely have to stay in for 1 night. Do I need to let DWP know about this as a PIP claimant?
Carers allowance
hi all, I got standard pip on both components and now as im single with 2 dependents and need really someone to help me about so if my friend apply for carers allowance for me do I lost my premium disability payment? what effect on my payment? Thanks
Complaint Against Capita Assessors Report - Conclusion
Just to let people know - after my daughter received zero points after her latest assessment, history 25+ years of higher rate DLA/PIP - mobility & living, I sent in a complaint to Capita. The complaint was based upon the Assessors report not being factual and ignoring/omitting all evidence that had been supplied. Today I…
Advanced claim- PIP?
hi, my partner receives PIP and is due to end in July this year, he didn't receive the usual review pack in the mail instead he got a letter saying if he wished to continue to claim he needed to call up and let them know. he called up the number on the letter but he was told he needed to call new claims instead, so he…
New pip rules - can’t stop worrying
I’m so stressed about all of the media coverage of the changes to pip. I know that nobody really knows that’s going to happen, not what are peoples hunches? Will claims remain as they are until the review? Or will some of us suddenly have the pip rug pulled from beneath us?
Hi pip
With my phone call I found her to be very rude but I did get both enhance rates I've heard a lot of stories on here about people not passing I really didn't think that I was going to get it the way she was with her attitude I've found a very rude wanting to go for it quickly never really give me a chance to explain I don't…