Train to plane and other way round?
Hello people,hope u doing well today? I am a disabled traveller who wants to know how to get from the train platform at Heathrow airport to the airline check-in desk?This is quite a distance,previously I was able to walk/stumble along but my abilities have deteriorated and I need a wheelchair to travel far these days.Will…
Blue Badge Security holders
Hello there We have recently got a blue badge for my partner. At the moment we do not have transport but when we do, obviously will be using the blue badge Do people tend to get the blue badge protectors and things that lock onto the steering wheel as well? Just a side note, I live in London so crime rate is high. I…
Cars with driver side hand grabs?
Hi all, I’m looking for a new (used) car for my disabled mum - she has said she needs a driver side grab handle and I’ve really struggled to find cars with one. I can’t find a list anywhere either so wondering if this community could help? Looking at hatchbacks - polo/fiesta/ceed sizes. She currently has a 2004 polo, which…
Vacation to Spain
I am planning to vacation in Spain for three weeks. I was just wondering, can you guys give some suggestions on what to see there?
Just got the phone call I was waiting for :)
Hi, my name is emma_17! Can you register a vehicle for free tax online?
Hi there I’ve have ME and just joining.
Have to get a taxi to volunteering
Hi everyone I volunteer in a charity shop and a hospital and for a children's organisation I'm just wondering if there's any help out there. My manager said today she doesn't want us out of pocket for volunteering but it's the only way I can get to go to my volunteering.
Grant Stopped on hand over day
Over 3 weeks ago prdered a new car(grant already awarded),had email from hoist fitting company ,everything running smoothly,spoke to motability about BP pulse card was even told how much of the £750 we were due on collection and if I have my bank details registered they'd credit the account instead of sending a checkThen…
Hi, my name is newuser! Has anyone had a similar experience with motability?
I have applied for my first motorbility grant. so far it has been a bad experience. First call the adviser tried to fob me off, telling me to go to the site to look for cars without a deposit! However, the make and model of car i've always driven requires a deposit. i then had an email asking for me to pay half the…
How long for Mobility car
Hi I have never had a mobility car before but I’m thinking of getting one, I’m just wondering how long it takes to get one? I’ve heard it can take quite a while, I was hoping to get one before I need to pay for the insurance again ( I pay yearly) on my current car in May thanks
Cancelling an order
Hi Everyone, I have been thinking of cancelling my order for a car, it's not ready until July and to be honest with my anxiety being so bad and not going out I am not sure I will use it much, so it doesn't make much sense to continue with the order. Has anyone had experience with cancelling an order and if so how much is…
Driving Lessons for people with Disabilities
Hello all. I suffer from life long anxiety both social and general and a learning difficulty, i have had these problems since birth and i am very nervous around people. I also have physical disabilties and at some point soon i will have to get driving lessons so i can start to be independent. It will mainly just be for…
When is my first motability payment taken?
My first motability car is ready by the 14th of Feb. I had a pip payment today, and the next one is March 1st. If I do get my car by the 14th Feb, will they take the first payment from my PIP on the 1st march?
Hi, my name is kizzy131! Can I get my car tax backdated?
I didn’t know I could get my car tax free so I’ve been paying lat 3 years can I get it backdated?
Grants to help me learn to drive.
Any one no of any grants to help with learning to drive really struggling just wanna be able to do things for my kids without relying on my mum
Cars for basic travel
Does anyone know which cars cope best with low usage? I need an Automatic with at least 4 seats (that fits 2 car seats) other than that I'm not fussy I just want practical/working. I live rural but not too far from a town center and currently drive approx. 600-700 miles per year (about 15 miles per week to shops etc...…
Hi, my name is M2424! Refused blue badge.
Blue badge refused how planning a journey 12 points descriptors F
Driving Licence
I am in a bit of a pickle and I wondered if anyone can shed some light on what I should do. I recently was awarded enhanced PIP for mobility and ordered a car. However, I haven't driven in years and my driving licence expired. i didn't even know it expired. To cut a long story short within that time I got married, but my…
Post stroke rehab - need driving lessons before getting back on road in adapted car.
Hello all, I am new on here. My father has been using driving as a motivation to get him through rehab post stroke and seizure, a year and half of physio and speech and language and he is doing amazingly well. I am trying to find out if anyone else has knowledge on how i can get him help to practise driving again? It isn't…
Insurance age limit on Motability
Does anyone know if there is an upper age limit for insurance on Motability scheme for a driver? I know some policies won't insure older drivers.