Hi I was placed in the LCWRA group through universal credit a few years ago, I am know due a reassessment for WCA for universal credit, do they put a notification on your universal credit journal, when your due a reassessment. Do they notify you they are sending out a capability questionnaire form on a reassessment or do…
Uc migration
Hi everyone I was hoping someone may be able to help i claim new style esa support group and partner gets carers allowance we got a letter telling us to migrate which we thought was strange as our benefits are not means tested. We called uc who told me call esa they told me call back to uc it is beyond a joke so we called…
Migration letter ,bank account
Hello everyone Couple of questions . I am an appointee for my daughter she's on ESA,support group ,pip ,hb Shes not had her mirgration to UC letter yet , is there a back log . Also I'm her appointee but she has her own bank account in her name ,so all her benefits get paid to her ,I decided this years ago to give her a…
uc migration and council tax
hi all hope someone can help. i got a letter from council tax after migration. it has my net award of universal credit listed but also says unearned household income £68.73. does anyone know what this could be i have no other income only pip but it says that isnt counted. im confused as of what it could be. thanks
Sick. Note
At what point do I need to supply uc a fit note or sick note, I estimate it's going to be at least a year before I can work
Direct payments
I am half way through a care assessment as I need support. If I get direct payments I am not able to manage the responsibilities of being an employer for my care. Can I receive direct payments but pay an agency for my care
Well the day has arrived when I finally made my UC claim-been stressed ever since I received my letter on Oct 7th-now it's done -filled out the to do list -left my messages about migrating from the Esa support group and my transitional payments-also my housing APA claim-now it's more waiting until I find out -if ever the…
Appointee and migration
asking on behalf of a friend. she has an appointee and wanted to know if her appointee has to fill in any parts of the UC migration specifically. or if it’s standard sort of questions. Her appointee usually fills out the physical forms but was unsure of the process of appointee in a migration situation. I’m guessing her…
Universal credit - Will there be any housing cost help?
I have yesterday finished my universal credit form and sent it online My question is. I am single and I live with my adult son He works full time and I am unemployed and on sick Will there be any housing cost help for rent within my universal credit claim Or because my adult son of 24 works full time do I receive no help…
Work capacity decision
Hi I've been on sick now since November 23 for anxiety depression and chronic asthma,I was ment to have a call about it but had a breakdown the night before as it should have been my sons birthday but he woz stillborn at 38wks so missed call rang them up they said my advisor had to put me forward again,so I went with…
Uc migration asking for an extension
HI. please could I have some advice on asking for a deadline extension on disability/health grounds and how to be successful in securing an extension. Thank you
Awarded lcwra, when should I see a change in payment?
I have been awarded LWRCA.. got the decision on 23rd December First Submitted fit note on 12/9/24 Assessment 6/12/24 My question is when would I expect to see the change in payment I get paid every 11th of the month I know some people don't see the change until a few months after Merry Christmas and thank you all
I haven't received my universal credit
Hi I haven't received my universal credit
LCWRA help!
Hi I've been off sick from work coming up to three months in January. I have a current universal credit claim, and I submitted a change of circumstances regarding my health, and gave the dates for my sick note which lasts three months. I asked to apply for LCWRA, and they said that I just had to keep sending in sick notes…
Migration legacy to uc
I have always been told to be grateful and thankful if someone give you a present. It's rude not to. Well the dwp have dropped a early present through my postbox on the 21/12/24 migration letter . Well I am very ungrateful and my thoughts are offensive and rude. I am on esa pip housing benefit sdp. Will I have to send…
Migration from UC rent question
Hello. Due to migrate over to UC soon. My question is that UC housing costs are paid pcm and the rent from the HA is charged weekly minus bedroom tax. The calculation for HB at the moment is weekly and is paid 4 weeks in arrears. Is this still calculated in the same way on UC as HB? If calculated as weekly the rent 521 and…
Moving to UC (another thread sorry!)
Hey everyone. Sorry for another thread I'm sure there's been many. Ive just received the 3 month migration letter to move over to UC. I currently receive: Contribution based ESA + SDP. Enhanced PIP for both daily living and motability Housing benefits Council tax support I also do permitted work. I have tried multiple…
Carers eliment.
hi I have claimed carers element for my partner. We live together and she gets pip and lowrc. I’m worried that she will lose her lowrc or some of it. I don’t want her to feel like she realises on me and is paying for my help as she will deteriorate more and I need her to keep independents and learn to get stronger and…
Benefits question confusion - are Christmas Gifts income?
I've been looking this up and I've got, like, 5 different answers. I know they count as capital if they're large enough (they're not), but I wanted to know if they were income. The main answer I've been getting is "no", but I've heard a few people say it might do and one person say any bank transfer counts as unearned…
Still waiting for my letter after lcwra award
I was told via the DWP journal I had been awarded lcwra on 29th November 2024. I've heard nothing since from the DWP or via the journal. I first applied for UC on sept 10th 2024, submitted my sick notes. The DWP has put my payment date as the 16th of the month. I appreciate i have to wait 3 months after submitting my first…