The Book Nook



  • CountryMimi
    CountryMimi Scope Member Posts: 156 Empowering

    I really would like to do it more!

    Oooo I'll definitely be having a look into that one!

    Love a road trip! Hope you're able to find someone 😃

    Oh gosh, I know it is so cold again! Hopefully it'll start to pick back up though and you'll be able to enjoy your lovely new hammock 😃

    I'm just going to be completely honest and say i haven't ever heard of them 😅, so glad you're enjoying them! I'm so stubborn when it comes to sticking with what I love and know 🙈, though I do have a book that I bought a few years ago, The Shack by William P. Young which was adapted into a film, currently on Netflix. I've been put off reading it though as my mum said she read it and didn't really understand what was going on - however, it could be a good start for me and broadening the genres I read!

    Will you be able to move your hammock inside & outside? It would be well cosy! I would definitely end up falling asleep as I would feel so relaxed 😂😂😂

    Ooo I'll definitely be looking for inspo!

    Out of interest, have any of you got a little free library local to you? There's one not too far from where my mum lives and it seems to be well maintained, in an old telephone box that's been restored 😃 I was planning to go and have a look before I went on holiday, but it didn't happen. There was one where I went on holiday and whilst there was a nice little collection, there wasn't anything that caught my eye
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing

    If you are on Twitter, you can put the hashtag #booktwitter in the search and find so many independent sellers that deliver. 

    I hope so, the hammock is still "out for delivery" so hoping I can get nice weather this weekend and it delivered today. I will have to have it outside though, don't think the dog would like it taking up her space in the living room 😂

    I picked them up in the 3 for £6 at The Works months ago on a whim. I finished Gallows Court last night. Was really good, can't wait to read the second one. How many books are on your physical tbr at the moment? You'll have to let us know if you ever read The Shack and what you thought! 

    I've seen those on social media! we don't have any near me, but I think they're fantastic! I think they are a great way to entice people to read more! 😊
  • CountryMimi
    CountryMimi Scope Member Posts: 156 Empowering

    Ahhh shame, I don't have twitter. Only sm I use is insta - I'm sure it'll come up with something similar. Thank you!

    Ooo taking its time! Don't know about you, but I get soooo impatient with deliveries, especially when I'm really excited 😂😂😂 I've just ordered some brand new crutches and was so tempted to pay the extra £5 for next day delivery, but would think ordering them at 9pm would be too late for next day and standard was free anyway, so I saved on delivery entirely 🤪 awww bless haha, what dog kind of dog have you got? My mum, sister and I have a 16 year old jack russell x miniature schnauzer, though she doesn't act or look anything remotely like 16!

    This 3 for £6 deal in The Works could turn out to be dangerous 🙈 so so good that you've managed to pick them all up for an absolute bargain though!

    Hmmm so with a TBR what do you class it as? Books you own, or books you want to read?

    If it's books owned I've got 5 TBR at the minute

    Girls Just Wanna Have Funds - Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen, Camilla Falkenberg, and Emma Due Bitz
    Girls That Invest - Simran Kaur
    The No Show - Beth O'Leary
    The Shack - William P. Young
    What's Your Vibe - Craig David

    How about you?

    I definitely will let you know about The Shack once I get round to it. Have you ever read it or watched it?

    I think they're amazing these little free libraries. If I had the skills to build, I'd definitely make one for local to where I live
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing

    You will find similar on Instagram too :) 

    I do too, I get more impatient when they say "arrive by this day" and then they are delayed! Oh that's always the kicker for me too, do I pay for next day or save and get free delivery. Or, in some cases, the third option. Do I buy more to get free next day delivery :D

    Have the crutches arrived yet? My hammock did come, I spent most of the weekend in it with my books 😂

    I have a 13 year old collie, her name is Gwen and she doesn't act her age either! You'd think she's an overgrown pup some days.

    It can be! I have found a few newer books have gone into the offer online and I'm being good and waiting until I go into store so I just spend the £6.00. Ok, I'm laughing typing that because I will probably spend more 😂

    I have two lists my physical tbr and then my to buy tbr. 

    My books I own one is currently spread over 4, 32L boxes! For June I am going to try and read:
    - Murder at the House On The Hill by Victoria Walters.
    - Murder at the Summer Fete by Victoria Walters. - There is also a third book which is one of the 3 in the offer at the works.
    - Mortmain Hall by Martin Edwards.
    - The Phone Box at the Edge of the World by Laura Imai Messina.
    - The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley by Sean Lusk.

    Possibly a few more dependent on how the month goes! I have read or watch The Shack it does sound interesting when I found it on Amazon. 

    I think you can buy them online from a few comments I saw on Social Media. But building one yourself would definitely be more fun!
  • CountryMimi
    CountryMimi Scope Member Posts: 156 Empowering
    edited June 2023

    I'll have to have a gander on there.

    Hahaha oh yeah, it's so annoying when they don't arrive on time. I arrived a car sticker on Friday from Ebay and it's already arrived! If I'm slightly off the 'spend x to get free delivery' I'll tend to spend if there's something I want or need. I should remember that for amazon next time 🤔

    I bet you've had a great time! Have you had nice weather? Was planning to sit outside and read today, but it's quite chilly with the wind. Crutches haven't arrived yet - don't think they've been dispatched yet either, so will keep an eye on that!

    Awww, Gwen, so cute! 🥺 That reminds me, when I worked as a nanny, the grandparents of one of the families I worked for had 2 dogs - Gwen & Bridget. When Gwen had a wee, she would literally do a handstand, getting up on her front paws to wee - it was hilarious! Dogs are so funny aren't they! Lottie gets so spoiled - it was her birthday a few weeks back so we took her to a dog cafe, she got a 'pupcake', then we went to Pets at Home... Trust me, this pup LOVES shopping 😂😂😂😂 

    😂😂😂 How long do you give that?

    Probably gonna end up popping to the works tomorrow, so shall see if there's any new books then.

    Gosh, you have a lot of books then 😃 good idea storing them in boxes though!

    Oh yeah, I've seen all those at the works! They've been in the 3 for £6 deals if I remember rightly?

    I'll definitely let you know - not gonna lie, it might be a couple of years yet 😂 I bought it at least 4 or 5 years ago, if not longer 😂😂😂

    Oh I'd love to be able to make one! Actually, my sister's bf is a joiner, maybe he'd make me one 🤔

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Haha I always find something to order to get that free delivery. I usually ask my mum if she wants anything 😂

    Yes it was lovely weather, it's turned chilly here now too! Currently have a throw around my legs. Hopefully the crutches come soon! Do you bling them up?

    Hahaha 😂😂 That sounds hilarious! they are funny although mine is on steroids at the moment so is behaving like we've never fed her 😂 How many toys came home with her?

    I wish I could pop to The Works, will have to be at the weekend now, unless I give in and order! An Amazon package arrived today with books for my dad as it is his birthday and fathers day in the same week! I may have not ordered a couple for me... 👀

    The boxes were the easiest way to fit them under my bed, and in the loft, and under the bed in the spare room... 😂

    A few of them are in the offer, the Martin Edwards ones were on clearance last I saw 🤔 Will you be picking up Falling Hard for the Royal Guard?

    Haha, I have books that have been on my physical tbr the last year. My goal is to get through them this year but we will see. I have I think 8 or 9 release dates of books in my diary for the next two months!

    That's a good shout! If they ask what you would like for your Birthday or Christmas... 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @CountryMimi The Works have added more books to their clearance sale, which also means more new books to come! <3
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I've just finished Murder at the House On The Hill by Victoria Walters. Going to start the second Murder at the Summer Fete and hopefully pick up the third one this weekend :) 
  • CountryMimi
    CountryMimi Scope Member Posts: 156 Empowering
    edited June 2023
    That is a good idea! 🤔🤔🤔 Or birthday presents etc

    They've arrived - I haven't done anything with any yet and won't do anything with these because they're orange, but with one of my old pairs I might 😝 I could get some vinyl stickers 🤔

    Aww bless her! I can relate though as our dog never stops eating at night! Hope your little one is OK though? She came home with a little monkey that she chose, we've called him Charlie 😂 and a ton of treats that we got for a bargain!

    Awww Happy Birthday to your Dad! Hope he has a great day! And for Father's Day too 😃 haha what did you order? 

    That's ace haha! That's a lot of books 😝 have you read most of them?

    Ooo is Falling Hard for the Royal Guard in the clearance? Supposed to be popping into town tomorrow as there is the annual gala and they have a huge parade with loads of floats, so think we are going to watch that tomorrow, then might try pop to the works - didn't get there on Tuesday. Have you any thoughts about reading it? 

    Any idea of the number of the most books you've read in a single year? I think i got to about 50 one year! That's absolutely mint that you've got dates in your diary! Have you ever been to any of the waterstones events?

    Ooo thank you, I'll have a look on the site!

    Awww how did you find the first book? Guessing you enjoyed it considering you're starting the second and planning on getting the third! 

  • Wilshyboy
    Wilshyboy Online Community Member Posts: 256 Empowering
    If you like time travel books try the Extracted trilogy by RR Haywood, I've read them a couple of times and they are brilliant. Probably get them for nothing or next to nothing on your new Kindle.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @CountryMimiGlitter! definitely need some glitter on them 😂 they can be your going out ones!

    Awww, Charlie her new best friend? Yeah she's fine, just eating me out of house and home 😂 

    I ordered my dad 2 books, All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr and The Museum Of Ordinary People by Mike Gayle. They were on his Amazon Wishlist. Amazon to a buy 4 books and save 5%. So I picked up The Family Upstairs and The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell and The Housemaid by Frieda McFadden. 

    All the books under my bed are my physical TBR. The Books everywhere else I've read. I should sort through them, I think I have close to 500 books!

    Falling Hard for the Royal Guard isn't, but it's only £6.00 there. Did you pop into town? What was the parade like? I've just finished reading the two books in the Dedley End series by Victoria Walters. I still need to get my hands on book 3!  😂 I have a few mysteries I think I'll get through this month and save all the romances I have for next month 😊 So will pop Falling Hard for The Royal Guard on next months list. 

    I read a lot in my early 20's and then was unfortunately poorly for a while so just getting back into reading more. I'd like to do 50 books this year, I think my record is just shy of 150 books in a year. But that did include quite a few true crime books I read for university. So maybe more round the 120 mark?

    I try to, a lot of the time they start to close to when I finish work or have sold out too quickly! I saw they are still doing virtual ones, so I think I'll keep an eye on them to see if any take my fancy. 

    @stormy I've been trying to broaden my science fiction reading, will definitely look at the ones you've mentioned 😊 What is it about science fiction and wilderness books that interests you so much? Also, are you liking your kindle?

    @Wilshyboy How many times is a couple of times? 😂

    What is everyone currently reading?
  • Wilshyboy
    Wilshyboy Online Community Member Posts: 256 Empowering
    Four For these, and lost count of Stieg Larson's, Millennium trilogy, Lisbeth Salander rocks.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I love it when you find a book you can read over and over again and it feel just as exciting each time :) 
  • C_J
    C_J Online Community Member Posts: 715 Empowering
    I really enjoy reading and will read anything however recently I've been reading a lot of Linwood Barclay books I also like Richard Osman's writing.

    And when I go out I can't pass a book shop or stall without having a good look through the books. It's just great to sit open a book and drift into the author's world that they have created.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @C_J I also cannot go anywhere without going into the book shop or stall. I visited a National Trust site the other week and managed to find books there 😂 Linwood Barclay, is that the crime / detective writer? 
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 696 Empowering

    I haven’t read the book was mentioned in post yet. I never heard about it too. I may reach and read perhaps one day. 

    Recently,  I finish very hard on the emotional level book “Broken love : mother & me “ written by Regina Brett. 

    Now reading 2 books at the same time:
    1) “The hidden life of trees” by Peter Wohlleben
    2) “ Where the leaves fall” collective authors book 


  • C_J
    C_J Online Community Member Posts: 715 Empowering
    edited June 2023
    @C_J I also cannot go anywhere without going into the book shop or stall. I visited a National Trust site the other week and managed to find books there 😂 Linwood Barclay, is that the crime / detective writer? 
    Linwood Barclay is more of a thriller writer his writing style is really good after a few pages the reader is kind of gripped. Although just recently he wrote a book called look both ways which was slightly different from his usual style.

    It was about an island that was chosen to trial self driving electric cars and the islanders had to give up their cars for a while and try one of the new cars but someone changed the programming and you ended up with an island of cars like Stephen kings Christine. A great book I fully enjoyed it.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @iza There are so many books mentioned in this thread I've added to my list 😂 but definitely want to read the first one mentioned too. Do you prefer to pick up the book or read by kindle / tablet? I umm and aaah about getting a kindle but think it would be too dangerous 😂

    Which of the two are you enjoying the most?

    @C_J Ooo I like Stephen King, IT is one of my all time favourites. Ok, Linwood Barclay also added to the list 😂
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 696 Empowering
    Hi @Hannah_Scope

    I do love pick up books and I do enjoy a lot “The hidden life of trees. Apparently each tree no matter how much seeds produce over life time only 1 baby tree will grow up to replace parent. How strange it is ? 
  • C_J
    C_J Online Community Member Posts: 715 Empowering
    @iza There are so many books mentioned in this thread I've added to my list 😂 but definitely want to read the first one mentioned too. Do you prefer to pick up the book or read by kindle / tablet? I umm and aaah about getting a kindle but think it would be too dangerous 😂

    Which of the two are you enjoying the most?

    @C_J Ooo I like Stephen King, IT is one of my all time favourites. Ok, Linwood Barclay also added to the list 😂

    I'm also a member of a book site and my want to read list is so long. I do have a kindle and they are good and can be used for more that reading for things such as games, watching movies and listening to music but for some reason I seem to prefer an actual book.

    Stephen king often comments on Linwood Barclay books and I also enjoy Stephen Kings work and have read a few of his novels.