How is your day going?



  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Hi @ada I’m good thanks, we just got back from a drive along some really small roads which were muddy, the car looks like it’s been rallying now :D I hope you’re well at the moment :blush:
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,254 Online Community Coordinator
    Just stopping in between training. Hope everyone's managing to keep warm, it's suddenly got really rainy and cold here.  :'(
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,440 Championing
    Mist and drizzle here today @Ada,although we've had a few downpours.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing
    Teigr said:
    They turned up just after 10 o'clock @Lou67,they've gone now but they weren't able to install the wood burner because the part of the fireplace that they rendered yesterday isn't dry yet.

    I'm okay thanks @Ada,freezing though because the front door was wide open for nearly three hours.
    Oh no Teigr that’s rubbish I hope it’s dried out for tomorrow.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Hi Ada I’m just back from my mums had a nice visit and saw my sister as she was visiting also.
    It’s so miserable outside the rain hasn’t stopped today.
    I hope your chest is clearer and you’re feeling better.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,254 Online Community Coordinator
    Yes @Ada just some work training so I can help everyone out more. :)

    Glad you had a lovely time @Lou67. :)

    I'm off for the evening now, so I'll catch you all tomorrow. Stay safe and dry! 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Thank you I hope you have a nice evening.

    Glad your feeling better that’s great.
     My mum made sandwiches and had a hot cross bun.

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,440 Championing
    So do I @Lou67,we were hoping to paint it before the wood burner is installed.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Its a shame things never seem to go to plan. 

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,455 Championing
    Hi again @Zimba - if you search for ''Calming Treats For Dogs, 150 Count Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs'' you'll find the ones that my son & his wife have been using on their dog on Amazon. He's about 11kgs & they've been giving him 2 treats a day which contain 520mg hemp oil.
    If you decide to try the CBD oil I've mentioned, then, as with humans, it's best to build up slowly, so one drop in his food each day for a week, then the 2nd week 1 drop morning & evening, increasing to 2 drops 2x a day the following week, etc if needed, or until you see an improvement.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,455 Championing
    I totally agree about hemp products for dogs, or using CBD oil, which was why I previously said, 'possibly worth a discussion with your vets.' I should have added this proviso for dogs, however, leave a 3 hour gap between using CBD oil & any meds or supplements a dog is taking.
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    Hi everyone I'm very down. I got a letter yesterday saying that my cpn has left the service and they don't know when they will get position filled to get me an appointment.  The cpn did nothing over the 6 months from September last just moaned about her workload.

    I got nothing even a medication review and it's floored me.

    I had the most horrific nightmare ever last night and am exhausted.  Lou I'm so sorry about your wound and I'm reading the thread and thinking of you all. 

    I feel like it's hard going but please don't think I have gone away. I'm just not functioning well now x
  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    Hi to all, it’s been a rough day at work, there is a person who has MH issues he is a highly medicated and a really nice person, the people at work have no understanding of him at all and have set upon him like a pack of dogs… there is more to the story and it’s just very upsetting to me, I tried to say something to them today but they got aggressive back.  Might add he doesn’t know what they are saying it’s all behind his back, they are  trying to make him upset so he as an episode as they want rid of him, I’ve spoke to the manager as he does have additional needs and they do support him so just to make them aware what’s going on. I do not like where this is going I’m a little concerned for him. I’m just going to keep checking in on him and for him to know there is a friendly face around.  
  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    @chiarieds. Thank you so much for all that advise much appreciated, as you said I will check it through with the vet to make sure it doesn’t work against the apoquiel he’s on, I mentioned it to a family member today and they said that their friend takes it for Parkinson’s and it’s helps him. I really hope it helps my dog once the vets approved it and here’s to hoping it helps me too 🙂.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Hi I hope you’re good. My wound has been a bit stingy but I’ve got a hot water bottle on it, it really helps when I’m sore.

    Im so sorry you’re feeling  down such a shame you’re not getting the support you need and deserve.
    Remember we are her when you need us.

    I hope you’re watching MAFS with me. 

    I hope you had a lunch with your son and his wife. 

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,440 Championing
    Nothing ever goes to plan in our house @Lou67,I was hoping everything would be done by Easter but I don't think we'll be sorted until the end of April.

    Such is life.
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,440 Championing
    Sending hugs @Marydoll5,look after yourself. <3
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    its a shame I’d love a photo once it’s all done it’ll be beautiful.

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,440 Championing
    Here's a photo of what it looks like now @Lou67.
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    Thanks everyone. Apparently only a psychiatrist can change my medication which was why I was referred as well as my bad mental health after all the trauma around my partner. 

    Why is getting help so difficult,? Our mental health services are terrible and there are terrible consequences