How is your day going?



  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @Albus_Scope oh that makes sense, I've never worked before so I guess it's not aimed at me. Maybe it should be called Support in Work :tongue: I will have a look at the Scope service though as I didn't really know about that!!

    @Lou67 sorry I missed your post, I hope you have a lovely day and thanks, I am just off to walk the dog now :blush: 

    @Teigr that is very true!! I have some tradespeople in my family and they say you need to do like 100 good jobs to offset the bad press you get as a result of bodging something :D 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,703 Championing
    edited May 2024
    Morning @Lou67 that's a shame a restless night again, enjoy the grankiddies and the park.

    @Amberpearl grooming and eating is a good sign
    Fingers crossed 

    @teigr I would enjoy the sun while we got it

    My son just cut the front lawn, can't believe it had grown so quick from last cut. Hopefully he does the back after work. 
    @Albus_Scope morning 

    @66Mustang found another bees nest in front wall bumble bees these 1s still have managed to get a pic of the masonry bee at the back

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    Oh I understand how the dust will be annoying you. Hopefully you can enjoy the sunshine over the weekend.

    Thats good your son got the front grass cut and fingers crossed 🤞🏾 the back garden later on.
    Im not sure why my sleeps been disturbed lately, but last night my legs were really sore and tight feeling down the bottom.
    I’ve been trying to push myself lately but I think I might’ve overdone it yesterday. 

  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,835 Championing
    I need compost before I can do anything in the garden @Sandy_123,I still haven't potted all the plants I bought almost four weeks' ago.
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Morning everyone :) hope you're all getting a good dose of sunshine <3
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,835 Championing
    Yep @Lou67,every time I think I've got it all cleaned up I find more.

    I was hoping to start wallpapering this weekend but Mr Teigr will be farting around with I can't remember what so I'll have to stay out of his way.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    I remember when my mum got the real herringbone floor put in she was finding dust for weeks afterwards 🤦‍♀️ yes best to stay out off Mr Teigrs way lol 

    Good morning I hope your keeping good and also enjoying the sunshine ☀️ 

  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,835 Championing
    Morning @Rosie_Scope and @Beaver79,the forecast for Monday is awful.

    The primroses could do with a slurp mind so I won't complain too much.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @Lou67 sorry to hear about your sleep, it must be hard with pain trying to sleep because you said you’re an overthinker as well

    When I get physical pain like tummy ache it works alongside the overthinking so there’s no chance of falling asleep :D 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    Oh yes definitely my mind can start to think all sorts 🙄 I really thought I would’ve slept well last night as I felt exhausted but nope kept waking up but I think it was my legs feeling so tight that kept me awake. 
    I usually sleep on so I’m sure it’ll settle down again. 

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,988 Championing
    Sandy_123 said:
    Morning @Lou67 that's a shame a restless night again, enjoy the grankiddies and the park.

    @Amberpearl grooming and eating is a good sign
    Fingers crossed 

    @teigr I would enjoy the sun while we got it

    My son just cut the front lawn, can't believe it had grown so quick from last cut. Hopefully he does the back after work. 
    @Albus_Scope morning 

    @66Mustang found another bees nest in front wall bumble bees these 1s still have managed to get a pic of the masonry bee at the back

    I hope it's just an abcess 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,703 Championing
    Morning @Beaver79 it's lovely here 
    I hope you manage to get them planted @Teigr
    Maybe see the Dr @Lou67

    I'm going to go have a coffee in the garden before it gets too hot I might plant last 2 plants in front garden
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Enjoy your coffee @Sandy_123 and don't get burnt

    I would love to be able to sit in the garden but I find it hard because of a few reasons but I'm sitting by the open window enjoying the fresh air :blush:
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,835 Championing
    I've got a cake free weekend @Sandy_123 so I might get them in;I've still got half a dozen pots to fill.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,703 Championing
    I think the sites playing  up keep getting 501 message and unable to get in 

    I think I've disturbed a wasps nest somehow there all swarming around my garden bin. I don't think they could make a nest in the bin because there nowhere to go in. But I've put the bin back after it's been emptied and loads of them swarming it 
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,835 Championing
    I've just had the same problem with the site @Sandy_123
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Same here about the 503 messages, I made a post elsewhere and Rosie_Scope said they are aware of it so hopefully they will stomp it out soon

    I just had a funny spam email

    A very nice person was kind enough to warn me that 3 months ago they had secretly installed a virus on my computer*. They said they are aware that I have been watching naughty videos** and have access to my phone book and are able to send evidence of what I’ve been up to to my entire list of contacts***.

    Luckily I am able to prevent this from happening by simply sending him $1,300. What a relief!!!!

    *I bought my computer 1 month ago and it was custom made so seeing as it probably didn’t even exist 3 months ago I’m not sure how they managed that???

    **I have never even watched any naughty videos because I don’t see the appeal of watching others do stuff…if I was on a diet I wouldn’t watch someone eat cake to satisfy some desire for cake

    ***My contacts list is completely empty, so go ahead and send things to whoever you want!!!

    I give them 6/10 for effort and entertainment

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Oh I love those emails @66Mustang I always enjoy the phishing mails I get.   :D

    And yes, sorry if people are still having issues with the community loading, we've reported the issue so hopefully things will smooth out soon. :) 

    How long had the bin been undisturbed @Sandy_123 they may just really like something that was in the bin? 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    I once had one of those kinds of emails at my previous job @66Mustang, accused me of all sorts of things and said I'd been caught on video. My work computer didn't even have a webcam at the time. And even if it did, literally all they would have seen was me munching on snacks all day :D
  • loladale87
    loladale87 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Empowering
    My cooker that was due to be delivered today has been delayed by 2-3 working days. This is the second one I ordered. The first one ended up being cancelled as I was being messed about regarding delivery