Pip changing to vouchers ??

BOOKIE68 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Empowering
edited August 2024 in Benefits and income

Hi all , I'm laying here wide awake sick with worry over the fact that my pip may soon dissappear and be replaced with vouchers , I can't even fathom how this could work and if it did happen how would I be able do pay my bills ? Being on high rate payments of pip for daily living & mobility I use my money for a wide range of things , food , bills & whatever I need to be able to love a decent life in-between, I am honestly like every one else who claims pip absolutely terrified of this possible change , does anyone know how long we will have to wait for the outcome of the government's decision at all ?



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,646 Championing

    No some people say about September time I'm the same but alot people say it would take years to implicate and also alot if people say it just wouldn't work I'm trying to take one day at time as all of this is very overwhelming I hope we get some sort of answers and peace

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 310 Empowering

    I'm subscribed to a YouTube channel called Dynamic Duo UK and in his recent live, the guy talked about how vouchers would be implemented, if it came to fruition, which it won't.

    Skip to 45:225


  • noman
    noman Online Community Member Posts: 1,891 Trailblazing

    You are listening to some guy on YouTube! Seriously,Oh dear!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,646 Championing

    And ???? Can't help but read everything it's everywhere I appreciate thier response wasn't malicious was being kind

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 310 Empowering

    Thank you @Catherine

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,646 Championing

    My anxiety gets horrendous om imagining the worst I'm homeless I'm on streets with carrier bags have to give up my dogs lose my money it's actually like it's happening I'm blessed I have a very balanced beautiful daughter thankgod didn't inherite my way she said mum you was like this when bedroom tax came in I was roaring going to lose my house I'm doomed what can I do was having panic attacks vomiting you name it for weeks that was god 10 years ago I'm still in my house then she brought up 20 more things I've had a literal breakdown about from last budget in November I been bad but I really said to myself I cannot keep on living like this it doesn't change what's happening around me like my daughter said I have to choose more healthier coping mechanisms hard but trying have been doing breating exercises and you might laugh touching trees breating at same time going in garden barefoot and grounding myself pls excuse spelling so Dyslexic it's embarrassing I'm really trying amd remember it's not just me you it's millions of us together thinking amd feeling the same things let's hope we get clearer idea soon until then let's keep breating ps I be roaring later lol

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,480 Championing

    These are just rumours - I don't honestly believe that any scheme to replace PIP with vouchers would or could ever even get off the ground - the fact that there are 3.4 million PIP claimants at present, and a percentage of those (including myself) are on 10 year fixed payments - the government cannot change this

    So stop worrying about it - IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN !

  • mrsBB
    mrsBB Online Community Member Posts: 106 Empowering

    @Ironside1990 I think his content is ok too, no bs as far as I can see and I like the pair for their other content too. Nothing wrong getting content from different sources, we are all capable of making our own judgements and anyway they couple make me laugh at times and that cant be a bad thing can it. They appear just normal down to earth folk in my very humble opinion 😊

  • Soul47
    Soul47 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Contributor

    Though some things have been worrying with the Tories policies, I am hoping that Labour as suggested by the ladies within Labour to make the UNCRPD official in UK law, so that it stops any future government going against it, plus like most, this voucher issue won't get of the ground due to the fact it would take everything away from every disabled person which is a violation of the law, as no one has a right to make disabled people homeless nor destitute, hence why the UNCRPD was created. As I see it, Articles 14, 19 and 28 of the UNCRPD are worthy of note due to the aspects they portray in life. This is why the vouchers cannot be created as it is a violation of Human Rights and Disability Rights

  • Soul47
    Soul47 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Contributor

    Here is the link to the UNCRPD Articles


  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,480 Championing

    That's a huge resource - any idea where we should be looking ?

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,480 Championing
    edited August 2024

    Also - from what I understand - it would take a new law to change PIP - So would take years to implement (so many stages - lords etc) - the government can't just wake up in the morning and decide to change the payment system of PIP by lunchtime !

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 310 Empowering

    If 16 thousand people gave negative feedback on the green paper, then the government will have to respect that the public don't want vouchers to be a thing.

    We are supposed to be a democracy after all.

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 126 Empowering

    I too have been worrying about these PIP changes which might happen, I honestly thought labour was going to scrap the idea!! How would it work giving us vouchers, I have to use some of my PIP money to top my rent up, which was caused by the last governments mishandling of the economy? It's not my fault my rent, gas, electric, food and other bills have gone through the roof, so to offer us ridiculous vouchers is an absolute insult and would be just another humiliation and a form of punishment. They should reform PIP to make it more fairer, less traumatic and give people enough to live on, especially in the midst of a cost of living crisis, not be making threats to take away peoples benefits who through no fault of their own are too poorly to work because of mental health issues or other disabilities. I'm sick of the constant worry surrounding this issue, and then to know we'll not get answer for many more months is disgusting leaving already poorly people to suffer even more with stress, worry, and anxiety.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,646 Championing

    I agree certainly took me down last year but listening to lots of people's comments and knowing wouldn't happen over night if it ever did seeing all charities fighting for us I don't feel as scared and trust me I have a very over active imagination and was in sheer terror one day at a time I relize these things are not as easy for them to do but yes pretty low leaving us hanging I think the whole world had enough and people are not standing for anything less than we all deserve

  • Rooney2008
    Rooney2008 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    I have hardly slept since hearing about the whole p I p nonsense I’m not supposed to get stressed but I don’t see as you cannot with everything being up in the air and no answers,would all these politicians like it if someone said to them we might be taking most of your wages off you, but if you need something you might get a voucher I doubt it makes me so angry!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,646 Championing

    I was the same when rushi said sick note Britain I couldn't eat sleep was horrific its the fear of the unknown what our future will be feeling scared and vulnerable awful awful dig deep find that inner strenght this group gives such good logical advice there is millions of us we are not alone be kind to yourself do breathing exercises stay in the hear and know nobody knows what tomorrow brings we make ourselves even sicker the media loves to terrorise us I engaged in it and boy did I suffer I hope you manage to get some rest it's so important to take care of yourself

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,480 Championing

    Everyone might like to email their MPs and ask them for support in our case - because it is affecting too many of their constituents already - before any decision is made…

    I believe that the best support will come from Libdem but any help is welcome

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