Pip changing to vouchers ??



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,731 Championing

    Me too 22 years if was able to work god I would who wants to go through this its hell

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    I try and be as tactful and positive as I can be, but giving people false hope is just as bad as giving people no hope. So seeing, oh they won't bring in vouchers because some youtube channel has said too expensive or unworkable is wrong. Yes, the person did not mention YT but too many people see these channels and they try and say that it will not happen, but if someone reads oh it won't happen, and they suddenly think oh it won't happen, because someone else said that it won't happen, so it must be the right information, nah.

    I am 100% with you on mental health and talking therapies and stuff like that, yes it can work for some people, but one size does not fit all. The more you have gone through in life, the less that it works, I actually thanked God when I found out that I had a terminal illness, thinking that the DWP cannot touch me now, I can be in an uneasy medical retirement, but now oh boy.

    The brutal truth is that they are lying and the maths do not add up, mainly because the figures keep changing.

    One minute around 3.5 million actively seeking work and on universal credit and then about 2 million sick and disabled, but now the sick and disabled has gone up to 9 or 12 million.

    We were told 900,000 jobs need filling, so if you take those 3.5 million looking for work, you still have 2.5 million that are still unemployed if I round up the figure to a million, add the sick and disabled to that figure, you are still going to have eight million or more that are still sick and disabled and out of work.

    Oh more jobs working from home since COVID, remote workers. Sadly, more rubbish they were already employed and the offices shut down and they were forced to work from home, no new jobs were created. The people have gone back to their offices now.

    I sometimes have a look at Indeed or the DWP job site, about 130,000 jobs if that on the DWP site.

    Sadly, all false accounting. However, British people, sick and disabled have always been easy targets.

    However, getting political now so shall end here.

    Good luck with the nasty C, but as I always say, it is always a good day when you wake up in the morning, as it is going to be a really bad one when you don't.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,731 Championing

    So if they did do vouchers what about WCA LCW and LWCRA would still recieve that

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Empowering

    You are referring to my post which youv'e copied and pasted into your comments, I was NOT trying to give false hope, negativity etc to anybody on here, I was merely stating that nobody knows what will happen in regards to PIP, in fact my post was actually based on some evidence from various charities, including Scope. When I phoned them last month about PIP changes and vouchers they told me not to worry too much, that vouchers would be highly unlikely, and if it did happen it would take years to implement. Whilst I agree you have every right to your own opinion, don't single my post out, copy and paste it, say i'm giving a false point of view, I actually said the new government would probably target other benefits, which they have done, including the winter fuel allowance, and 2 child benefit cap, Your post about another member is wholly unacceptable, youv'e twisted my words and how it was meant, It was not based on falsehood, fake news or to give anybody false hope, try ringing Scope and see what they say, to rant on like you have, picking out peoples comments, saying they are wrong is deeply upsetting, especially when it's written with a positive attitude, and came after talking to a Scope member of staff, to which I also now assume your saying they're wrong too?

    Your a community member, not an advisor or moderator for scope, they decide whose comments are wrong, misleading, or false, not you, wind your neck in.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,731 Championing

    My thinking was changes to WCA from 2025 fir new claimants tightening criteria start fazing out and then get round to existing claimants and 2028 pip being the only health benefit

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,731 Championing
    edited August 2024
  • vikingqueen
    vikingqueen Scope Member Posts: 1,752 Championing

    Absolutely nothing has been confirmed, all people can do is wait and see. There are too many post full of speculation and I for one are getting fed up of it. Sorry if this upsets anyone.

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Empowering

    Well said, my last post was copied, pasted and blasted for being a bit positive, I too got fed up with all the negative comments on here, like you I was really fed up of it, it's full of it today too, even though none of us know exactly what will happen until October. One member on here singled me out, copied my comments into there post and ranted on about what I put, it's the same person posting negative and false comments, they know who they are, don't worry Iv'e reported them to Scope, people on here don't want to read scary, frightening stuff about PIP, they need positivity and reassurance, we all have our own view on what might happen, in future I shall just ring Scope for advice, as some comments on here are unhelpful.

  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,603 Empowering

    Note from online community team:

    Hello everyone,

    We understand this is a really important topic for many of us, but while it's important to be prepared for possibilities, speculation without access to sufficient information does none of us any good. 
    Please remember that all discussions on Scope’s online community should remain civil, supportive, and safe. While you are all free to talk about your feelings and emotions, please do not present opinions as facts. 

    If you are feeling preoccupied, anxious, upset, or angry, please consider taking a break or a time-out to calm down and refocus.

    We will continue to closely monitor this discussion, but if it escalates further, we may choose to pause, close, or even hide the discussion. If we think anybody's comments are detrimental to the wider community, we reserve the right to remove those comments.

    For more information, please read our online community house rules.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @AKR in relation to your comment, I can rip apart your comment

    1. Bill to vote upon, you do realise that this has been discussed in the house of lords already, it was being discussed when the Conservatives were in power.
    2. Each stage can take days, weeks, or even months, depending on the complexity and controversy of the bill. On average, it can take several months for a bill to pass through all stages in the House of Commons12However, in urgent situations, a bill can be fast-tracked and passed in as little as a day3.
    3. Welfare reform act 2012 Universal Credit: This act introduced Universal Credit, a single payment that replaced six means-tested benefits and tax credits, aiming to simplify the system and encourage work
    4. 16,000 responses to the green paper, not a lot of people is it when we are told that you have millions on the sick and inactive. The green paper was not even a tick box exercise, something simple such as do you want PIP payments to stop yes or no.
    5. Do you mean the same charitable organisations that receive Government grants and tax breaks which allows for charity shops to spring up everywhere, which allows fat cats to earn a quarter of a million pounds a year, which allows them to employee volunteers and people from training courses forced into working for them, because it is work experience.
    6. So do you honestly think that the Government cannot cook the books? Do you honestly think that they work for the people? Do you honestly think that you live in a free and democratic society, just because you are given the right to vote? Do you honestly think that Labour who before they were elected rejected PIP vouchers, yet so far they have not ruled them out, they have come up with a 20 billion black hole story.

    You do realize that Conservatives put this into place, which they knew was not popular, Labour say what they want to say to get elected, I am even voted to stop this, to get the Conservatives out. Yet, no public horror, or sob stories from charities that are given grants is going to change what happens.

    Do you think that the ECHR or the UN are going to come to our rescue? The same thing is happening all across Europe, it is not just the UK. I mean look at America, look at how many homeless they have, people living in tents, begging for food and money.

    It would be easy enough to solve all those problems, but it does not make economic sense for them to do so. However, plenty of money to spend on war, oh guess what because they all have the same stocks and shares in a company called black rock, which owns a lot of smaller companies. The catholic church also had stocks and shares in the war and weapons industry until they got found out. Why do you think that these politicians are multi millionaires?

    Do you honestly think that they care about us?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,731 Championing

    No they don't could it be possible That pip will eventually be the main health benefit

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,731 Championing

    I don't know why but I'm not worried anymore everyone has different opinions but as humans when we don't know the outcome of things especially something as serious as this we try to break it down we can either blow it all out of proportion or hope for the best my mental health been to ground going to have to keep myself strong to fight any battle when I look back om my life I cannot believe what I've overcome being in a protective bubble for years isolation it had to come around where have to face the demons fk it what will be will be we haven't got a crystal ball for sure we will now pm 30th that's when the hard work begins

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @stay_positive You are lucky but unlucky really. In some respects life has been very kind to you, but also the downsides.

    As the saying goes, there is always someone worse off than yourself. At least you have the option of selling the house and then moving into somewhere cheaper to live. Sadly, you have people that do not have that option. So despite not wanting to sell your home, where you are happy to, but if push comes to shove, you are in a position to downgrade and still have a home.

    My worse fear is being homeless, and ending up on the streets and my exit strategy was to go to Gibraltar and just live on the streets. At least it is warm, if I do not get deported back to England.

    I too have worked all of my life, and in the forces when I was 20 serving Queen and Country to see it being destroyed and it's people that I put on a uniform to serve and protect having to go through this. I knew all of this was coming, but never expected it in my life time.

    If I am desperate enough, I might qualify for some form of pension as my lungs were damaged serving during the first gulf war and a lot of my trade either have COPD or worse lung cancer, one of my old Cpls died at 60 years of age from cancer. I cannot run, I cannot do press ups, so I have no chance of working in a manual job, and as my mind has gone pretty much in that I can look at a microwave meal and see how long to cook it for, by the time I get it to the microwave I have forgotten.

    I have even got that desperate I started gambling, thinking that I could win enough to cover the basics, but ended up losing money that I could not afford to lose.

    Sadly, the DWP and the Government will take you down one way or another, my uncle who worked all his life, paying for a mortgage lost the family home, so went back to the banks, where really the Government should have been saying, well hang on, we can invest in these properties buy them from the banks for peanuts, put them as council houses and charge the tenants to live there if they wish. He also died at 60 not even getting a pension.

    So, you have more to hope for than most, so you have to keep that in your heart and hopefully it will help you through. It sounds like you have a good marriage and you are both helping each other through the tough times, so think of that as a blessing.

    Life is like a book, the first chapter starts when we are born, and each new chapter is a blank page, that a lot of those chapters we are not in control of, but some we do have control of. You have the power to write the next chapter.

    However, as you say, hopefully nothing happens to PIP so fingers crossed.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @AKR ok legal eagle, I was a multi billionaire space astronaut from the other side of the galaxy. You will know me as Elon Musk, I have human form, but I am a shape shifter.

    Lengthy legal career and you are on scope website? You should be made of money and not in need of help from Scope, but ok.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @Biblioklept Really I honestly am Elon Musk, don't you believe me? Sorry, you have hurt my feelings now, alien life forms matter.

    You have hurt my feelings. Shame on you.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    That's a little harsh don't you think? Anyone can join scope forum and post when ever they want to and I don't think it's right that you're judging them this way.

    I speak as I find and have always found @AKR to be extremely helpful, well mannered and very pleasant.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @AKR I really am Elon Musk, a space alien from the other side of the galaxy, can we please get that straight. I might have to get a discrimination lawyer myself at this rate.

    However, I could argue that Santa Clause is real, because I was told that he was as a child.

    I could copy and paste and use AI all night to post legislations etc etc.

    However, child poverty act? LoL when you have parents that are going without food, just so that they can feed their children? I spoke to a woman, yes a real woman not a blow up one, who was living on beans on toast or going without food so her Children can have something to eat.

    I have known other women, that done illegal activities to feed their Children.

    Sadly, what you believe is real, is all fake and made up, British natural born British have less rights than someone that came into this Country via a rubber dinghy.

    Where are the human rights lawyers for us? Oh they don't exist.

    What the previous Government and what this Government will do equates to genocide.

    Where is the justice for homeless British people, especially people who like myself put on a uniform to serve and protect this Country, but are living on the streets with PTSD?

    The Government are not your friend, the pantomime that you watch on TV, they are all best buddies in the house of commons bar when the camera's are turned off.

    You can trust me on that one, I know a lot of people ranging from CID, RPO's and above from my life experience.

    I could solve this Countries problems within a year. The Governments of the past have had decades but they are all about themselves, which is why they are all multi millionaires.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @Biblioklept How can we be on the same side? To give an example

    You say refugee's welcome here, which means that tax payers money and welfare are paid to them

    I say refugee's not welcome here, because I want to protect British people who's parents, grandparents and themselves have paid hundreds of years of taxation into this Country?

    I could be a person, a human being from Iran let's say as an example, with a disabled child, I could come across, claim welfare, get free housing, I could have enough money to send back to Iran.

    Do you not see the real issue? Instead of British tax payers paying for someone from Iran, do you not think that the Iran Government should be paying instead?

    What taxation has that person paid into the UK system? None, how much will they claim, thousands, hundreds of thousands. Will the person work and help pay for it? I doubt it, a disabled child to look after.

    Parents die, still a disabled child to look after from our system.

    A simple question, you are at the beach, your Son/Daughter is being carried away by the sea, and a random stranger is also in the same difficulty, but the random stranger is closer than your Son or Daughter.

    Whom do you save? You can only save one person, your child or a random stranger?

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