baffled about LCWRA payment dates, conflicting info from advisors!

otterbox Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

Hi all, I'm confused about my payment timeline and i'm wondering if anyone can clarify this for me. I've received conflicting information from two different people on my journal.

  • My assessment period for UC is 1st-31st (or last day of the month) so nice and easy there.
  • I uploaded my first fit note on 5th September 2023. these have no gaps and are currently ongoing (mine cover 2 months at a time.)
  • i received and returned my UC50 in January.
  • i had my assessment last Tuesday (23rd july) and had a journal message with an award letter on Friday (26th july), but this letter doesn't explain any payment dates and says "if we owe you money we'll let you know" but I've had no other information about it.

i asked on my journal when i would start to receive payment, when my back-pay would be dated from, and when i would receive it. the first person to answer me on Friday said i'll have to wait 3 months from the award date, and i am not due back-pay! i queried this, and the second person said on Monday that it's 3 months from when they received my uc50 form so i'll be back paid from may (Feb, March, April being the 3 months unpaid).

now my own understanding, based on .gov information, was that it's 3 assessment periods from your first sick note, and any back pay would be from then. so i should have Sept ignored as it wasn't fully covered, Oct, Nov, Dec as my 3 month waiting period, and then back-pay from January? can anyone clarify please?



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    You are correct it’s 3 full assessment periods from when you provided your first fit note. If the date you provided that was the same date you reported your health condition then your wait period will be..

    Oct, Nov, Dec.. LCWRA starts from AP 1st Jan to 31st Jan and first payment will be 6th Feb.

    Money owed will be paid separately to your usual monthly money and often takes quite a few weeks to pay it.

    As it’s very close to the end of this AP there may not be enough of time to include the extra money this month so they will owe the extra month.

    Please note my advice assumes you’re not claiming UC with a partner that already receives the LCWRA element on your claim.

  • otterbox
    otterbox Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    thank you, i didn't want to tell the advisor they were wrong, but i was 99% sure that they were! πŸ˜‚

    the sick note/reported condition situation is a whole other kettle of fish, because i reported the conditions in august 2021 when i set up the claim and the lady who set it up over the phone told me that i wasn't required to give sick notes. so my low capability claim only runs from my first sick note in september '23 when i could have been receiving it for the last two years if anyone had given me the right info πŸ˜­πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

    i'm usually paid on 7th, i did wonder if that would be enough time to sort out my payments or if it would be september's pay that i receive it in, i don't mind either way but trying to find out is like getting blood from a stone!

    i'm claiming with a partner but only i get the LCWRA element. however he does get the carers element.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    HI, first time here.

    I am waiting for my letter to say I have to migrate to UC, I'm now in the ESA Support group indefinitely, and I wondered will I then automatically get LCWRA...or will I yet again have to have another assessment? I'm so worried about it ,I had my pup assessment last year which they had me there an hour and 45 mins and the questions they asked me about information they already had about my illnesses was degrading and I was ashamed and embarrassed πŸ˜”

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,986 Championing

    Your ESA SG status will transfer over to UC LCWRA automatically and you won't need another assessment due to migration.

    It can take a few weeks for the two departments to talk go each other, it's best to add a journal note once you claim, saying you get ESA SG.

    You might see things like a UC fit note request in that time period.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    I've read on this site somewhere that it says if it asks for a Fit Note, that you DON'T need to do this and get a new fit note as that may kick off another assessment , and just to wait for the uc to get info from esa that correct please ? Thanks so much

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing
  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    THank you poppy. So if they should ask for one, do I say exactly that? That ..? That as far as I'm aware I dint need to send a fit note when migrating over from esa sg group to uc and also that I should automatically be put in LCWRA πŸ€”...I much appreciate your help. Thank you

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    I've just had my migration notice letter.... and although I'm in esa support group I'm so worried and so scared. I know that i should get automatically LCWRA as im on esa in support group now, but ive seen such awful stories of how bad DWP have treated some people and asked for sixk notes wtc when they should be be requiredwhen migrating from and esa support group , and then im so worried about all i hear about government trying to force people with real disibilitating disabilities into work when its simply not possible for alot of people such as myself.... I keep crying, my anxiety is through the roof , and if it wernt for the fact I have 2 children who don't have anyone else other than a useless Me... I don't think I could carry on.... I feel at such low ... like so many more I don't doubt. I have nobody to talk to, no friends etc...lost them. Years ago when.i came down with my illnesses. And I rarely leave the house 🏠... drs and hospital πŸ₯ appointments and to get eelectricity and to sit in the car πŸš— whilst my boys can ay on the park...and even that is more hard than I can explain.... I even have several other things that are wrong medically but I just can't face any more Dr or hospital appointments... even they send my mental health crazy.... so sorry to have a wobble on here... 😒😭

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    Are you currently claiming Tax credits as well as ESA? When you claim UC you will need to make sure you report your health condition. It will ask you to provide a fit note because it's part of the process to claiming UC but please ignore that, you will not need to provide any fit notes.

    Once you have access to your journal then please put a message on there to tell them that you're in the Support Group for ESA. It may take a few weeks for ESA to send your details to UC and for your claim to be updated but it will be done so please try not to panic with that.

    If anyone tells you that you need to provide a fit note then tell them you won't need to because you're in the Support Group for ESA.

    You will need to attend an appointment as part of your claim BUT you can ask for a reasonable adjustment for a telephone appointment for this.

    Your Income Related ESA and housing benefit (if you claim that) will stop 2 weeks after you claim UC.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    THanks Poppy, yes I get Child tax credits for my 2 children. I know this will also stop. Will the fact that esa will take few weeks to update Uc that I am in esa support group, affect the amount of time to get my first payment, or affect the amount I get? I understand I'm to get transitional protection according to the letter telling me to move to UC so will that mean I will get exactly the same total as I'm currently getting on Esa child tax credits and housing benifits please?

    How soon after applying can I get on the journal to make a note that I am/was in esa support group?

    And will I of already told them in the application about child tax credits and that I get Full housing benifits?

    My mental health and also my mobility is really bad, so if asked to go to an appointment will that be on a journal they ask me? And do I then ask for Reasonable adjustments due to my health issues and ask could the appointment please be over the phone πŸ“±? Can they say NO to this?

    AnAnd would you think it best to ask for an advance loan payment from them and pay it back over the 2 years or to ask my friend to lend me money and put it in my account to tide me over until I get my first payment, or would they look at my account and see that as some sort of income ? πŸ€”πŸ˜”πŸ™

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    If I ignore the fit note that they may request when I do the migration...Will they delay my money as you say I certainly DON'T need to get a fit note with being on esa support group? So if I ignore the request for a FIT NOTE...Will they hold back my claim in any way ? Thank you for your help....I really appreciate it πŸ™

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    @DawnBiiwoo you will only be entitled to Transitional Protection if you’re worse off when you migrate across. Some are better off when claiming UC than they are with legacy benefits.

    Tax credits will stop once you submit your claim.

    When you fill in the form it will ask about children that live with you so you will be entitled to the child element for those.

    They will also ask about housing costs. If you privately rent then you will need proof of eligibility to pay rent such as a tenancy agreement. If you live in social housing you just need to provide the name of your landlord and they will contact them directly.

    You will have access to your journal once you submit your claim. The LCWRA element should be sorted by the time you receive your first payment. First payment will be 1 month and 6 days after submitting your claim and then each month going forward. Payment date will be the same date each month, unless payment falls on a weekend or bank holiday and then you’ll receive your money on the Friday before.

    It’s entirely up to you whether you ask for an advance payment or borrow it from a friend. They will not ask questions of where that money came from. It will be treated as capital and not income.

    Don’t forget your housing benefit and Income Related ESA will continue for 2 weeks after you submit your claim.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    Thank you Poppy....πŸ™‚ and if message on my journal from UC when I make my claim asks me for fit I ignore that?, or do I put a note back saying fit note isn't required as I'm on esa SP? And if im asked to go in for an appointment can I request these be done over the phone due my physical and mental disabilities and the pain and anxiety it would cause?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    Just tell them a fit note isn't needed. You will already have put the message on your journal anyway to tell them you're in the Support Group.

    You can ask for a telephone appointment.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    Poppy may I ask , my sister has had a migration letter to move over by nearvthe end of September but she has had a job centre appointment where all they did was Remind her she has to move over to UC. And also she has received a reminder letter yesterday!!! βœ‰οΈ why do they do this when you get the stated DATE πŸ“… of when you must move by which is generally 3 Months away in your original migration letter??

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    Reminder letters are automatically generated and everyone receives them if they haven’t claimed UC by certain dates.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    Hey also had her go all the way to the job centre in the letter it stated if she did not attend it could affect her benifits, she had to get a taxi there and back only to be told at the appointment that it was just a reminder that she has to migrate from income support to UC....

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    Ps... If when I migrate ...and I DON'T want to get the advance payment from UC but rather borrow what I need from a friend whom has already agreed to take small monthly payments to pay back the lend....Will it affect, or will UC want to know Why I have had money into my account?πŸ€”πŸ«£πŸ˜’ Thanks 😊

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    I did advise you that it will not affect your UC.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    SO sorry Poppy, I get mixed up and confused πŸ˜• my memory isn't great... thank you then, again, for the info....and thank you for your time. πŸ‘πŸ™‚