baffled about LCWRA payment dates, conflicting info from advisors!



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    It can be sent as a screenshot through email. LCWRA will be included from the start of your claim.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    THank you, thank you and thank you again.....scope is amazing , and yourself and others who give advice really are wonderful... in such confusion, I know that I and I'm sure many many others are extremely grateful 🙏 🥲 🙂 kind regards

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You're very welcome.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    HI, I have not yet had first UC payment.... but I have just received a letter from child Tax Credits saying I have been overpaid and owe them £226.59p !! How does this happen, and how am I meant to pay that amount back, I havnt even had my first uc payment, and it's not due until 5th December!! And I can't afford to pay all that!! 🫣😐😟

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Many people have overpayments for Tax credits when they migrate to UC. This is because tax credits is based on your circumstances in the previous tax year. This is one good thing about UC and there's less chance of there ever being any overpayments because entitlement is calculated month to month.

    Your Tax credits debt will be passed to DWP and they will take the overpayment from your UC payments until it's paid back. If you disagree with the overpayment then you should contact HMRC.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    Will they ask me first about the amount per month th I have to pay back per month?

  • Emilee
    Emilee Online Community Member Posts: 242 Empowering

    They usually set a percentage of your standard allowance automatically, based on whether you or a partner on your claim have any earnings. The percentage can be a maximum of 25% of your standard allowance. However, you can request that Debt Management set the repayment amount to a specific figure, with the lowest usually being £5 per month. If the repayments would cause significant hardship, they may be able to delay them for a period of time.

    If you contact DWP Debt Management, they will be able to discuss the repayment amount with you.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    THank you

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    As Emilee mentions, you can discuss with the DWP Debt Management about repayments. I would budget how much you can repay each month and discuss with them from there. You can contact them on Telephone: 0800 916 0647

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    THank you Jimm

    I'm yet to receive my 1st uc pay on 5th Dec...hope and pray 🙏 its correct 🫣🙏...

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    Hi , I have just received a letter DWP saying g as I have moved to UC ...which I moved from support group esa....I have already done work commitments and agreed to them saying I won't be required to look for work etc....but apparently part of my claim will be now New Style contributions based esa and the esa income related part will be jn with my Universal Credit payments when I start to get it on 5th Dec....but thos letter says to Continue to get the New Style part of esa I will need an interview at local job centre or maby over the phone where my work coach.(which I don't have one due to esa support migrated) will create an agreement..claimant commitment..( also already done that) but they say this is for the IR ESA new Style....and it says I will be asked explain my illness/disability etc and also PROVIDE MEDICAL EVIDENCE..... this has confused and worrying me all over again...I already did all that but wS told I wouldn't need to provide more medical evidence when did my UC claim and already told all I need to do is log onto my UC account to always check that there nothing I my TO DO list etc and to let them know of any changes that is my claimant commitment..... so doesn't the same stand for the fact they are saying part of my claim will be new Style IR ESA??? And the amount of that isn't alot..o ly £138 every 2 support group part esa is in with my UC payment and they had said they would take the IR esa £138 per fortnight off my UC.... please help!!! I'm so confused and worried!!! 😟

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,691 Championing

    When someone is on CB ESA with IR top up, what happens upon migration is the IR ESA ends and is replaced by UC, the CB ESA converts automatically into New Style ESA.

    UC and NS ESA are separate benefits, administered by different departments.

    NS ESA will be paid separately from UC, fortnightly at a rate of £276.40.

    This will be deducted in full (598.68) from each UC payment.

    As UC is a monthly benefit and ESA weekly, the numbers may initially look wrong, but are in fact right.

    The commitments interview for NS ESA is a formality to agree to the commitments, which for you will be to keep them updated with any changes.

    You are still entitled to LCWRA under UC, and Support Group NS ESA.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    OK great I WON'T have to provide more medical evidence?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,691 Championing

    No you won't, the letters are generic and usually apply to brand new claims only, not those who have been swapped over from CB ESA

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    Thanks so much.... so if they do ask then I say I have already signed a claimant commitment as I migrated and am covered from migrates award and do not need more medical that correct? Thank you

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,691 Championing

    Yes just tell then you've migrated onto UC from ESA.

    You will still need an appointment to agree NS ESA commitments. As I advised this will be just a formality of you agreeing to keep them informed odmf any changes.

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    SO rhey will do this over the phone like they did when I agreed to uc claims commitment ?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,691 Championing

    You can request a telephone appointment 😊

  • DawnBiiwoo
    DawnBiiwoo Online Community Member Posts: 62 Connected

    K.Othanks..they did my ID check o er the phone so they should do this as I don't even need to send medical proof etc shouldn't they .