October 7th - diary date

JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 167 Empowering

It is being reported that Parliament will be addressed by DWP ministers ( either Liz Kendall / Sir Stephen Timms ) regarding the government's plans for disability benefits on October 7th - a date for us all to note.



  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks for sharing @JonnycJonny, it'll be interesting to hear what they have to say.

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Community member Posts: 80 Contributor

    Months back i heard things about them wanting to get the unwell back to work which is terrible to say they spend so much money on other countries in name of foreign aid.. Lately it seems all about tax increases & there was nothing that Starmer said about benefits so is the budget just all about tax rises & not about getting the unwell to work or am i missing something.. It seems the disability benefit thing has disappeared or is it still there as not heard anything of it in the news?

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,636 Championing

    Certainly be interesting

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Community member Posts: 80 Contributor

    It's all been about winter fuel payments in the budget plans, nothing about the disabled. I haven't heard anything on the news lately? Makes my blood boil that they can give millions to countries that send people into space & yet not care about the vulnerable.. Didn't one of the labour politicians, a lady i think say they were focusing on them that can work? Or have i got it wrong?

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Community member Posts: 624 Empowering

    Just realized I had a GP appointment on October 7 and that was not a good idea because it is unlikely that Ms Kendall will put me in a good mood, that I shall dance into the surgery, hallo birds, hallo trees, isn't life wonderful, and stress = increased pain and stiffness so have moved it to the 17th.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Community member Posts: 288 Pioneering

    Guardian reporting them saying there will be "difficult decisions" on tax, spending and welfare" in the budget.

    Why do they always take from the people who have the least? What happened to the wealth tax, the windfall tax, taxing banker's bonuses, fining the water companies etc etc.

    Yet again it's taxes on the middle earners and more poverty for the already poor.

    It's a disgrace.

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    Another deal to give Ukraine £600m we should be thinking of our own first

    im dreading the 7 October, if they’ve took the winter fuel payments from the vulnerable adults, they are capabable of anything 😡

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,018 Empowering

    Me too ! The pressure is immense we are constantly getting bashed

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Community member Posts: 288 Pioneering
    edited September 12

    I'm fine with foreign aid, if we don't stop Putin we're all in trouble and we are the sixth richest nation in the world, not to mention responsible for the legacies of Empire, it's the least we can do. Humanity will never evolve beyond this me first mentality until we see ourselves as one global peoples. We're all human after all and we only get one go at life. I feel lucky every day that I was born here, I didn't do anything special to deserve it and I am fine with spreading the good fortune. What's needed imo is to put an end to a small group of people hoarding all the wealth and resources, and that starts with a global tax, a ban on secretive tax havens, then hopefully moves forward from there.

    Blaming other poor people or those living in a war zone solves nothing and only create hatred towards people who are not responsible for their situation.

  • autisticboy
    autisticboy Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    edited September 12

    Thank you for the heads up, will be interesting to hear what the Government’s plans are.

    On a side note, but relevant to the discussion, when the Chancellor talks about tough decisions to be made on welfare in the October budget, I am thinking that if the proposals regarding PIP do not go ahead that it may be a benefit freeze for a number of years, so they don’t increase each year with inflation.

    That isn’t confirmed, but the Chancellor keeps saying though decisions on welfare need to be made and if PIP proposals don’t go ahead this is the only other ‘tough’ decision I can think of.

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    Meg24, don’t get me wrong, we all want putin stopped and yes we are lucky to be born here, but when he’s giving millions away, talks about black hole, takes winter fuel payments from the vulnerable adults and talking about more tough decisions on the way, I just feel we should be focusing on us first (us being the country)

    autisticboy the only thing I can think of is means tested PIP or making it hard to apply for

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,018 Empowering

    I think they will faze out WCA and PIP will be main health benefit and start up training courses in back alley offices given two day course and saying your a qualified lawyer they do this every ten years change system also everything geared for 2029 !! Makes me wonder if there's any truth in 2030 but that's a different conversation see tories plans for WCA was in 2025 change questions on WCA starting with new claimants so really tightening the criteria on that subject was a lady called Ellen clifford that was taking them to judicial court so with labour wining thats put on halt now with the tories plans old claimants wouldn't be reassessed to a much later date and would have chance to work and that didn't work go back on lwcra ! Everyone talking about pip but I'm also concerned by WCA these are my thoughts

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,018 Empowering

    I don't think we are lucky anymore yes of course we are against war torn countries but our standards of living are very low everyone's suffering elderly disabled single mothers workers now talking of single council tax going they are deliberately oppressing us covid was the biggest test found out today serco doing my area they also deal with prison refugees great really great I'm sure sunak got his greedy fingers in some of the contracts we have to be realistic well for Me this Is not Great Britian anymore we will be left as a 3rd world country loads of people will go back home as been sending money home to build houses ect wise move and alot of us will be left here the country sucked dry

  • luvpink
    luvpink Community member Posts: 215 Empowering

    Hi Tumilty the 'benefit thing' hasn't disappeared.

    The DWP and the government have been looking at the responses from the Green paper consultation regarding pip

    I expect we may hear something about the outcome on 7th October until then everything being said is just speculation and a lot of scaremongering.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 164 Empowering

    Hi, I don’t think people don’t want to help others in war-torn countries, I think they’re frustrated that, though we’re said to be one of the richest countries, it doesn’t feel like it to a lot of people.

    If you’re living in substandard private rented accommodation (having to spend most of your disability benefit on rent because LHA doesn’t cover it), and because of the housing crisis you have no hope of ever getting social housing, so you’re stuck in a deprived area, that doesn’t feel like the way a wealthy country should be treating people.

    NHS is falling to bits, everybody knows people who are ill, including seriously ill, who have been damaged by not getting appointments. We’re told this is going to get worse.

    Education also in crisis — kids with disabilities don’t get the help they should with their education (causing further problems);

    Social care in crisis: everybody knows somebody suffering because of this;

    All public services slashed, causing further problems. Buses that those on lower income and many disabled rely on - cancelled. Community type where people with eg, learning difficulties could attend classes - closed. No services for older people, or winter fuel allowance. Everybody terrified about benefit cuts.

    Food banks, hygiene banks, period-product banks. Rising fuel prices.

    I don’t want to go on with that list, as I don’t want to doom-spiral anybody, and I know that there are billions of people much worse off, but I can see why people don’t feel like we’re living in a rich country.

    Agree with Meg re the problem being all the wealth being in the hands of the few. Doesn’t look like anybody has ever managed to change that aspect of life, and I wonder if anybody who gets into ‘power’ is ever going to want to. Ex politicians go on to become mega-wealthy, so it looks like they were only ever in it to line their coffers…

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Community member Posts: 288 Pioneering

    I think my perspective may be a little different because I have know a few asylum seekers and met quite a few people who compared to us, have come from lives most of us can't even imagine.

    It is a huge problem that despite being a rich nation, the inequality between the haves and the have nots is absolutely massive, much worse than in most other western economies.

    The answer imo is not to withdraw aid, but to redress the balance of inequality. Spread the money out more - it's there, and there is enough to help everyone including our brothers and sisters abroad.

    There is no doubt many British people are struggling and suffering, but believe me there are far worse places to be born.

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Community member Posts: 86 Empowering

    @apples there are children blown to a million pieces, orphaned, have seen things no one should ever see in their lives, would you honestly withhold financial help from them? You don’t think Putin is a threat to us all, if you don’t I suggest you read more about him. I am as stressed as anyone else about what they plan to do to benefits, because it’s an already horrible and degrading journey to try and get them now, let alone before they make it harder. Having a disability is very hard and it requires help. However, even that being said we should ALL count our blessings we are not living in a country where every night missiles are going around and soldiers are there to kill you. Trust me, you think you have problems, you want to see how many in Ukraine, Syria, Congo, and many, many others live. We can be scared of our own situation but still appreciate what we do have.

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    @LIVEDANDLEARNED if you read my reply to meg24 you would have read that yes I do believe putin is a threat, and I hate to think children are being killed or orphaned, but it seems others are being put before our own, take migrants being put in hotels, 3 meals a day, warmth and shelter, I bet the elderly would be grateful for that comfort, but I also appreciate why the migrants are coming here to escape their war torn countries

    i Just feel our government should be putting British people first

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Community member Posts: 86 Empowering

    There are different budgets for different things. There is a foreign aid budget and it is right and proper for the UK to help migrants, escaping things that we could NEVER cope with. Having said all that, people with disabilities should not be treated as the dregs of society, grateful for any crumbs thrown at them. They should also not be treated as if they are ‘naughty’ for being on benefits. There needs to be a balance for all. For too long disabled people have been overlooked & the fact that they’ve left us all in limbo for so long worrying what they are going to do doesn’t help. However, we can feel bad for ourselves and all those who seek refuge here too. I just hope and pray the Government do the right thing by us. I don’t appreciate the silence though.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,018 Empowering

    We are a tiny island if you had said this post a few years ago I wouldn't have agreed but this country is broke ! And it literally has come to the point that our elderly are suffering and will suffer greatly vetrans homeless whilst people are put up in hotels and 10 feet away someone's sleeping in the street bush Park or bench now its coming to us what will happen to us who will support us we can't get on a boat to the golden city will thier be aids for us to help us survive it literally is a dog eat dog world if I was in a better situation yes my heart would go out to others and it does but my worry is me being on the street we are being forced onto UC refugees don't need to we all been mentioned it's going to get tough on welfare noting about illegal migrants it has to stop and I agree we need to be the focus in this country everything is being stripped off us and its done for a reason its all apart of the plan