Research participants needed

Lucy_Scope Posts: 56 Cerebral Palsy Network
edited November 2024 in Cerebral Palsy Network

The University of Plymouth is conducting research into chest health in children with cerebral palsy.

Poster description:

Are you interested in supporting research in cerebral palsy?

CHESTI-Conversations is a research study funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research. We want to find the best ways to measure chest health in children with cerebral palsy.

We are seeking children and young people with cerebral palsy, parent, carers and professionals to join us for an online conversation to share experiences and views on chest health. Chest health issues may include chest infections, noisy breathing (wheezy, gurgling, rattly), a weak cough, difficulty clearing secretions or swallowing.

CHESTI-conversations will be held online using Zoom. We can help you to join the online call. It will last 30-45minutes, depending on how much you wish to share. You will be offered a £50 voucher for your time. If you are interested in participating, scan the QR code or click on the link here to take part. If you cannot join us online, please contact us to discuss other options. To find out more, visit, ring me on 07972702839 or email me on

