Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November



  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 813 Trailblazing

    So am I, praying they put it back to 28, 29 again as they are so behind .

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,381 Championing

    Me too everyday when postman walks past I sign with relief

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,381 Championing

    Every ten years I meant to say nearly every ten years that make changes

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 970 Championing

    Catherine, here is a link to yesterday's government press release regarding new reforms and the establishment of an independent commission aimed at transforming social care.

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 184 Empowering

    The pure cold heartedness of starmer and reeves makes me think they can do what they want without a care.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,381 Championing

    No I thought same he's very very sinister they left us out of manifesto left us till spring to decide our faith it's funny you don't see much of Liz kendell what waiting for her staring role coldest winter and they still didn't budge on winter fuel payments oh yes starmer said something like just wrap up warm and put heating on if I'm correct ? Dreading what' get Britain Working entails and hopefully we will here outcome of ellen clifford case maybe thier waiting to see the outcome of that Labour was really pushing back on giving the judge certain information files

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,381 Championing

    OOmg No way !!! That's insane wow did you ask hon to change it

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Can I just take a second to remind everyone that personal attacks against MPs are not allowed on the community, they fall under the unkind bracket. So please be careful with your wording.

    And as always, please double check information you find online as there's a lot of bad actors out there.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 813 Trailblazing

    Liz kendell on Facebook, hasn't mentioned anything.

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 98 Empowering

    How many employers are willing to take someone on who has a carer who comes to them to work? I can't think of any

    Plus the fact Access to Work takes about 6 months, I read the otherday

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    @Kaliwax one of the things Labour mentioned many times before they were given power, was they wanted to debloat Access to Work as it was taking far too long to get people seen. So I'm hoping they can do that, it'll certainly help a lot of disabled people get into, and stay, in the workplace. 😊

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 98 Empowering

    Hopefully they keep on that promise.

    One thing I think disabled people could be scared off is if they go into work, and work doesn't work out for them for whatever reason, there scared, they will be sanctioned if they go on benefits because they left a job of their own accord or not have access to benefits for months.

    There should be a safety net of some sort to help them if it doesn't work out.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    From what's been said @Kaliwax that's exactly what they're wanting to stop. They don't want disabled people to be terrified of trying to work ,only for it to not work out and for them to have to go through the claiming process again, it sounds like they're wanting to put a safety net in place.

    I'm staying hopeful for some positive changes, though I'm sure they won't be able to please everyone.

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 98 Empowering

    Just reading a UKIP manifesto from when Farage was leader, and its quite interesting more than what Labour and tories said.

    Scroll down to page 20/21 thats the welfare/disabled section

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 98 Empowering
    edited January 10

    Carer's allowance should be a lot more in my opinion. There underappreciated!

    Sounds like your GP is horrible, sorry to hear that, hope things are better now.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,381 Championing

    I still can't get my head around that at all what job are you expected to do ?? Will they have to interview your husband as well I'm gobsmacked

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    posting the following here (somewhat off topic) as I need to vent (apologies):

    I’m in a complete mess as even though I’ve been bracing myself for the uc migration for months I just got my migration invite later yesterday (and found out it’s been lost in the post for the last 6 weeks and when calling the dwp they refused to extend the timetable - so now I’m in an overwhelmed internal mess by not having the full 3 months warning and the timing sucks as there’s a major family issue that is taking precedent so I’m probably not getting the support I usually would)

    If I was a gambler I’d put a large bet on getting the uc reassessment letter within 3 months of making the uc switch (those of us with transitional protection, esp those of us with multiple disability elements are financially lucrative to the dwp right now - prehaps I’ve been a cynic for too long but you wouldn’t believe how quick the dwp can complete a reassert beginning to end if they think they can knock you down a group - from personal experience wrag to support decision letters have taken over 3 months after f2f, but support down to wrag I got the letter 3 days after the f2f and the next day respectively the 2 times it’s happened)

    ………..I’m fully expecting my 2025 to be fudged up a few times by the dwp - in oct/nov 2024 I was willing to listen and do my best to jump the hoops the dwp (under labour) laid out if reasonable. I experienced some troubling things over the holiday period which shook me up and honestly I’m now leaning towards being ‘selfish’ and taking the path of self preservation & protection

    There has been no evidence that the dwp is more empathetic under labour

    We all know that uc managed migration has been poorly managed and rushed and was ramped up in speed by the tories for the most vulnerable legacy claimants left - labour could of responsibly pause or extended the timetable by a year - they chose not to

    Labour could of taken some of the details of the Tory welfare reforms off the table to calm claimants - they chose not to

    Labour could of stepped in and corrected all of the misinformation being published on the disabled and welfare system the past 2 months - they chose not too (and it can’t be proven but there’s a conspiracy theory going around that they are encouraging the media to increase smears towards disabled to fan anger amongst public so there is no public outcry when they cut welfare for disabled in the way there was for the pensioners and waspi women scandals still ongoing)

    a better person then myself would still help those that had treated them badly (and in some scenarios I still would) - but risking my standard of living and health on future policies of certain labour mps I don’t trust just doesn’t make sense anytime soon

    (It sucks as I was planning to try and push myself and beat those odds (even though trying to beat the odds in my early 20’s almost darn well killed me and I still have those invisible scars)…………however I’m finding it harder to argue that the safe option of staying in the welfare safety net (if received fair and square) might be not only the best option but the only realistically viable one for the time being)

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 813 Trailblazing

    So sorry your going through that apples85, could citizens advice help you . The Echr needs to be told od the cruel inhuman ways dwp and Labour are treating us. Surely something got to be done. Yo could email Timms and even the head of the dwp.not kendell

    Hope it gets sorted

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