Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November
Hi @apple85 You do not need to apologise for needing to vent. I am so sorry this is so stressful and upsetting for you.
If you have any questions other members on the forum will be able to help you and share their experiences.
Please take care of yourself and I hope you manage to get things sorted.
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that’s very kind of you
Fortunately I’ve had a strategy in place for weeks - the only thing I didn’t plan for was the letter being lost in the post for 6 weeks! (Just need to hope 7 weeks is enough time to get appointments with certain resources to ensure things go through smoothly)
(which was stupid of me as the only dwp letters I’ve gotten in the post that haven’t been lost/delayed by a minimum of 3 weeks from the date in the head of the letter were the 2 letters notifying me of my current award being downgraded and the letter years back trying to sanction me for not turning up to a jobcentre appointment (funny story - I turned up but my work coach was sick…….thankfully she cleared things up) - to the outsider they’d think I was quoting conspiracies or pulling their leg but the number of odd ‘coincidences’ and experiences with the dwp that only belong in fiction in hindsight im surprised I defended the labour figures now in charge of the dwp as much as I did)
I know there’s a lot of talk that things will be fairer under labour and you’ll be able to try things with no risk - however by no way are labour guaranteed to win the next ge and I’ve lost count of the amount of times in both esa and dla/pip assessments that I’ve lost points and the accessor notes state the reason was that I was ‘able’ to do x, y and z 10, 15 or even over 20 years ago (and often reword things to match their narrative rather than history in reality)
The thing that scares me is that even if labour do provide this safety net to try things and you work through fears to do so - if the tories and/or reform win the next election (and even if they do) the dwp has a way in logicing that what you where able to do in the past, you can do no problem in the present (which we all know is bull when disability is involved and occurs) and my logic is if the dwp has pulled that **** from my 15+ year back history it’s going to be child’s play pulling the same trick if I tried to jump hoops (successful or epic fail) the matter of a couple of years to months previously
i Basically see 3 options for those of us on this forum on esa or uc and not in work when it comes to labour reform ideas (excluding protesting, legal cases, the general fight for fairness etc as that will happen regardless)
- you embrace the reforms (if they are fair) and push yourself with the aim to move off esa/uc - for that to be an option you have to trust the ppl in charge of the dwp and labour leadership itself……………..I think not only don’t a number of us not trust labour under starmer, but we are openly questioning if they are bad or even worse than tories or reform (if a coup on starmer happens within the next 2.5 years I’m open to reassess my stance as there are decent labour mps that I do trust……..just not many in current frontbencher minister jobs
- You concentrate your effects in maintaining as high disability/sickness welfare awards as to be quite frank the assessment process and stress and worry is a full time occupation. The problem is that it safe option on the system is to do nothing unless your work coach gives you no other option and even then do the bare minimum (and that feels so dirty to say because that is basically the benefit ‘scrounger’ strategy of choice)
- you ‘bend’ the rules and do things to better yourself unofficially (aka not telling dwp or work coach) - I won’t expand on this as it is dodgy territory and it’s up to every individual what is a bend, what’s a break and if they are okay with either (I think my autism makes me Uber want to follow rules to a t…..however they need to make at least a little sense/logic - the dwp break and twist their own rules all the time and have made things unfair on disabled claimants -however I would never undeclare savings or lie about being in paid employment or fake a disability,etc….as 2 wrongs don’t make a right)
To me the answer is obvious in terms of labour gaining trust amongst disabled claimants (and I do think it may result in more disabled claimants in work in the long run as a knock on effect)
Change having to declare activities (such as volunteering, trying work experience and even studying (such as a distance learning qualification)) to your work coach/dwp as OPTIONAL
Right now it’s mandatory and if you officially declare these activities you currently risk losing your current benefit award or triggering reassessment and many disabled are caught up with wanting to better themselves but also doing things the correct way and also not wanting their welfare award that they need to survive - it’s a terrible catch 33
the thing is that with labours employer ni changes the number of jobs will be reduced alongside existing jobs being cut - there won’t be enough jobs for everyone and a disabled person isn’t usually an employers first preference as to treat us fairly will cost them more money than our abled counterparts. There are not enough paid jobs but there is also a national shortage of unpaid volunteers in many sectors which because of increased flexibility when compared to paid employment and to me this is a 2 birds one stone option and a possible way disabled claimants who can’t work health wise maybe able to contribute to society safely(for example look at some under stress sectors - care home workers are overloaded and if ppl volunteered in visiting and socialising with the residents that would probably take some of the stress off the staff - another examples is our schools, there are not enough teachers to go around. When I was young in both primary and secondary school a number of parents or even volunteers would come and help provide one to one help on certain things if a child needed it and it doesn’t seem to be done anymore which is silly as it really did work - and yes some of you will bring up safety however police checks document on yourself to show place you want to volunteer I’m pretty sure is still a cheap and simple process)
Also disabled children and adults often aren’t offered the same education and training opportunities as our abled counterparts so we end up less qualified and employers are less likely to want to put in the work training us (esp if it’s on the job and they have to pay us whilst doing it) - also you can’t study and qualify for universal credit (well you can if you have a disability element I think but if you start studying that may trigger reassessment and you may lose your award as a result which is counterproductive). On the educators side there needs to be more flexibility (such as more distance learning options - pandemic showed it could be done - and qualifications such as degrees split into shorter part (it is already done but very few offer it), a disabled person may find it too much to do a 3 year degree on site but doing one stage (of 3) at a time full or part time then taking a small break may be doable. Also employers are more likely to offer disabled ppl work experience if they don’t have to pay us (just be very clear of the terms of the arrangement and don’t let them take the mickey)
the irony is that the biggest block to work and contribution to society for many disabled claimants is the dwp themselves - trust between the dwp and disabled is at its lowest and under labour that’s not changing - disabled will never trust dwp if they continue treating us as toddlers on leash’s - making officially declaring activities such as the above would be a step in the right direction
(Another conversation altogether but I do think non mandatory disability id cards needs to be consider as someone’s ’disabled’ status based on a wca just isn’t fair and isn’t working - the ‘perks’ of the welfare system isn’t just limited to the cash………..for example the minimum income floor being disregarded if on lcw or lcwra - opening up this disregard to those with a disability id card could open so many doors as self employment is vital to be made more possible if labour are serious about getting more disabled into work - there has been an increase in support group/lcwra awards as money and ‘rule’ wise wrag/lcw group is nearly the same as having no award at all these days……………..if a disability id card was a way to gain some of the benefits of being in the support group not related to the award money I think a few wouldn’t put themselves through the wca assessment process as what sane person would put themselves through that if there were other options with affordable sacrifice so to speak)2 - you embrace the reforms (if they are fair) and push yourself with the aim to move off esa/uc - for that to be an option you have to trust the ppl in charge of the dwp and labour leadership itself……………..I think not only don’t a number of us not trust labour under starmer, but we are openly questioning if they are bad or even worse than tories or reform (if a coup on starmer happens within the next 2.5 years I’m open to reassess my stance as there are decent labour mps that I do trust……..just not many in current frontbencher minister jobs
I never actually thought about letters arriving late that's so stressful I can imagine your anxiety have you got support to help you labour in my opinion are just as bad maybe worse I can't believe they won't extend I did read somewhere that they would extend in exceptional circumstances so sorry your going through this I will be phoning them if they cause me any suffering and telling them !! This is not right look up and see exceptional circumstances I wish you the best one day at a time x
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Oh I'm so sorry no way stupid that's alot alot to deal with I was reading up criteria for pip as it is now and they mentioned if you have cancer hiv Ms you should be more than entitled to pip yes I understand they don't follow that I seriously would ask to see another doctor I am gobsmacked absolutely gobsmacked request SARS from your doctors what you do is fill a form out with your name ect and you can ask for years back of your medical records it's free go through highlight all your diagnoses highlight what treatment you've had or you need take to a different doctor at the surgery show them what your going through and contest it phone cab ask if this is allowed !!even though your husband is your carer doesn't mean he's able to work in a workplace with you honestly I keep saying I cannot believe it tell the doctor what's she's or he's done is causing you so much distress and anxiety and your husband as well state this totally unreasonable as you are so limited on what you can do what do ie not work
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I think it will roll out 2026 2027 to new claimants if so it will still rollout to us eventually I feel we was all hoping and blindsided that Labour was for the people thier only focus is money God under tories things seemed better it's the waiting to hear but not wanting to hear I mean look what doing to elderly they know it all kicks of in beginning and eventually people stop talking how outrageous it is and carry on with daily life look how cold it is one of the coldest winter and no one saying about elderly as much ! The systematic brainwashing over years decades has turned us into quivering wreaks unable to face the days let alone fight them we spend hours on our phones well I do looking trying to find clues god the days had to visit job centre not knowing I was genuinely ill couldn't go back to those days sitting there waiting in a setup designed to break you desperate to survive knowing I had no capabilities to help myself from one job to another to total burnout which I didn't know was burnout they made me attend a job miles away from my home I remember I had no money and had to walk there I left halfway through couldn't handle it was a safari park on ice cream stall I was having major panic attacks walked miles home and hid not knowing what to do no food no money noting I couldn't deal with it then certainly can't now to old to warn down so many jobs over years from shop work then in the world of care support worker masking masking to total crash and burn I still find it hard to drop mask in front of professionals ie therapist people ect we have to dig deep and find that inner warrior it's there somewhere I used to be fearless real fearless buy I've spent years protecting my bubble isolating myself as I really don't fit into the real world and I was trying to accept that now under the illusion of get Britain Working meaning making it more impossible to gain pip as I believe that will be the main health benefit sorry I know it's impossible to piece together my writing boy id be quiet happy to stay under the old system which was soul destroying it's hard to remain optimistic as the whole world is suffering empathy understanding respect kindness seems a thing of the past and when your a great empath that feeds of energy around you it's soul destroying apples your intelligent articulate you got this stick with your plan you have put up great posts and have a great understanding of politics use your knowledge to push through this as my daughter says to me you got this !
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You have got this @Catherine21. 💛
I won't add anything more, as I've covered it on the other post 😊
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Thankyou Holly x
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Well I put off reading it till today but it's pretty clear that we will ALL be forced into work regardless of how ill we are and especially if we have mental health illness.It is now all becoming clear as to why the GP was very Pro my going into this talking therapy now.So I imagine it's going to be much like U.c and if you don't do certain things they simply stop your benefit.A woman who lives in my village said she worked from home selling perfume for a catalogue for many years but didn't meet the Minimum income platform ( words to that effect).Her husband works but they have stopped her benefits and told her she has 6 months now to find a job.she has children too.As someone else pointed out on here they've already taken from the elderly who must be now suffering in this freezing weather.I think there will many consequences of their actions.
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Whats that the white paper ? What did it say
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I thought had to go through parliament for changes this is horrific
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Catherine they do
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I just googled it on Government white paper get Britain Working and all this stuff came up
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@Jane315STARX The government haven't released anything yet, its going to be in the spring. What exactly is it you have read?
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I think I will personally wait until we get a definative answer to what their actual palns are. I agree that what's in that white paper can read as certain as to what labour are planning on doing to benefits. Many of the things in it may be changed or watered down by the time it's implemented, opposed to by other M.P's and disability groups, or some things scrapped altogether. I totally get why people get anxious, full of fear and dread about these changes, but I honestly don't believe they could force someone deemed too unwell to work into any job they are unfit to do so, it would be too dangerous and irresponsible, and there are still strict laws around employment rights for the disabled, whether that may be physical or mentally. I think we have enough people fighting on our behalf to stop anything dangerous happening to us or forcing us into any kind of work we're unable to do.
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I read this one
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@charlie72 I hope you are right
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As soon as I read the white paper I contacted my MP to let her know my thoughts on it and my barriers to entering work. I worked the whole of my life until I get ME/CFS and then Diabetes and also Fibromyalgia which means I can no longer work. My MP responded and said that she would present the information to government. I think the more of us that email our MPs the more chance we have of being heard.
I know we say that there is no point worrying until it goes through parliment process but that is so hard to do.
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I totally agreed Unfortunately I although I think this is an extremely good idea I don't think Kier Starmer will budge on this.Winter fuel has already been taken away despite total uproar and it's already having an affect from child dla to pip not being awarded ( take of that what you will).But it will have a detrimental affect on the country as each person's mental health and health generally affects those around them.i.e dependants for example
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Hi everyone, hope you're alright.
I'm really worried too because I can't do any kind of work.
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Gps aren't as supportive as well as government is putting them under pressure with budget cuts . The evidence for assessment isn't always easy aquire especially if your disability is hidden and not visible to naked eye.
The therapy and cmht are non profit charities so insensitive s to get people back to work.
Some people will find this hard and deteriating with there illnesses and some it will benefit and flourish. But there's no middle you either benefit or a fountain of struggles
Problem is everything is becoming slowly privatised . So it's policies and procedures your fighting for your rights. With a government directive mental health act disability act or human rights conflicting with privatisation policy and procedures.
It's a difficult time. I'm just looking at what if and when I am forced what I could do with my limitations health which will dibilitate me the least.
Its scary time of uncertanty. Especially as human rights law will br adjusted and what will be the adjustments. All we can do is hope
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