ESA + UC - Change ESA to monthly instead of bi-weekly payments

JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering
edited December 2024 in Money and bills


I once had phoned DWP to find out how to change the payment periods, and the person on the phone had told me to write a handwritten letter with the sentence to please change the payment period of my ESA to monthly payments instead of bi-weekly.

However I can't remember the postal address he gave me, and I thought I had it written down, perhaps he was even just referring me to the DWP website.

However before I look anything up, I was wondering, was his answer legit? It seems rather ridiculous, there should be an online form for this surely?!

It's absolutely excruciating to manage my finances in this ridiculous manner, and it's a mental marathon anytime a bill is close to come out, I just want to be able to manage it instead of breaking out in panic every time, I am sure I am not the only one struggling like that?!


  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing

    I have never heard of being able to change the payment frequency for ESA.

    It is possible to request UC be paid twice a month, instead of once although that's not the same as fortnightly payments.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering

    Yeah well the person definitely said ESA is possible monthly and that was through the DWP, it could have the requirement of the UC add-on I suppose, but If you think about it, it makes no sense to throw so much stress at us trying to manage when bills come out and how much budget is left of the 2 weeks, and of the next and of the month on top of that because then everything keeps shifting back and forth. Pretty sure he is right that it is possible, I just couldn't believe that the method was via a signed, named, titled and dated letter rather than a simple online form.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing

    I've been advising people here and elsewhere for years, never heard of being able to change to monthly ESA payments, have heard many examples of poor advice coming out of the DWP though!

    I find it easier to budget in monthly figures.

    So UC payment amount then either 28/30/31 days ESA, that's the figure that goes into my spreadsheet.

    It does require something of a financial buffer in the account to work well.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering

    I have 5 years worth of working on a 4-week BACS PAYE payment method, I know whats involved, and the only way you get your actual amount back instead of the reduced salary is via saving on bills which lie outside of a certain month, and that can be 1-3 months per year, but you'd have to precisely calculate that, which is absolutely horrendous, and no 'buffer saving' is going to help you with that. I know how buffer saving works, i do it myself, however i have to constantly scan ahead whether bills and expenses are affordable, sometimes ESA get's paid 3x in one UC month period, bet you didn't know that did you?

    I remember this advisor telling me to write FREEPOST on the address label of the envelope, I then looked this up, and found out, governmental offices which use these, allow customers to send them letters free of charge, proof also here:

    Governmental Addresses to write to:

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    It isn’t possible for ESA to be paid as a monthly payment. The call centre person you spoke to was incorrect when they said you could do that.

    You said.. “sometimes ESA get's paid 3x in one UC month period, bet you didn't know that did you?”

    Yes of course it will happen sometimes depending on what your UC assessment period dates are. Also even without claiming UC there’s 1 month a year when you will receive 3 ESA payments instead of 2.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering
    edited December 2024

    Anyway, I have sent a note to my journal on the UC online platform now with payment as category of contact, and the following text, for all those who also genuinely just want help (removed due to content - Holly)

    "Dear Sir or Madam,

    I had been on the phone with a DWP advisor some time ago, asking how to change the payment period dates of ESA from 2-weekly to monthly instead. The reason for this was due to the horrendously difficult way of having to constantly calculate and scan ahead which bills come out when and for me as mentally disabled and physically disabled, this is far too hard. Back in the past I did work for a company that used 4-weekly BACS PAYE payment periods, so I know the only way to not miss out on this reduced payment style, is to adjust for 1-3 months per year where bills lie outside of the 4-week payment period, this creates unnecessary work and vast confusion for me, causing me massive panic attacks every time a bill is coming out. The advise I was given was, to send a signed, titled, named and dated handwritten letter to the DWP department, marked with a 'FREEPOST' on the address label of the envelope. Upon looking up said method via:


    I come to the conclusion that [My constituency] does not have this mark available anymore on their addressable offices while others do, and I would have to pay for postage, however I cannot at all afford that, and also it's a rather convoluted and surely failing approach to something which could easily be done via a short online form or in this case note to my advisors / responsible department workers via this very note i am writing now. So please could you change the payment period for my ESA to monthly instead of every 2 weeks, starting on the date of the 12th January 2025?

    Thank you very much,
    yours kindly"

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    We've removed and edited a number of posts in this discussion and would like to remind members of the house rules.

    @JF7891, your original post asked if the DWP advisor's advice was 'legit', and being honest I have to agree with the other posters that I haven't heard of 4-weekly payments for ESA and have been unable to find any guidance for this. That isn't to say it isn't possible, but it is not something I have heard of or can find any supporting information for.

    I would also imagine it would be ESA you need to speak with, not Universal Credit, but if you hear back from them, I would be interested to know what they say.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing

    I think you'd be better off investigating whether twice monthly UC payments would better suit your budgeting. This is very possible and easy to request via Journal.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering
    edited December 2024

    Well thanks for being entirely unhelpful, escalating the discussion and also basically being rude to someone who genuinely asked for help and is not here to post statements but bloody just ask for help. What a ridiculous forum I must say, demanding of me to give to you as community in this process, rather than being given help from you, when I sought it with this post. Well that's scope for you, shoot first, ask questions later. Thanks for nothing.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,036 Championing

    I think you will find that replies here have been helpful.

    If you are unable to get the esa changed to monthly, which I do not believe it has ever been an option. Then ask for the UC to be changed to every two weeks.

    I would post a short polite request on the journal. Keep to the facts only and keep your annoyance of the system to yourself.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering

    None of the replies have been helpful at all, that's a fact, in fact they have been rude, counter-productive, and in my opinion ignorant and patronising as well as offensive! (hence my outrage)
    My question clearly, obviously, logically as well as rationally was: EVERY SINGLE BILL PEOPLE HAVE COMES OUT MONTHLY - ESA IS 2-WEEKLY/4-WEEKLY, HENCE - ANXIETY/PROBLEMS/PANIC/ARBITRARINESS
    It's as simple as this: there is 4 weeks worth of grocery shops in any given month, however most months are 2-3 days left to fend for ourselves and feed ourselves, same goes for any other monthly bill. This clearly is not hard to grasp is it? Why would people then pick on this very fact, and offer this dilemma as solution, by making UC 4-weekly? ←—— This is clearly OFFENSIVE to my mental disabilities and anxieties which I have clearly stated in the first post here. Hence again my absolute devastation and outrage on this replies above exploiting and exacerbating this very anxiety.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing

    You were seeking ESA to be paid monthly, which isn't possible.

    A solution has been suggested, in the form of changing UC payments instead to twice monthly, which is possible.

    I'm sorry you didn't find that helpful.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering
    edited December 2024
  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing
    edited December 2024

    My second comment mentioned how I personally manage budgeting the two benefits (ESA & UC) together. So you are incorrect in saying I do not get ESA & UC myself.

  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,737 Empowering

    Hello everyone, 

    We want this discussion to continue, but we’re concerned that things are becoming quite tense and could easily escalate. 

    Please remember that all discussions on Scope’s online community should remain civil, supportive, and safe.  

    We will continue to closely monitor this discussion, but if it escalates further, we may choose to pause, close, or even hide the discussion. 

     For more information, please read our online community house rules

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,036 Championing

    Esa cannot be paid every two weeks. We can as a forum find ways to help you manage/cope with this change, if you want help with it.

    You do need to take a breather before you reply any further.

    Please do not use capitals to communicate with the forum.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 130 Empowering
    edited January 29

    You can't speak for the entire forum, and making demands like yours is even more ridiculous. Please refrain from making personal preferences to your liking, there are strict forum rules you are not adhering to.