Upcoming changes to benefits



  • birdwatcher
    birdwatcher Online Community Member Posts: 111 Empowering

    Anyone else get their council tax bill this morning? It explains how your council tax benefit has been worked out and how much the law says you need to live on. So if we need X amount to live on why are we being threatened with having our money cut? Surely there's a legal issue here? I have written to my MP asking him to call in for a chat but I'll honesty be surprised if he does

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 867 Championing

    can I make an added suggestion

    There’s an huge amount of council members/councillors (the people we vote for in local elections) that can put added pressure on their local area mp

    I’ve already seen a few labour run councils post letters on social media that they’ve sent to labour leadership about their objections to disability welfare cuts.

    The more public backlash the increased likelihood backbenchers rebel and front benchers consider resigning in protest

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    They also wouldn't need to keep relentlessly dish it out while boasting we are one of the richest Countries.

    As Apple said they simply want to relocate it which is nearly always already wealthy and dosent need the money government constantly through at them.

    IIt's got to point even some millionaire with healthy mindsets are like we would pay more tax but the government will not let us.The uunhealthy ones are the trash papers that constantly wrote up articles on how the wealthy could avoid paying tax numerous articles when Labour got in on those will simultaneously picking on disabled which has become their favourite sport.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    The article by those particular papers at that time were genuinely fearful that Labour undeŕstarmer was actually socialist and so the numerous articles were how to avoid inheritance tax or this loophole and so on.

    Starmer & Reeves are as far removed from Marxist ideology as you can get.

    Each according to his own ability.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    International stage ~grandstanding.

    When they actually find out how ppl are treated here and few in Europe get to see it other than UN cos it's buried in press.

    The mark slips. I'd join you in a heartbeat out of this place it's cruel

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 867 Championing

    as an autistic person I’ve been regularly rejected once I disclosed my diagnosis from even offering free volunteer work

    One jackass thought for the ‘favour’ of offering work to me I could pay him inside (apparently disabled ppl are loaded in benefits and I could easily afford to pay him £200 a week! - irony was my esa and housing at the time only added up to £160 a week - needless to say I just got out of there)

    Has anyone contacted Robert buckland yet - he’s a Tory mp who lost his his seat last GE but he has an invested interest in autism and the paper he wrote is pretty well thought out


    also I’m very interested where Jonathan Reynolds the business security lands on this - he was starmers first dwp minister (and was pretty good) and has a autistic son

    If the green paper does freeze out autistic people from claiming/being successful getting pip or uc lcwra as one of the more vague rumors going around is suggesting - I will judge him if he doesn’t resign in those circumstances

    any know what the last shadow disability minister (now a whip) vicky foxcroft is up to - 12-18 months she was reassuring the disabled communities they would go the Tory route (let alone this dystopian madness rumoured) - another one I’m very interested to read their stance next week once the green paper is launched

  • A_Z1961
    A_Z1961 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected

    Hi All, I've been keeping a watchful eye and reading all the comments and concerns.

    My case is I have many ongoing health issues, first starting in 1999. Things took a turn for the worst in 2021 then worse again developing further conditions in 2024. I have worked full time since leaving school 3 months before my 16th birthday (so I was still 15 and paying tax and ni) back in 1977. In 1982 I took 10 years off to have and raise my 3 children (no child care payments) then back to work. When I got very ill in 1999 I was out of action for 7 years. I did not claim one penny of government assistance/disability as my husband cared and supported me.

    I have paid into the system for years and I am now coming up to 64. I should have gone down the health/disability route from 2021- 2024 but I didn't , I only started last month and only have one fit note and I was hoping to get a UC50 and WCA after 3 fit notes. I can't get my state pension soon either as the age goes up to 67 next year making working age another 3 years for me.

    My point being, there is a great possibility I won't get lrwca and/or pip and the actual assesment will likely make it impossible. I live alone now so of course I can wash, dress, cook for myself, handle my budget and think for myself. There is no one here to help me.

    What piddles me off is I have paid into this system for decades, not claimed when I could have, cant retire at 65 (60 when I left school) and now I might not even get the chance to get lrwca if they target new claims, I'm a newbie in regards to sickness/disability and I'm nearly 64. Also, for me, working is not good for me in any way shape or form. Is anyone speaking up for the over 60s being forced to work and likely denied disability even at this late stage in their working age life?

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Re International Stage Grandstanding.. Starmer and Reeves are all in! Last year she hoped to charm Biden by stating she was following ‘Bideneconomics’..yesterday it was a German model of shrinking the state? As for Starmer.. we all realise the defence budget has to rise but c’mon, what’s with all the International conferences he’s setting himself up to chair? I very much doubt the US or Russia! will permit British boots on the ground.. his showboating is out of control. I read the OBR’s reaction to Reeves welfare plans, nowhere do they say fiscal policy can’t be ‘slackened’ to raise defence monies. This sacrifice of the disabled is simply Reeves excuse to raise taxes for everyone. We’re a mere soundbite to a desperately struggling chancellor.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 867 Championing

    also look into ‘labour together’ - many mps that helped build that now thinktank are now in plum minister jobs and like Cummings was to Boris, Morgan mcsweeney is in a puppet master role and anyone familiar with the ‘yes minister’ old comedy knows the pm is not the most powerful person in gov

    Starmer was picked to be the face of this labour gov (rather than pm job credentials if you get my meaning) but I don’t think he was ever an actual member of ‘labour together (not like reeves was) and I do think someone else is writing the script then handing them to starmer

    (I just can’t decide if starmer is actively collaborating in all these plans or just reading from the script - he may see mcsweeney as the reason for his huge majority and that’s a good enough reason to continue going alone with things)

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    With respect, you may be reading more into this than is actually there. Ultimately, these are fairly clueless party hacks with little experience of anything beyond their own narrow world. Hence their outsourcing of so much to Mr McSweeney - Labour's version of Dom Cummings.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 271 Empowering

    I hope this is true . Is the observer a reputable paper ?
    technically they wouldn’t be forced into a humiliating u-turn as they’ve never said the leaks were true . Maybe that’s why it was leaked , to test the reaction then deny certain parts were ever going to happen?

  • sparx104
    sparx104 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    edited March 15

    First post, it is a rant - apologies in advance, I've been drinking…

    All this talk of "making people work" brings to mind another group which had the same idea, and a "slogan" for it: "arbeit macht frei".

    I'm autistic and have various other mental health issues, have been sectioned and have tried multiple times to commit suicide - what the govt is now doing is pure sadism - keeping all this in the news without telling us what they intend to do. When the rumours of them altering the ISA rate come out they made a statement saying they weren't going to - nothing for us tho. Oh, to have enough money to be able to save any of it.

    Having just been forced through the "managed migration" **** I'd finally thought that things were going to settle down - now this. Having had to deal with the stress of that I figured I'd try to claim PIP too (too much stress to deal with it whilst everything was just "chugging along" on ESA support group) - guess that's now out of the window and will have to try to find work.


    I lived through the tories screwing us - being forced to move due to the HB changes. I even used to be a Labour member. At lease the tories had the honesty to tell us to our faces whilst sticking the knife in, they didn't stick it in out back and try to tell us it was "for our own good".


    Mods: remove this if it's off topic/etc.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 752 Trailblazing

    I think Timms should be told that as disabled minister he has done nothing for us. That if people are talking about ending it, then it's on their responsibility.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 271 Empowering

    so it’s from the guardian not the observer ? Is the guardian trustworthy. I keep pressing on the links and they just pop up a pic of starmers face which is the last thing I want to see .

  • Fuji
    Fuji Online Community Member Posts: 48 Empowering

    The observer is part of the Guardian. And yes it's a reputable source.