Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 94 Empowering

    My prediction Labour will not only lose an election they will be lucky if they ever get back in for the next 40 50 years or as long enough for new generations coming up unaware of previous Pandora box

  • Stop_cutting_us
    Stop_cutting_us Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected

    This guy covered the proposed changes to criteria to be allowed to get LCWRA and PIP

  • Jamk85
    Jamk85 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Contributor

    well it is 94% labour wipeout for scotland once the scottish elections start in 2026, so early warning sign.

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,086 Championing

    i think you all need to wake up and smell the roses how can they cut lcwra for people on uc but still pay transitional protection for the people on the old system making the divide even bigger this is mainly 40 pages of tommy rot and speculation fuelled by people feeding you fear

  • PatrickLondon
    PatrickLondon Online Community Member Posts: 9 Contributor

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy9dgwe1q27o https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy9dgwe1q27o

    There’s a hope…

  • Vulcress
    Vulcress Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    A number of MPs broadly supportive of welfare reform have told the BBC they have received assurances that severely disabled people would not be expected to work and would not lose entitlement to benefits.


    I sincerely hope its true, because Labour need to understand something fast.

    when they keep using recent Global events as a reason for clearly long standing ideas

    instead of speeches clearly intended for the right wing media, Showing compassion is not a weakness, Showing common sense and a clear understanding of the issues people face.

    Not just delivering speeches with the tag line "working people or hard working people"

    They axed the WFP and it became clear they had totally ignored the thousands of people just a few pounds outside getting PC.

    they created GB Energy they could still salvage this shambles by teaming up with a provider to offer a social tariff this alone would trigger all the others to cut prices and they finally

    the need for WFP would be a bit less urgent. The entire point of electing MP's is to be the voice of the people who voted them in to tell the leadership when they are wrong.

    Not just follow and vote like sheep, because we all know these "reforms" were not part of the GE and seeing how they have already dropped huge pledges like Non Dom tax etc.

    They can still salvage this and for me it starts by not trying to be Reform Lite

    Listen to Charities and Organizations and us the people on what being disabled is really like.

  • Remina
    Remina Online Community Member Posts: 275 Empowering
    edited March 15

    The below article was from 2013 and even then she was harping on the exact word-for-word same spiel about the drastic need for overhaul of the benefit system and how we shouldn't be 'lingering on benefits', completely out of touch with our daily reality and struggles.

    I'm optimistic that together with our advocates and activists, that the sick/disabled community can overturn and defeat any dangerous reforms, the fight-back is in full swing and we have many legal points/human rights on our side to combat any discriminatory reforms, especially in terms of eligability tightening.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 248 Empowering

    but who decides who is the most disabled? I’m not in a wheelchair but am mostly house/bed bound with fibromyalgia and ME though I have other conditions too. Pip is already difficult to claim , if they go ahead with new criteria it will be practically impossible for most of us.

  • bench
    bench Online Community Member Posts: 81 Contributor

    With you on this a pip freeze, big deal worth wot less that a hundred pound a year, it's the change criteria ,that's the problem and going to hurt people like me with MH issues, If that enough for them back benches to be happy with, it a disgrace

  • JulieTuesday
    JulieTuesday Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor

    I believe from an old article I read that many super rich would willingly pay more tax if asked, why oh why can't this government increase the tax paid from these people? only a small amount would equal out what they want to steal from the disabled and mentally unfit. After April there will be fewer jobs on offer due to the NI increase and wage increases, surely employers will want to employ the fittest? I really hope some Labour MP's read all these comments..

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 745 Trailblazing

    And they are giving themselves next year a thousand pounds pay rise.

    There bringing back the workhouses next

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 248 Empowering

    100% agree . If we don’t meet new criteria the increase with inflation won’t make a difference to us . We need them to stand firm and realise this won’t be a compromise at all . In 4 years they’ll be needing votes and this won’t be forgotten. Back benchers need to remember that .

  • bench
    bench Online Community Member Posts: 81 Contributor

    Pip freeze, been scrapped, putting that out in the press , thinking people will think their be less harsh, in real terms , in about £60 a year, I think the public are stupid , and most are,and will say well at least their not freezing pip, but what that actually doing is sending alot of mentally disabled people to a early grave , despicable humanbeings

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 236 Empowering

    I am like you with M.E and am often bed bound these days. I also have agoraphobia, PTSD and crippling anxiety and panic attacks. There is no way I can work and all this terror is making everything worse. It seems like they want to shove us all in two simplified boxes. "Severely disabled" and "Ready to start work". It shows they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

  • Stop_cutting_us
    Stop_cutting_us Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected

    The pip freeze is the least damaging part about these changes! as its only a freeze of the inflation increase for a year so you'll lose about £30-£40 in future calculations from next year but it'll be the same as what you get now. Its the change of criteria and most crucially the potential 34% cut of the £416 on LCWRA. These are payments to the poorest and deemed unfit for work! After inflation that could be as high if not higher then -£128 gone each month! That cannot be allowed to happen. I know people who will no longer be able to afford rent if that happens!

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 236 Empowering

    I agree, I think the LCWRA reforms, what ever they may be are much worse than the PIP freeze, especially if we all have to be reassessed under this much stricter criteria, which means a lot of us will end up in the preparing for work category. They seem to believe that if they starve us out we will all miraculously be cured. It's ridiculous and going to end in carnage if it all comes to pass!

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 248 Empowering

    I wasn’t even able to have GET as my ME never stabilised and exercise is dangerous if you have ME. They’re so ignorant of disability and conditions. Even the deaf won’t get enough points under this criteria.