The Green Paper Discussion (the document link is here too!)



  • Ralph
    Ralph Online Community Member Posts: 146 Empowering

    hmm a lot to read. If this goes through then people like myself with epilepsy and only get mobility component because we don’t have a seizure every day, just a few times a week. Will they then lose the mobility component too on next review?

  • DFDone
    DFDone Online Community Member Posts: 41 Connected

    That will dont worry, please give your worst days also those who care for you nd help you could get alot extra, take advice by asking admin on here

  • Prinko
    Prinko Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor

    I think you’re confusing New Style with the older CB ESA.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 549 Trailblazing

    surely the amount of pip claimants will rise ? I can see this being another DLA to PIP disaster

  • Prinko
    Prinko Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor

    @Durus NS is already a non means tested benefit

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 114 Contributor

    please could someone explain to me regarding the new pip rules . I scored 25 points for daily living and was awarded the enhanced rate , I also scored 12 points for mobility and was awarded the enhanced rate . I have got pip untill march 2027, does this mean once I get reassessed in march 2027 if I scored the same I would still get pip ? Thanks as I’m so worried

  • LouCie61
    LouCie61 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    Yes it is part of the daily living. You'll be OK with the Mobility part as I'm pretty sure she said that will NOT be affected.

    I'm going to lose my daily living as I score on 5 of them but only get 2s and 3s so that will be taken away.

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 218 Empowering

    So sorry that your wife was struggling. Sadly all those supporting such proposals consider disabled people suffering like this a success.

    Only seperating the UK media and political spheres will stop this leak culture from happening.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 814 Championing

    Not had a read yet and not sure when I will, but Labour are becoming more confident, a minister admitted its about ideology as much as finances, saying there is a belief amongst modern Labour, that assessments should be frequent, and more people should be working.
    A cruel cruel party carrying on from where they left off when they introduced ESA and LHA.

  • Durus
    Durus Online Community Member Posts: 24 Contributor

    I didn't realize New Style ESA was different to CB ESA.

    I'm pretty sure on New Style ESA so not sure where that leaves me.

  • Autistic_Superpower
    Autistic_Superpower Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor

    Someone in the previous thread said that although LCWRA itself is frozen until 2029-2030, the UC rate for everyone will go up by about £7 a week next year.

    So does that mean that although the LCWRA base rate will stay the same, everybody will still get that £7 - Even us on the LCWRA rate?

  • William01
    William01 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected

    Absolutely, I'm in northern Ireland but I realise no matter what differences are social security system may have to England, the funding per head will still be the equivalent to England's. So it'll be up to the devolved administrations of Belfast and Scotland to implement them or have their block grants cut. Personally I can't see it, why would they cut their block grants further. Our benefits in NI including PIP are similar to England's so easier to work out, will be tougher for Scotland as you don't have PIP, but I'd be shocked if the Scotish ADP eligibility wasn't effected as a consequence