The Green Paper Discussion (the document link is here too!)



  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 95 Empowering

    Under the current rules I wasn't to be invited to apply for UC.

  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 220 Empowering
    edited March 18

    PIP is functional. If fatigue prevents you from reliably being able to complete elements you should get the points and a tribunal is likely to overturn the assessor's incorrect view of your abilities based on that false assumption.

    I had an assessor tell me that because I don't sleep during the day I don't get fatigued. They are very ignorant. I was dreading the tribunal but they actually paid attention and applied the law rather than asking trick questions the way the assessors do. I really hope the bumpf about being respectful in the green paper is true. It must actually cost more to have so many cases go to tribunal so they should try to get it right first time more often.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 549 Trailblazing

    correct as I also looked it up for pain and fatigue conditions and they are classed as physical disabilities.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 809 Trailblazing
    edited March 18

    I will lose out with pip, one of my mobility one is 10, i get standard, but i get enhanced with daily living counting it up. my review is in 2032. And with my current conditions which wasn't as bad when I filled it in, plus copd i don't want to ask for another in case I lose it especially with these changes. I hope they don't call me yet

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 549 Trailblazing

    Hope so Catherine 🤞. What’s your thoughts on all this ? I don’t think it’s as bad as I was expecting but I don’t understand a lot of it so maybe that was the plan . Terrify us then confuse us

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 27 Empowering

    Fibromyalgia is classed as a lifelong debilitating condition which is also incurable so you should definitely qualify for PIP regardless of what they change the PIP descriptors to. I have lived with Fibromyalgia along with other conditions since 2005 and whilst it may not be my most debilitating condition it does cause me daily issues and is very painful. Not to mention brainfog and I even forgot how to spell my name once when I writing a card it literally went out of my head and was incredibly scary. I think the biggest hurdle for people with FM is that there is no way to test for it with a definitive test it has led to the situation that anybody with multiple mystery ailments just get classified as having FM when in actuality they may have a different condition. FM at it's worst flare up can last weeks and even moving to the toilet becomes almost impossible and very painful. I was very lucky as my GP his wife has FM so he sees first hand exactly what the effects can be and is sympathetic whereas some Doctors are not. I was a textbook case I was in my 20's had an abscess behind my eye and in my cheek which was antibiotic resistant I spent christmas and new year 2004/5 in hospital on IV antibiotics and have never felt well since that point, originally they thought it was post viral fatigue but I had a perpetual high white cell count over 22000 and they couldn't find a cause for it after every blood test and scan they could think of I was referred to rheumatology and was diagnosed by a consultant with FM then followed kidney issues requiring 2 months in hospital and a catheter and a year later bowel problems which are both common with FM. Don't let them bully you when it is time for your review, have somebody there with you who can advocate for you and if it helps begin keeping a diary of a typical week and how it effects you. Attend all hospital and GP appointments to have for a record of visits for your FM and you should be okay.

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 95 Empowering

    It's going to be time limited. It's still not going to be means tested. At present the ESA support group is not time limited.

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 99 Empowering
    edited March 18

    I'm on LCWRA. So it's now likely I'll be reassessed in the next 1 to 2 years which means there's a decent chance I'll be classed as fit for work because this is what often happens when I am reassessed.

    If I do manage to get back onto LCWRA and it's after April next year I will be getting £50 a week less.

    This means I may not be able to afford to run my car anymore, if I can't I will become housebound again which will deteriorate my mental health further and I will not be able to go to the periodic conversations about work and support if they're face to face, which will probably mean my money will be cut further which will mean my mental health will deteriorate further, or stopped altogether which will kill me.

    Even if I'm able to still have these periodic conversations it will mean having to repeatedly explain myself about my issues which I'm no good at, and it's likely the person wont be understanding and will be invalidating which is what I usually experience when trying to explain my issues to someone. Having to periodically go through this will be a worry that is always on my mind and once again deteriorate my mental health further.

    In 2028/2029 when the WCA is scrapped and you'll have to rely on being successful at a PIP assessment. I've only had one PIP assessment and I was given no points and was lied about even though I had been qualified for LCWRA, PIP is already harder than the WCA and it will be even harder in 2028/2029, there's not much chance I will be successful at all which will mean I will end up on much less money and be expected to look for work, this will basically kill me.

    I hope some of these things do no not go through or at least get watered down. Now I'm going to permanently have the worry of all this on my mind all the time now.

    I don't have any fight in me for this, VSEDing will be easier.

  • Durus
    Durus Online Community Member Posts: 24 Contributor

    The new "Unemployment insurance" benefit wont be means tested, but it will only last for 1 year.

    Then after that you'd be forced onto UC which is is means tested which means you'd get nothing in terms of money if over £16k and reduced money with savings between £6k-£16k with only a small consolation of your national insurance stamps being paid whilst on UC.

    Guess another consolation is that they aren't means testing PIP which I was sure they would, but they didn't go ahead with that.

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 95 Empowering

    However I think once your time limit is up you can then claim UC if entitled to it.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 549 Trailblazing

    exactly. I get pip for ME and fibromyalgia. Bad assessor again. This is the worry with the 4 point situation but I think I read Kendall in bringing in compulsory recoding , bet Atos etc won’t like that

  • alex25
    alex25 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected

    Thank you for your comment, I have asked the Mods to remove the original post. I am extremely worried and after the last week or so it's a lot to take in. Lots of us will be really worried.. I need to try and remain calm, just so very tired after all this, there will be a lot of analysis so need to take it day by day. Thanks

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 95 Empowering

    More info for ESA (CB)

    53. Unemployment insurance would be a new non-means tested entitlement for people who have contributed into the system. It would be created by replacing contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) with a new single entitlement, paid at the current ESA rate (currently £138pw) and will be time-limited. This would provide stronger income

    54. Alongside levelling up the rate, this change would end the indefinite entitlement to contributory ESA for those assessed as having limited capability for work-related activity (for new people claiming). Those unemployed after the time-limited period would be able to claim UC, depending on their personal circumstances. We believe this reform would align with the removal of the WCA, by offering a route to financial support for those with temporary and short-term health conditions, including for those who may not be entitled to PIP and therefore not entitled to the health element of UC. during periods of unemployment for those with a recent work record, while revitalising the ‘something-for-something’ contributory principle in the working-age system. People claiming this would be expected to actively seek work, with easements for those with work-limiting health conditions.

    Trying to get my head around the PIP scores. Hopefully someone will come along and advise. x

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 177 Empowering


    sorry to disrupt, is there a summary or accessible version of this green paper. Finding it hard to follow 😔

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,498 Championing

    I didn't get a score of 4 on any one daily living .component

    Its all so confusing, I understood it as being if you get one 4 then you don't get assessed for mobility, you just keep that part of your award.

    It just doesn't make sense and its unfair for them to do this health insurance thing for a limited time for people who paid NI contributions.

    What about if you' over the savings threshold to transfer to universal credit?

    We still have no real idea of what health conditions mean you won't keep being .reassessed.

    We need a lot more .clarification

    I think they will face a back lash over this 4 point criteria.

  • BlindBat
    BlindBat Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    I see what you mean but in reality it will be means tested at the point the time limitation expires and you move to UC… which is means tested.

    Someone like myself will stop getting the new style ESA support group payment that is currently joint means tested or time limited. Because in the new scheme it will be both and I’ll lose it after the time limitation expires. Aaargh

  • nursiecat35
    nursiecat35 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    My daughter currently receives LCWRA and PIP. She is 19, I read that LCWRA is not available to Young people under 22. Does this mean she will lose the benefit?

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    edited March 18

    Lol Have mercy

    Did I hear Liz correctly new style contribution based ESA will be paid higher but time limited and cut off from financial support as soon as you do some work?