Emailed my mp



  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    Lol @Lou67 I feel like that film atm  the one where he has a million ( slight exaggeration on the million lol)  ? Split personalities lol keep calm an inhale the virus lol lol lol!! 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72 oh your hilarious ??
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72. Hiya how are you doing hope your good?
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67? Now then Mrs crunchy knees lol?, did u get them points yet? My eye sight has gone wonky overnight fgs ?, I. Got email from mp, dwp replied saying it would be up to me if I  decide I'm better of moving to uc , however Gillian knows the amount of esa she gets atm, an as it stands atm uc pays £410 pm an sg extra is £341pm  and  2bed housing benifit is £ 399pm / 3bed £430 an £75 deduction if daughter  was over 21, but no mention of coucil tax ??? Lol ummmmm ??
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72. Oh hope your eyesight comes ok must be frightening, aw no still no heard anything yet think theyv forget about me lol, I’m no sure wat all that is way UC but we aren’t getting the extra money on our ESA by looks of it ☹️
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67?  Hiya crunchy lol hope ur doing ok , yes I know what a joke that's over £300 (I think haven't out my carol v head on atm ) lol well thats never ha! ,  buttttt no mention on council tax ummm ?? that might be the catch lol , yeah my eyes are doing all sorts of different things atm ummmmm ? Never had any probs with my sight in my life, I keep using the lockdown not to get my eye test I have heard they can tell if u have ms?  ????? ?? lol xx
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    Aww Gillian72 oh hopefully it’s not that , you should definitely make an appointment get them tested, Ano if your like me I put everything off but please don’t this is your sight, hopefully it’s something silly xx
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67 so they can tell then?? I don't even no how much it cost for test lol ??
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    Gillian72  Oh I don’t know what they can pick up but I know they can find out different things through eye tests, Iv never had to pay for my eye tests because I’m on ESA.
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67 ohh so I can take esa award letter with me ?? lol arsenal fan lololo ha! Ha! Xx
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72 ???. I can’t mind if I took mine me but I probably did the first time I went, so get an appointment made Mrs lol xx
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67 yes I'm Gunnar  Mrs  crunchy lol ????xxx
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    Lol ? good let’s no how you get on xx
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72 Hey Mrs how are you have you managed to get an appointment for eye test yet x
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67 hiya hope ur well, umm no not atm can't be arsed,I've been wearing my daughters glasses lol they just about let me see an write on here when I 1st put them on for some reason then eyes start 2 jumbled up, my land lord sent me a warning letter over my rent (yawn yawning blahh! Blaahh! ) an council tax gone up to £87 due on 15th (blaa! Bs! Yawning) they can both do one lololo haaaaaaaaa! Oh an daughters partner has brought a house gets the keys next week, I'm bit confused over this he said his cousin is gonna lodge in an that helps 2wards his bills but says he doesn't want kellyann making a huge commitment atm?? So my anxiety is blowing my head off just wish they would spit it out ffs lol right that's my rant 2day lol ??
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72.  Oh god aye hope they sort it out, as for your landlord tell him your under more stress now than normal times lol but as for your eyes you need an appointment ASAP sorry for going on I sound asif I m your mum lol I’m done in been packing more stuff didn’t realise amount of **** I had ?‍♀️I move on Tuesday so a bit stressed again lol now there a rant ??
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67. ?Yeah I know, brain Mri abnormal an I've seen neurologist, got a deep white matter dissese anyway lol could do with a full m,o,t, lol haaaaaaaaa! ??
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72. Oh it’s good to laugh but al keep annoying you till youv been for eye test lol 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,623 Championing
    @gillian72. Hey Mrs how’s things, was thinking about you, have you managed to get your eyes seen to yet xx
  • gillian72
    gillian72 Community member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @Lou67 now then miss crunchy knees ??how u doing?, have u got them points yet? How's ur new flat hav u settled in OK , oh no I've been a arsenal fan still lol ???