If they roll it out in December, would you take the Covid-19 Vaccine?



  • m_burrell82
    m_burrell82 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 179 Empowering
    well there's been many folk that have been given the vaccine now. Very few with any harsh side effects. Like one person in Alaska, the other day and that person lived to tell the tale. I don't know of anyone who has died from the vaccine. Many are dying from the virus. So every reason to take this vaccine, so we can actually think of meeting up with folk again.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 156 Empowering
    Don't forget you need two jabs and it's very early days yet to judge on long term side effects?
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    No, I've been around the country from March to July when living in a van full time and since then I have been out 3-4 times a week on my scooter - I can't wear a mask as I can't put one on - Everyone on the news telling me what to do has had it - And If I have had it, I've not known about it. 

    To be honest if Covid got me then oh well, i've had a good life.. But I am not going to have a jab and luckily there is no law to force me - and if you are tricked it's actually assault and becomes a Police matter. Or so my Barrister friend told me yesterday. 
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    well there's been many folk that have been given the vaccine now. Very few with any harsh side effects. Like one person in Alaska, the other day and that person lived to tell the tale. I don't know of anyone who has died from the vaccine. Many are dying from the virus. So every reason to take this vaccine, so we can actually think of meeting up with folk again.
    And yet 2 nurses had anaphylaxis and died the same day.. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited December 2020
    I don't believe anyone's died from the vaccine @soconfused. Associated Press in fact put out a piece discrediting the rumour that any nurses in Alabama had died and the two NHS workers who had severe allergic reactions to the vaccine recovered.
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    edited December 2020
    Of course no one has died from Covid-19 as covid-19 does not exist!

    I've never fallen for any of the Governments ****. I pity people who have. Did the Associated Press also discredit the fact the covid-19 test goes positive if you have a cold? Or that they got a positive result from a Zucchini ?  not likely to either as both are factually true! 

    Try telling someone dying of Cancer because it was missed (just like the thousands who will again because of the tests they just cancelled yesterday) that Covid is real. 

    The whole world needs to wake up and smell what Boris and his (getting rich doing it) cronies are shovelling. 2 well known MP's have shares in Astra Zenica and also Whitty has amassed 400K in the past week from speaking about it - I mean come on - in which correct world should the CMA get 400K for doing what he is already being paid to do? 

    None of it smacks of suspicion? Even people like Jacob Rees Mogg having a go at charities yesterday for feeding hungry children?  No hint it's all designed to bring us to our knees? It started as a way to kill pensioners to save the pension money but now pensioners are the first people to get the jab? The fact a 21yr old died but they gave a job to a 90yr old? 
    None of it? 

    As I have said before. I Will have lived on the road before during and after this all started and the one thing I can tell you that I have seen, is that when it comes to day to day living in regards to amount of people I see, NOTHING has changed! 

    I despair for what is left of the Human race! 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @soconfused, sorry for the confusion. I meant nobody's reported to have died from the vaccine. I've edited my post to clarify.

    Sadly, Covid-19 very much does exist. I know people who have unfortunately passed away as a result. And right now my own family (my partner and my children) are currently unwell with it. 
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    edited December 2020
    You don't know an invisible enemy "does very much exist". Have you seen it? have you even seen it at a microscopic level? No.  sorry but that's just flannel. I don't wish to sound blunt - but you get me 1, just 1 death certificate that has just Covid 19 as the cause of death, nothing underlying and I will believe you. But if it was real then WHY did the Government butcher a cert which said Myocardial infarction but they crossed it out and put Coronavirus ? That's also a true fact. 

    Sounds like someone trying to manufacture fear to me, sad thing is it's working. The longer this goes on the richer Boris and his mates get.

    And besides - HOW can I take them seriously when A they all get it (apparently) through stupidity) and B they IGNORE every boat dweller who comes in from Dover?  They want us to live under a dictatorship but others have free reign?  Oh yeah it's real alright - in their HEADS!

    Anyone who dies from the common cold or from flu will test positive - so no one can say it exists with any certainty. Even the "source" has been ripped apart several times.. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    I'd be really interested in seeing any links you have to reputable sources on these topics @soconfused.

    It's probably not my place to debate this with you, or to try and dissuade you of your opinions. I am not a virologist but I do put my faith in the scientific expertise of those who have spent years within their respective fields. In the same breath, I also believe in Jupiter and Saturn despite never actually having seen them in person. We can all do our own research, but I think it's very dangerous to discourage people from having a vaccine without the expertise to back that up.
    Anyone who dies from the common cold or from flu will test positive - so no one can say it exists with any certainty. Even the "source" has been ripped apart several times.. 
    I'd not heard this claim before and did a little research of my own. You might find this article (FactCheck: Can a common cold cause a positive Covid-19 test?) to be interesting reading.

    On a side note: obviously there are people profiteering off the disaster, but then someone always finds a way to profit off everything. Just because someone has found a way to make a tidy sum doesn't, in my mind, make the event they're benefitting from any less real.
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    edited December 2020
    No problem I will ask my sister - who IS a virologist at the University of Sheffield and is part of the Infection,Immunity and CardioVascular Disease Department to sign up and comment - that's the best source I can provide and even she says it's a load of ****. 

    As for finding a way to make a tidy sum, here's some homework.. How many of the people at No 10 have shares in Pharmaceutical companies and vaccine companies..Answers on a postcard to.. 
  • captainrick
    captainrick Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    No I don’t think that I would. I have Avery rare illness,  and my dr has advised that the serum has not been tested on someone with my illness, and they really don’t know what the reaction would be.  Considering I have already been dead 3 times, I don’t think I could safely say it won’t hurt me. More studies needed I think 
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering

    So sorry yo hear ypur family is unwell. It must also be hard to hear people claiming that covid im doesn't exist when ypure living with it. 
  • AlisonNetty
    AlisonNetty Online Community Member Posts: 192 Empowering
    Yes. Than I can get out more....
  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
    well there's been many folk that have been given the vaccine now. Very few with any harsh side effects. Like one person in Alaska, the other day and that person lived to tell the tale. I don't know of anyone who has died from the vaccine. Many are dying from the virus. So every reason to take this vaccine, so we can actually think of meeting up with folk again.
    And yet 2 nurses had anaphylaxis and died the same day.. 
    Not true. Two nurses with allergies who use epi pens had mild reactions, had standard treatment, and went straight back to work.
    Spreading false news is never good, believing it is worse. 
  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
    I can't have it because of chemo. Anyone on immunosuppressant treatments can't have it.
    Apparently an alternative (which is not a vaccination) is being worked on. Not seen any recent updates on that yet.
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Personally I'm very much looking forward to my vaccine when it comes and Im incredibly grateful to those talented, hardworking people who have created this modern miracle.

    Apart from the overwhelming evidence that this covid virus does exist I I can't see any valid reason for anyone creating the pandemic.... I can see why conspiracists have no trust in governments mind.... That's the saddest thing of all I think. 

    Meanwhile, it can't be denied that people are dying of a respiratory disease that acts differently than any virus we've known before. We've a vaccine that's been tested in the same way as any other vaccine before and is available thanks to our country having the money, technology and facilities to distribute it and I'm going to be damn grateful when I get to take advantage of my privilige in being offered it when it comes. 

    It's true that no long term testing has been done but I can't see what long term effects could be possible by the nature of how they work. 

    I just hope so much we get a ough people vaccinated so that those unable to to be vaccinated can take advantage of the herd effect. 

  • angelfitz
    angelfitz Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
    Yes I would definitely have the vaccine
  • sussexvisualimpaired
    sussexvisualimpaired Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    No, I do not want the vaccination, and have not needed injections for the last 40 years, im a exhealthcare general nurse, I would need to know efficacy, side effects, contraindications, I do not believe what we are being told by the World health organisation or  the British tory government , the facts do not add up , I do my research , I prefer my body to be left natural not contaminated by toxic substances that we do not know will disturb the bodies natural balance leading to further problems in later life.
    The vast majority of the population are taking medication , that mask symptoms that can be helped by more natural substances and also the body should be dealt with holistically . The majority of the population are living in fear of this virus there are many viruses,  people should read research not toxic media internet sites.
  • WestHam06
    WestHam06 Online Community Member Posts: 1,390 Trailblazing
                                My deepest condolences for those you have lost and I really hope that the rest of your family feel better soon. Sending my thoughts and best wishes. Thank you. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,782 Connected
    Because I'm on the cusp of being Type 2 Diabetic I have to have blood tests every 6 months anyway, so it's just another Needle.