If they roll it out in December, would you take the Covid-19 Vaccine?



  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
    <Rest of rubbish snipped>

    'Try telling someone dying of Cancer because it was missed (just like the thousands who will again because of the tests they just cancelled yesterday) that Covid is real. '

    I DO have cancer.
    Covid is very real. Two of the chemo nurses had it. One is still not fully recovered months later.
    Please keep your ridiculous foil hat conspiracy nonsense to yourself, it's maddening knowing people who have died already from it and knowing people who have it right now, one of whom may not make it, and there are people like you spouting utterly clueless denier garbage ?

  • art_1
    art_1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
    Yes absolutely and it's everyone's responsibility to do the right thing..Can't come fast enough.
  • Ayoung1979
    Ayoung1979 Online Community Member Posts: 44 Contributor
    I still don't know yet. I have a lot of health problems so I'm worried of something happening to me.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    I cant have it becsuse if my lupus  and because I take blood thinners  for my lupus 
  • Melford_1
    Melford_1 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    There is absolutely no way I would ever take that poison. Ever. It has the potential to cause infertility I. Women amongst other issues. Read the government letter to the gps about vaccination concerns. It is alot more detailed than the form you sign for consent. Find out about the yellow card system. This is used for doctors to record side effects if they do. Wake up people. 
  • foxuk
    foxuk Online Community Member Posts: 103 Empowering
    I will not be allowed to have the vaccine. It really is that simple. I have reacted to a number of other vaccinations with increasing severity. Having one's heart re-started tends to focus one's decision making process.

    I am also high risk having recently diagnosed and as yet un-managed diabetes.

    People like me make up a tiny fraction of a percentage point of the population. That's probably because a lot of us are dead.

    What people are talking about with 'reactions' to vaccine are minor things similar or equal to a dose of the flu.

    What those who spread negative propaganda intend is debateable. I follow the criminologist's basic premise 'Who profits?'

    I have no way of disagreeing with thye premise that those wishing to erradicate us with a disease are wanting to 'profit' from our removal from benefits.

    The un-elected elite, those paying tax and those believing in eugenics can be seen spreading un-substanciated propaganda to convince us to not protect our lives. I have had two anti-virus propagandists quote David Icke (of 'I am the son of God and the Queen is a lizard fame) as a valid qualified reference.

    If you can please protect yourselves and make life a little safer for people like me.
  • littlemouse13
    littlemouse13 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    I will avoid the vaccine. 
    I think everyone has a right to an opinion anf i find all opinions valid and important. 
    We all make decisions based on research we do, some just listen to the news and follow the guidelines set, putting faith in the scientists and goverment reports etc. Others dig deeper which foes uncover cracks as  in life, everyone, even scientists and doctors have different opinions, so i do not think it is fair to pick at a person as a ‘tin foil’ ‘conspiracy nut’ because their opinions differ.
     There are many ways people deal with changes in society/illness /disasters/pandemics etc....
     We all wish to survive, and have our own narratives to get there. 
    My father has had COPD got years and been very ill for sometime. He went into hospital with Pnemonia after a year of isolation, and came out of hospital with covid. Despite all the health issues (pnemonia/URI/heart issues) he is battling, he did not feel that Covid stood out in anyway in terms of symptoms, and i cant help but think if he hadnt made it, that his death cert would have said Covid. 
    I have my opinions and am
    sceptical, but i usually
    keep them to myself, so i applaud those that share their thoughts and are prepared to stand by them. I wont go into any more detail of my thoughts, but i am
    Open to change my opinion based on what i hear and read, and so i dont stubbornly stand by a decision. 
     I dont agree with name calling when someone has an opinion, but i know reactions like this are often based on fear and that is something humans are getting plenty of these days. I will end this rant now and wish everyone, peace,  health and understanding. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Cirona virus affects people in different ways i have had  corona virus I was poorly for 8 weeks  I couldnt move i couldn't eat I couldnt drink I couldbt swallow I was poorly for 8 weeks and I am still haveing long covid symptoms  I am scared of haveing it again so I follow all the rules but it doesn't help your mental health thats why I need to try and work part time  to get myself back on track but wales go into lockdown straight after Xmas with no end date so have to see how it goes 
  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
    Melford_1 said:
    There is absolutely no way I would ever take that poison. Ever. It has the potential to cause infertility 

    Please provide a link to a CRESIBLE source for your claim regarding alledged infertility.. 

  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Thats been in the news alot lately  my granddaughter is working in a hospital and dhe hasn't had the vaccination for that reason I have tried looking on line but not sure if it is  fact or what people have picked up on one comment that a scientist said that the vacibe out now does contain something that is also used that could cause infertility but not a clear fact  
  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
    Regarding infertility and other made up conspiracy myths, the following is available on every CREDIBLE news and science source. I am only linking to one at random as all credible sources have the same information;

  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    edited December 2020
    Hi all
    There was a recent claim made that the vaccine could cause infertility in women by a former employee of the company who developed this first vaccine and a German doctor, both of whom have expressed doubts about Coronavirus in the past. 

    However, I must stress that authorities have confirmed that this claim was unfounded and totally inaccurate, and that the vaccine is safe, and has no impact on fertility or infertility.

    You can read more on this here.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    About the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55216047
    It is unknown whether the vaccine has an effect on fertility as stated in this document. See section 4.6 0n page 6: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/943417/Information_for_healthcare_professionals.pdf
    There's much misinformation about the vaccine; whereas the facts can be found here:
    We need as any people as possible to get the vaccine in order to protect those who can't (or decline to) take it.
    Please ensure that you always quote from reputable sources, thank you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 156 Empowering
    Well, the tory government seem determined to finish people like me who live in the north etc off.
    We should have a full nationwide lockdown over the Xmas period so people who want the vaccine are around to have it!!!!!
  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
    It's ridiculous for anyone to think it would be used for depop. It would mean that the only people who could breed would be conspiracy theorists who won't take it and people with health conditions which prevent them taking it.

    In such a daft conspiracy instance, good luck world ?
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    I dont think anyone realy knows anything  when I was younger I was training in Oxford on disease and virus and vaccination  it doesn't matter how long it takes to make any vaccination  or any medication there are side affects with everything  some are bad some not so bad but doesn't mean its going to happen everything we do in live is a risk but regarding the pandemic now everyone knows what we are supised to do and thats wear a face mask  stay 6 meters apart and only go out if realy needed  and wash your hand but people would rather cram into shops and town centers and refuse to wear a mask  we need a reaky ling lickdown get the corona virus down to zero and test everyone and lift lockdown slowly  its logical realy we are feeding the virus and makeibg it stronger x
  • PatchG
    PatchG Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
    LisaThomas50 you are so right.

    If our idiotic Gov had done things the right way in the first place, as NZ did, we would have been back to normal months ago.
  • art_1
    art_1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
    edited December 2020
    It's sad so many believe the rubbish out out about vaccinations..Vaccines have been around for Many many decades and are proven to work..Stop being so ignorant but not all need to be vaccinated as only as certain percentage need it to kill this virus..There you are now you know.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    I cant have the vacibe because of my health and the medication I tske  so I don't need to make the choice I don't have the flu vaccination but I can see why people are scared because its something thst could  be detrimental  but as I said there is risk with anything I had a cataract removal 4 weeks ago I cancel twice but I was ready this time around because I couldn't see but that was because of the risks that they told me could happen  but I couldn't see any way so I took the risk I can see now but touch wood  things are going OK  I tske itvobe day at a time and don't tske anything for granted  so at the end of the day its a person's choice