Coping with stress, low mood and isolation – a support thread



  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    This one @lisathomas50Coronavirus website section?

    Sorry, I just want to clarify so that I can check this for you :) 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope yes that one thank you 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    No problem @lisathomas50. Scope work across England and Wales, so I imagine that the information and advice on those pages would be applicable to those living in these areas, unless stated otherwise. 

    There's a lot of information on those pages, and a wide range of resources, so if you come across anything specific that you're unsure about then please do flag it up to us so we can check it for you :) Was there anything in particular that you were wondering about? 
  • Danny3
    Danny3 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
    66Mustang said:
    chiarieds said:
    Another perhaps odd thought I had @66Mustang - would you like to try going for a 'slow' drive with Google maps? You might look at some of your favourite roads, or explore somewhere new, which you might visit later when able to go for a drive again.....something to look forward to, perhaps. :) 
    That’s a really fun idea actually, I might give it a go, thank you :)
    Hi 66Mustang and chiarieds!  Whenever I feel trapped, I look up my favourite places on google earth. Some bloggers do tours of famous cities and places of interest, or go for long drives through open countryside with their car go pros. They can be really interesting.  Especially if you know the areas they are driving through. Seeing places through the eyes and experiences of others is also useful in helping me to render down some places on my bucket list. Seeing some tourist spots and monuments on google earth from street level, has quite put me off wanting to bother going anymore :-)    
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope how to get help when you live on your own and you got corona virus and need food or anything 
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hi @lisathomas50

    This Government Coronavirus: Accessing food and essential supplies webpage has links to who to contact and what support is available.  Importantly, it says:
    You may... be eligible for support from the NHS Volunteer Responders programme. You can call 0808 196 3646 and ask for help to pick up food, prescriptions and essential items.

    You can also contact your local authority to find out what support services are available in your area.
    Does that help?
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Cher_Scope I have contacted my local council the other links only apply to England I did phone but they both said becsuse I live in Wales its different here 

    I live rural so its quite difficult our local good bank has closed down due to corona virus sickness and now struggling to get volunteers and the other two are over whelmed because there are to many people needing help 

    I have a bit of food so I will spread it out I get paid on the 2nd of February so hopefuly be better by then 

    Thank you for the links though 
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @lisathomas50 What am I like forgetting you live in Wales?  I'm so sorry.  Here is the equivalent government advice for people in Wales.  

    How are you getting on?  I hope you are keeping safe  <3
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Cher_Scope thank you  I am still testing positive I have four days left so I will get tested again in four days and go from there 

    The nurse who comes here brings my things she has brought me some fish to have now so I will try 

    Thanks for the advice 
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @lisathomas50 Take care of yourself lovely, not long to go now  :)
  • encaser
    encaser Online Community Member Posts: 400 Empowering
    edited January 2021
    Personally speaking, I think a lot of people are living in the now too much and not seeing the far more likely lighter times  ahead.
    @66Mustang you clearly have some ongoing and debilitating complaints (I won't say issues, oops!) to deal with on a daily basis and yet you are still compassionate towards others and so I see more than a little light there. I too love driving but realise that if I just went for drives with no intention of getting out, what if I had a breakdown or accident and if most people started to do this, it would raise the risk far higher.
    I would imagine your support worker is trying to guide you towards stepping outside of yourself, as much as actually going anywhere. Going outside can be liberating, of course, but ultimately a person needs to be able to live with themselves where ever they are; as the old saying goes, you always have to come home to yourself. Perhaps try to invest more in what you can do and see yourself more holistically, which includes a sensitive, caring person with a sense of achieving fun in what he can do. Alternatives are useful substitutes to still gain distraction and hopefully pleasure but don't have to be absolutes when change is quite possibly on the horizon if you let it be.
    I hope that doesn't sound too preachy or cheesy..umm, cheese!
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @encaser I supose in a way its hard to focus on the future the way things are with the lockdowns wsles has been rolled over for another three weeks and new rules come in all the time 
  • encaser
    encaser Online Community Member Posts: 400 Empowering
    edited January 2021
    @lisathomas50 I agree that the continual changing of rules can be confusing and irritating. I think that had our various nations stuck to a lockdown to ride this out, it would've been far better and people would've known where they are. It's somewhat cruel in a way, to keep dangling the carrot and suddenly bring out the whip again.
    These are isolating and difficult times to adapt to, what with governments that have mislead and reacted rather than acted in our best interests.
    I have stuck to the highest level of rules, as I only see this as the best way to get out of this pandemic. If everyone remained considerate of not only themselves but others it would help massively. This should ultimately be a relatively short-term event. It is also a time where home comforts, access to the net and so wider access in the sense of contact, libraries, music, films, games and TV whether factual or fiction are all available. Many can still go out for exercise and get the foods and daily needs sorted out, or have others they know, charity workers or those in paid help there. There are of course, though, people struggling desperately just to subsist, which must be simply awful on top of all this.
    There is, however, real hope in vaccines coming and so the above is what I try to focus on. As I said, If people live in the now and focus on what they can't do, it will of course make times more difficult for them. I'm certainly not saying I always see things in rose coloured glasses, as I spend the vast majority of my time in a bedbound world due to disability and ongoing medical issues.
    All a person can do is their best, to try and not disable themselves in mind and body and where possible enjoy what they can. And when they can't, have a vent and grumble on here or with other friends and rellies! Venting is definitely something I believe in, as it may not change things but it also allows you to release some of that bubbling mess inside  ;)
    And, Hello, to you Lisa, I should've started with that!
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @encaser hi I totally agree with what you say hopefuly things will change for the better soon  and hope you are ok and keeping fairly well 
  • encaser
    encaser Online Community Member Posts: 400 Empowering
    @lisathomas50 thanks Lisa, I'm muddling through.
    Good to see you're making the most of this forum and making an effort to get on as best you can. Stay safe.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @encaser thank you so much for your kind words means alot and you stay safe 
  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Online Community Member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    I,m so sorry your feeling so low 66Mustang.....and everybody else who is feeling low just now. I can understand how you feel . I have some days where I can cope better than others . I know there are many in a worse position than me ...I have my wife to keep me going . She is correct when she says that there are people far worse off than us....many people are on their own and have no family around . I know I should ( and I do ) feel grateful for having family around , who are happy to get us anything we need and leave it at the door. Alas ...the fact I am luckier than some others does not help at times . 
    I certainly think letting people go out for a drive , I,m sure that would help many people ....especially when there is one law for some and a different law for others . we cannot step out the door but highly paid footballers can get buses up and down the country ( and in some cases , fly to other countries ) totally out of order I believe , if a law is good enough for us , it's good enough for others .
    I have a playstation 4 (which my son gave me when he got his new playstation ) i can,t really get into gaming , even though the graphics are amazing . He gave me a few games with it as well....but i just cannot get into gaming at all .
    I am learning five string bluegrass banjo , so I try to spend some time on it a few times a day . ....that helps me cope. 
    Please take care out there guys ....and may your God go with you ?
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Sorry @chiarieds I posted this elsewhere in error, 

    meditation is a great way to relax,
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @Cher_Scope please would you add leeCal's link on meditation to your resources above. Tori said she would like it, but I missed her today, thank you. And thank you @leeCal :)
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @chiarieds Certainly, I've just added it to our exercise section.  Thank you @leeCal :)