Coping with stress, low mood and isolation – a support thread



  • Crazyraven
    Crazyraven Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    I've always loved the outdoors, nature, and it's been helping me through this crisis.  I am in town, living on the edge of a city, but there are several lovely parks within a short walking distance, and now I can get to the sea as well.  Being by water, rivers, the sea, lakes is always calming, it helps settle my nerves, and you can have some preciuos time to yourself to work out problems.  The wildlife's fun, ever watched seagulls trying to open a seashell by flying uo a few feet, drop it on a hard surface.  In the town there's always some good looking streets with architecture, history, trees, gardens, you just need to explore!!
  • pinkpather
    pinkpather Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    I'm a new member and have no idea what I am doing. Its just I have lived by the sea all of my life, but now I can no longer get there alone, and I have no one to take me. Seagulls are amazing birds but can also be quite aggressive, be careful. Watching them flying up and dropping shellfish to break the shells is pretty amazing Have you ever since seagulls stamping their feet on the grass, why, they are trying to make the worms think it is raining, so they will come to the surface, because they actually do come to the surface when its raining because of the risk of drowning
  • Shelly1
    Shelly1 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    edited October 2021
    Hi @pinkpather wow I did not know that about sea gulls I only know they love fish and chips a bread. I am sure it’s not good for them but they are fast and furious if they don’t get any. Please take care Liz and Shelly1 ??
  • Crazyraven
    Crazyraven Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    pinkpanther, yes those seagulls are more like mafia!!  The office folk use the City Hall grounds for a lunch break when the weather's good, but you have to be on the watch for those gulls, and pigeons but those enormous black backs really are dangerous.  At least you get a laugh watching kids running after them, giving them a panic attack
  • Shelly1
    Shelly1 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    That would be good watching, I would love to live by the sea I used to live in an apartment with the view of the whole Atlantic Ocean. Another life time.
    Take care and have a good weekend Liz and Shelly 1 ??
  • nannymaroon
    nannymaroon Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    I'm sorry to see that so many of us are feeling low. I'm really struggling today. Been on the brink of tears all day. I'm so sick of being isolated trying to keep safe from the virus. The only people I speak to are the carers and they don't come every day and they don't have time to sit and chat but they are nice enough and very caring.
    I'm dreading another winter lockdown alone. I guess I will have to keep shielding at home. It's getting to be unbearable and lonely but much better than having covid and being in hospital so I'm grateful for that.
    Also very grateful for this forum and the nice folk here.
  • Daniel_2021
    Daniel_2021 Online Community Member Posts: 79 Contributor
    Some of the techniques and apps at the start of the page will be great for some people but for others they need face to face support, this just takes too long currently and is likely to get worse.
    In rehab I wanted to stab myself in the leg with a pen, the only action taken was to remove sharp items. Two weeks ago I wanted to split my head open to let the pain out, I was tasked to the crisis team and offered CBT via an e-learning course. I head butted a wall so was re-referred and still nothing, tonight I ran a knife down my arm gently just to feel it on my skin, no app will resolve that.
    Whilst i'm not being critical off the support you advertised at the top, in fact I applaud it, we need to recognise that online solutions aren't the only solutions.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Sorry to hear you're feeling lonely @nannymaroon. Please do continue to post and comment here on the community whenever you're feeling lonely. There's usually someone around to chat :) 

    Have you considered joining any online groups that run activities over video call to ease the feelings of loneliness?
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Whilst i'm not being critical off the support you advertised at the top, in fact I applaud it, we need to recognise that online solutions aren't the only solutions.
    I agree @Daniel_2021. More comprehensive support needs to be in place for those struggling with their mental health. Many people do find apps and online resources helpful, but that only goes so far in dealing with the problem.

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been thinking about self-harm again. Have you seen the email Ross sent you the other day? 

    Did you take them up on the offer of the e-learning course? I know it might not be enough, but you might be able to learn a couple of useful techniques. Please do get back in contact with the crisis team if you feel as though you're not able to keep yourself, or ring 999/go to A&E.
  • Taliesen
    Taliesen Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    Feeling lonely on my own specially this weekend...I suffer complexed mental health...and I am struggling really neighbour who is my friend is with her fam and I have non nor other friends...makes me feel cold and empty...had to call samaritans several times...
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    We all care about you @Taliesen - are you OK & keeping yourself safe? Thinking about you.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @Taliesen. As @chiarieds said, we all care about you. There are lots of us around and many people that can understand how you're feeling. 
    It's good that you've been able to reach out to Samaritans. Are you under any mental health team? I'm wondering if you've considered reaching out to your local crisis team for some support? 
  • Taliesen
    Taliesen Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    I have a mental health team  il reach out...I'm safe for now
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @Taliesen how are you doing today? 

    Thanks for letting us know you're safe, and remember we're here for you whenever you need to reach out :) 
  • Crazyraven
    Crazyraven Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    I'm another who saw Christmas on my own, I've had several disasters this week, like I've got bad arthritis and had a bad fall so I could hardly move, my sister was moulded by her husband who wanted her to himself, hated her family and I was the last one left here, 8 years now since he threw me out after some time being nastym had IBS with bad pain last night, hardly slept, it's still around, and it's such bad weather I can't get out for a stroll.  Perhaps Samaritans might help, just hear another human being
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @Crazyraven I'm sorry to hear about how you've been feeling, you know you can call Samaritans anytime on 116 123 for free or send an email to if you need to. 

    Do you feel you're getting enough support to manage your arthritis and IBS? If you can, try to relax and catch up on sleep today. Even if you can't sleep, try and rest. Hopefully the weather might brighten up soon and you can pop out for a stroll too.

    We're all here if you need a friendly ear to listen as well :) 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hello @Taliesen - how are things with you? It's turned very cold here & we had some snow overnight. My cat is curled up on my knee keeping me warm! Do you have any pets?
    Hi @ Crazyraven - I'm sorry to read about your fall, & hope you've recovered from it. I hope we can all help here too, so please do talk here any time as Alex says. Take care both of you. :)
  • Taliesen
    Taliesen Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    @chiarieds yes si have 2 black cats that I have atm who will sadly moving to live with my ex in fed as I'm in no financial situation to look after them...

    @Alex_Scope feeling numb and low trying to keep safe not that I think il become unsafe more of I feel numb and dont know how I feel emotionally atm...
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited December 2021
    Hi @Taliesen - my son has a lovely black cat, & I have a mischievous white cat with tabby markings. I'm sorry about your cats, & imagine it would be a wrench letting them go. Perhaps things will change if you get a higher award of PIP. Have you had the help you need in completing your change of circumstances form?
    Is your GP also helping support you as far as your mental health goes?
    Another charity you could look at is this:   unfortunately they are not in all areas, but they also recommend:
    Thank you for replying; I appreciate this time of year can be very difficult, but know your well-being & safety matters to us all, so keep in touch. Take care. I will hold you in my prayers.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @Taliesen I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling numb, has that changed since boxing day? Sometimes it's difficult to pin down how we're feeling, which can be unsettling, but know that you're not alone. As chiarieds says, you matter to us all, and we're here for you. 

    I hope you've found chiarieds links useful, is there anything we can do to support you further? If there's anything that will help you feel more settled, let us know.