Coping with stress, low mood and isolation – a support thread



  • m_burrell82
    m_burrell82 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 179 Empowering
    Does there have to be long trials on everything tackling the virus?:    If this nose spray is that effective, surely it should be out there?  Then there is this promising vaccine from Russia. Searches:-,Russia says its second Covid,vaccine is 100% effective: Tass&text=MOSCOW: A candidate Covid-19,Rospotrebnadzor has told local media.    Surely if it is 100% effective it is more than a vaccine, it is a cure and should be out there?!
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Today has not been a good day personally  I dont nornaly watch the news  but it broke my heart to see how many people have died and how many of them were children

    This week alone 4 people in my village have passed away 

    70 thousand people are now unemployed  in wales 

    25 thousand cases of abuse reported across Wales 

    Yesterday I had to attend hospital because I was dehydrated  I am struggling to eat and in constant pain 

    The only thing thst is keeping me going at the moment is this forum even though it does brings its own stresses 

    This is my low day I will be ok I always feel better when I tell someone else someone may read my comment but just writing it down  made me feel better 

    Everyone's life is upside down 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Writing things down often helps me feel better too @lisathomas50. It can be really difficult to process these numbers every day, and I think it's getting a lot of people down. 

    I'm also sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I hope that you feel a bit better now? Have they been able to do anything about the pain? 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope my pain i can manage  and hearing of friends and their children that may have it is awful 

    My neighbor has got it again more than twice the dr has said I can get it again because my white blood cells are very bad and said I can catch anything and everything  they are getting in touch with a specialist 

    Its knocked me off my feet its the after affects of haveing the virus more than twice 

    The dr said different variants and mutations people can be re infected  a number of times 

    The reason I cant have the vacine is because the vacine is meant to build up antibodies  but the chances  of it working  on me are not good and my body may fight against which would in affect make it to much of a risk 

    So just learning to cope with what has been said 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Yes, all you can really do is do your best to keep yourself and others safe by staying inside wherever possible, and following the guidelines on hand washing and so on @lisathomas50. It's important to take a break from the news too, as it can be really easy to let yourself consume worrying news all day without taking any time to stop and do or think about something else. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope I have only just realised I have gone over two thousand  comments on the community  already shows how much I talk 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Nice one @lisathomas50 :) 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope thank you  I am not a perfect person and I do get things wrong or I mis interpret something but all I want to do is try and help people its whst i have done all my life 

    I must say being on here has knocked my confidence a little 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear that your confidence has been knocked @lisathomas50. I'd like to reassure you that we don't want this to be the case, and that everyone makes mistakes :) The important thing is to learn from those mistakes, and continue moving forward. It's clear that you enjoy helping people, and that's something we really appreciate.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope thank you for your kind words 
  • foxuk
    foxuk Online Community Member Posts: 103 Empowering
    We have been in lockdown since January last year. Except for people visiting things didn't change much from a few years previously
    The only real way to deal with the problems is to accept the reality of the situation.
    For those of us who have become disabled this is the same as re-visiting the onset of disability.
    All the stages of transition occur from denial through bargaining to eventually acceptance.
    When we accept the situation and work within it's boundaries thinking of alternatives the 'black dog' doesn't appear so often.
    It is not easy but the little things become more real. Enjoying access to the internet with entertainment from dawn to dusk. I am sure those of us that remember the only TV in the daytime was horse racing or schools find this amazing.
    Can I just add one thing that many have forgotten. Making things better for others. My wife and self bought a box of chocolates for the receptionists and staff at our doctors surgery (sent by Amazon) and were shoucked at how surprised and grateful they were, it was more than a bit embarrasing. BUT it let us realise we were not helpless disabled people and that we could make a difference.
    Life isn't easy and things often get worse before they get better, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and things are starting to improve.
    I am not trying to minimise the problems we face things often look dark but however isolated we are we can make a difference.
    Perhaps I am saying this as much to myself as anyone else. My GP has just let me know that I must not have the vaccine under any circumstances (previous reactions) and am looking at a permanent lockdown situation.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @foxuk I cant have the vacine either 
  • foxuk
    foxuk Online Community Member Posts: 103 Empowering
    @foxuk I cant have the vacine either 
    The thing that gets me about it is doctors avoiding answering questions because they just don't know - do they think we can't work out that this is going to be difficult? BUT there is so much we have now that only a few decades ago didn't even exist we are still very lucky compared with previous generations.

    I remember my grandparents watching horse racing on the telly in the afternoon. Neither had ever considered betting and it was just something to fill the hours.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @foxuk its  the way things are now upside lol  feels like its never going to end lol ? 
  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Online Community Member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    edited January 2021
    yep guys ....."Groundhog day" ...I cannot even remember what day it is tomorrow , Somehow it feels like a Wednesday but I will have to check on my Samsung and find out for use asking my wife as she is as mixed up as me ?
    I am so sorry to read that some peop,e cannot get the vaccine ( I have been given a date for mine ...7th february) I know the vaccine does not mean to much at the moment but the second vaccine should make some kind of a difference ...but we have been told not to drop our guard. My wife and I have been in lockdown since doc says that I cannot put myself in any position where I would be putting myself in danger by getting the virus , I know myself I would not survive the virus . My family have been so loving and do everything for us .. how would we have managed to live if not for my family dropping off our food at the door of our house. we try to order .a months supply off Asda and a months supply of Iceland .and anything we need in between times .my sons and daughter and granddaughter get for us whatever we need . Asda have a cheek asking us to pay for carrier bags( which we did) ...but mondays delivery came without carrier bags...I wrote to Asda,  that's strike two ...they never answered so we will use another store. Asda goes from £8 to £3.50 for delivery . I will look about and see if we can find s decent store who do not mind delivering ....Iceland seem to be the only ones that deliver . Ah well ....onwards we go . We need a laugh at times and the first time I chose mushrooms , they had no mushrooms left so they sent me grapes ???....i thought it was a wind up . but no....I know a young lady who ordered a pregnancy kit , ...they had no pregnancy 
    test kits , so they sent her a box of durex instead ..
    I have had a few laughs in the last year  ,,,and I also thank Nicola Sturgeon for all the hard work she has done for over a year , each week day she gives statistics, figures and the number having caught their virus and the people in ICU.  
    She must be at her wits ends ....many around her are falling by the way side , she is going to have a well deserved holiday if / when we get through this times she looks close to collapse,  does she ever get to bed ....then we see Boris travelling to scotsland to have a chat .....A stupid waste of time . .You do as you are told and you do as I tell you and I do what i decided to do ....WRONG .Out of order , if he wants to helps Tories in may , he should keep the fishermen
    happy ..happy fleet ...Loads of fresh lovely food xxx
    May your God go with you all ???????
  • foxuk
    foxuk Online Community Member Posts: 103 Empowering
    Seanchai said:
     I will look about and see if we can find s decent store who do not mind delivering ....Iceland seem to be the only ones that deliver . Ah well ....onwards we go . 

    We've been ordering online for over a decade and have a pretty good idea of how things work.

    All the supermarkets will dump short date goods on you if they can get away with it.

    Asda processed their card payments in South Africa when one of their employees extracted £6500 from two of our cards. We were very lucky and got the money refunded but the stress for those few weeks was terrible. Asda have never responded to an email or telephone call.

    Tesco delivered £50 of meat at full price instead of half price. They initially refused to collect even though we were housebound and when they eventually did stopped answering emails and ignored our requests for a refund.

    Ocado have really good quality and service, at a price, they used to price match but that has now stopped and don't expect them to deliver 'small' orders before Christmass - their minimum order value doubles and their attitude is pay up or shut up.

    Iceland are pretty good on price and service unless, like us, you want ingredients instead of ready made food - they are expensive on basic veg and their meat is pretty tough. 

    Waitrose - Well if you can afford Waitrose you don't need to ask the price of anything - enough said?

    Morrisons - They were pretty good before the pandemic but one order of over £70 turned up with less than £20 worth of goods and a lot of those were substitutions. They also do 'same day' deliveries through Amazon (suposedly free with Prime) but the prices are NOT the same as from Morrisons own website.

    Sainsbury's have been the best of a pretty bad bunch. They have a reasonable delivery pass which makes orders over £40 free - that's what they say but paying for the pass is a payment. They have started two hour deliveries at £1 and they were the only supermarket that kept supplying through the first lockdown. Cheaper on most fressh produce than most of the others and plenty of special offers.

    Wai Yee Hong - They deliver by courier and ithere's no fresh food unless you live in Bristol. BUT if you want ingredients for Chinese or Indian food they are the people to deal with - the prices for what the other supermarkets regard as 'exotic' are cheap. (For coeliacs - their mung bean noodles are an alternative to spagetti or noodles - not the same not as good and higher calorie but they fill that pasta hole on the diet sheet).

    Aldi are doing 'click and collect' at some of their stores. It's pretty inflexible and I remember thinking that the charge was way too high when I  looked into it for a friend.

    With all the companies a lot depends on the delivery drivers and the twerps who do the picking. The only comapny that has taken complaints seriously for us has been Sainsbury's who often issue refunds for reasonable complaints. Things do vary from area to area.

    I hope that helps anyone who is considering buying online. 
  • thatsmyname
    thatsmyname Online Community Member Posts: 52 Connected
    chiarieds said:
    Another perhaps odd thought I had @66Mustang - would you like to try going for a 'slow' drive with Google maps? You might look at some of your favourite roads, or explore somewhere new, which you might visit later when able to go for a drive again.....something to look forward to, perhaps. :)
    Hi @Cher_Scope - some of the links above don't work; I don't know if you knew.
    I actually did this a few weeks ago! I went to all the places i used to love walking to before my agoraphobia got so bad.and sometimes u see people you know on there its great.we spent around 6 hours doing it.
  • 1119082
    1119082 Posts: 258 Contributor
    That must be very fun to do 
  • m_burrell82
    m_burrell82 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 179 Empowering
    @thatsmyname  maybe that's something the Staff at the Scope Stores could be doing in view to offer Coach Tours or Holidays at some point. Other than that I don't drive so it would have to be on Public Transport.

    As for Books, which I also don't do, I did notice WHSmiths was open in Croydon the other day, which is something I had wondered about.
  • 1119082
    1119082 Posts: 258 Contributor