What's for tea tonight!



  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    Sounds delicious you sound like a great cook I like cooking but can't while I'm. At my mums she does all the cooking 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @Geegeenumber1 I do like cooking my son helps with prep and stuff as with my poor vision and in wheelchair not very safe 

    But I have lots gadgets to help use a steamer for veg and buy ready prepared so no peeling and chopping or boiling pans 

    I make the syrup sponge in microwave only takes 5 mins and us delicious 

    Your meals always sound nice your mum is good to you 
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    yes she is she does all the shopping cooking and cleaning since I developed my knee problems I don't know where id be without her

    it will be weird living alone again

    if I'm having fish and veg ill make it or a steak or something but if its a big roast or something she cooks

    it used to me doing all the cooking when I was in my flat but now its her
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Cottage pie 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    I’m doing roast chicken dinner with the trimmings too 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I will be eating dinner from my new dining table today instead of normal TV dinner 

    Decided to treat us to a table and chairs and will enjoy at least Sunday dinner at the table each week 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,162 Championing
    Oh how lovely I'm looking at a dining table too can't wait till decide on one, so much better.

    Everyone's food sounds nice again
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Pork chops today :yum:

    Very nice @janer1967
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    whos having dessert

    im having lemon meringue pie

    when are you having dinner mines about 6 having some wine
  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    I’m having dessert tonight, bought a lemon sort of cream cake from Morrison’s (never really go that shop), for my dinner/tea I am having pork with the trimmings and I’ll be having a beer too (just the one Moretti as a one-off). The reason I’ve gone all out is because my neighbour has just had some good news about his daughter so we are celebrating.
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    sounds lovely enjoy im having red wine and a lamb roast but not till about 6 enjoy your celebration and beer why only one
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    love pork any crackling
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,162 Championing
    Oh I love lemon mirangue @Geegeenumber1 trouble is im the only 1 in my house that does, so I'd have to eat it all and shouldn't be having it. Enjoy your treat day.
    Enjoy @bg844 
  • Caz_Alumni
    Caz_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 621 Empowering
    Snap! @66Mutsang and @bg844Pork (chops) for us tonight as well. 

    @Geegeenumber1 That lemon meringue pie sounds scrummy too. 

    Enjoy everybody!

  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Believe me I’d love more than one ? I have a hospital appointment tomorrow at 9 so don’t want to be hungover because they’re strong. Enjoy your wine ?
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    Haha thanks unfortunately through years of being on bipolar medication I don't get any effect from alcohol. Would love to feel tipsy but it has a psychological calming effect. Not that I'm encourage anyone to drink lol
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    I'd probably eat the whole lemon meringue pie lol
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    Fajitas with guacamole sour cream salsa and cheese not diet food but only eating one meal a day today. I've decided on days I want a big dinner il just skip breakfast and lunch allows me to eat normal non diet food! Anybody else eat this way
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @Geegeenumber1 that's what I do most days not so I can have a bigger meal it's just what I am used to 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Pork belly today

    Yum yum