New reaction button suggestions

Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,554 Online Community Programme Lead
There's been a lot of discussion over the years about renaming some of the 'reaction' buttons we use on the community. 

If you want to react to a post at the moment, you have three options: 'Insightful', 'Like', and 'Awesome'.

If you could start from scratch, what reactions would you like to have available to you?


  • Cress
    Cress Community member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    1. Agree

    2. Thanks

    3. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,554 Online Community Programme Lead
    Your third response made me wish there was a laughing reaction @Cress.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    If there was a negative reaction I would personally stop posting as much. I’m fine with someone disagreeing and explaining why but I don’t like people being able to judge what I have to say without explanation.

    I don’t think people should be discouraged from posting what they really think, as long as it’s not offensive. The posts I personally enjoy reading the most are the ones that ruffle a few feathers. It’s easy to get likes on the internet…you just post what people want to hear…it is the posts that break that temptation that are often most interesting or helpful and we don’t want to lose those.
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    Personally I’d rather not have any. That way people can just interact by discussion. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Thanks and i dont' think there needs to be anything else.
  • leeCal
    leeCal Community member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Thanks would be nice I agree
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,331 Championing
    I would ask what value these buttons add to the community? I'm somewhere between Mark & Mike.
    I use the 'Like' button to encourage new members, & I see none of us so far have commented on the 'Awesome' button, which just seems to be an '& I like your post even more' option.
    I do appreciate if a member I know, or a member of the Scope team, 'likes' one of my posts, as this gives some validation that I've hopefully been helpful/they agree, & such 'likes' matter to me considerably more than a new member doing so.
    Personally, not too keen on the idea of a 'thanks' button, as it means more to me if someone says, 'Thank you, that advice/information was helpful,' & they may then also ask subsequent questions, or enter into further dialogue; an opportunity I feel shouldn't be missed.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Like and helpful 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    1 thanks 

    2 helpful

    3 unhelpful

    I think that's what is needed doesn't seem so rude to have a unhelpful button if the information didn't help 

  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    I don’t think a unhelpful button is a one that should be implemented. 
  • Cress
    Cress Community member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing

    Nah, me neither...
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    When one piece of information doesn't help one person, it might help the next. I can't see any advantages of having an 'unhelpful' button.
  • Cress
    Cress Community member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing

    A like button or some sort of button to show appreciation is I think beneficial.
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Flag, Quote, Like and Thanks

    You can't click multiple reactions so it would make sense to have 1 or 2 rather than 3 or more.
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Many ways people would benefit by using a thanks button:

    Some people struggle to say thanks to someone (for various reasons, and I have in the past) so a thanks button could help people feel more comfortable in letting the other member know they are thankful.

    If people click the thanks button and still want to reply with a thanks, and their internet suddenly goes off or they have to rush off, then they would feel better knowing the member had been thanked in one way.

    It's an option and people like options. 
  • Cress
    Cress Community member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing

    I don't think of it as being beneficial to mine or anyone else's mental health....its just a pleasantry, no more no less.

    Although I think it should be thanks.

  • Cress
    Cress Community member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing

    I agree, sometimes you're not up to engaging and a thanks button is at least something.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Unhelpful button? Why? That would be terrible. There are members of the community that spend a lot of their time advising and supporting others. Although we don't always agree with someone's opinion having a unhelpful button is wrong in so many ways!
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Unhelpful button would be a very negative option and not at all respectful of the person that has spent the time and effort to respond 

    What may be Unhelpful to one person maybe very helpful to others 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    edited October 2021
    I love the positivity and support in this thread. For me, I would want to add a hug button!  :)