Pip assessment report



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    This claim will be from your claim in 2022. However, if your previous claim is eventually awarded at Tribunal then that will only be up until the day before this current claim started. 
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 ok thank you 
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 hello again. Thanks again for all the help. I just have another question as I'm very confused. Regarding that previous appeal I have where I got refused and asked for a statement of reasons I've just got an email early hours at 6am saying that pip tribunals has made a decision on your pip appeal. Does that mean the judge has re-decided my see Desicion as I would of thought if it was for my statement of reasons it would say different?
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    Recent** not ree sorry
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I have no idea what that could be for. Have you received the statement of reasons yet?
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 no I've not received them yet that's why I'm confused 
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 I'll just have to wait for the decision I guess
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    How are you feeling about waiting for the decision at the moment @jamieleehill92? We are listening to you if you would like to share more with us.

    Similarly, please don't hesitate to let us know if we can do anything to help. We are all here for you  :)
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer I'm getting alot of anxiaty because I don't know what the result is. With it saying it's a decision I guess it's not my statement of reasons it could just say that I can appeal to the upper tribunal or it could be that my decision has been set aside or refused again I'm not sure. I'm just so confused about it all. If it said we have sent your your statement of reasons I'd be okay but it says "The tribunal have reviewed all the information you and DWP have provided and have reached a decision on your PIP appeal.

    The decision notice has been posted to you. This has the tribunal's decision and their reasons. You should receive it by 30 October 2022

    Please note we cannot give you your decision over the phone. This is to protect your personal information.

    PIP Appeals"
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Impossible to comment without know more details about your case. Did you apply for permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal? If you did then a few things can happen after that and they are all mentioned here in this link. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/appealing-benefits-decisions-beyond-the-first-tier-tribunal/

  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 no I diddnt ask for permission to appeal as I'm not sure if there was an error in law with my refusal. Basically I applied for pip in 2021 I got refused zero points for all so then I did a mandatory consideration. I also score zero for all that. I then appealed to the upper tribunal with all my evidence (paper based tribunal) and got refused and still scored zero points so I then got in touch with dial and they told me to get a statement of reasons so I requested a statement of reasons form the judge and waited nearly three months for an update and I called the other week and they told me that it's still with the judge and thats when I got a email and text today saying they have made a decision on my pip claim that's all I can tell you because that's all that's happened theres no other details because I've explained it all. I mean it could be the statement of reasons. And I'm just over thinking or it could be some sort of decision that that judge has made herself/himself 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
     I then appealed to the upper tribunal with all my evidence (paper based tribunal) and got refused and still scored zero points

    Just so that you're aware, after the MR it's First Tier Tribunal, Upper Tribunal comes after that.
    I have no idea what it can be, i'm afraid you will need to wait for the letter.
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 okay I'll keep you updated and let you know what the letter says 
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 if I call tribunal and ask for them to send decision through email is that possible?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    No, for security reasons they will not be able to do that. 
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 ok thanks 
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 I got my statement of reasons. Just waiting for dial to tell me if there's any error in law and to see if I can appeal to the upper tribunal 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Did you find out what that email was about with regards to the decision?
  • jamieleehill92
    jamieleehill92 Online Community Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    @poppy123456 unfortunately not I guess it must off been about my statement of reasons decision 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Ah ok, i did think that but couldn't be 100% sure that's why i didn't mention anything.