Carers allowance and ESA



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Aww thank you and you're welcome. It's shocking really, how often they get their own rules wrong. Hopefully, they will get this sorted soon for you!
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Hello again Poppy 😁
    I have spoken to you in the last few weeks than anyone else including family members 😂
    I just wanted to update you if I may….
    I emailed my local MP with the link you sent me earlier and I couldn’t believe I have had a response already 😁 she was very sympathetic and told me that they have a dedicated team who will phone up for me and try and sort my problem out (I explained about my mental health a little) and told them my difficulties etc….
    they are going to email me the response from universal credit as soon as they have a reply (I explained I don’t like speaking on phones and in person etc)

    anyway I will leave you in peace now 😂
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Haha. Glad you hear you had a response this quick. Hopefully they will be able to get things shifted for you and you will receive the money they owe.
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Hello Poppy 😁
    I hope you are having a nice day…. Just to update you
    I have just received an email with a new commitment which says I have to tell universal credit of any changes in my circumstances and I have been put into the LCWRA group. Also they are paying the £345.47 they owe me on 18th October.
    pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I burst into tears 😭 I can be left alone in peace now for a little while to manage my illness until a reassessment rear’s it’s ugly head. I honestly believe this has been sorted out due to getting in touch with my local MP yesterday. Thank you so much for sending me that link and I am eternally grateful for all your help

    take care
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @Debbie1234 I'm a latecomer to this thread but just wanted to say I'm so glad you've had a successful outcome after what sounds like quite a battle. It must be such a relief and I bet that's what those tears were. I'm so glad Poppy has been able to help you get what you are entitled to  <3 I can tell it's made such a difference already. 

    Have a lovely weekend and always remember where we are if you need us. 
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Thank you so much Cher 🥰
    I am probably going to sleep all weekend as this has been very exhausting 

    have a lovely weekend too
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Yay! finally!! I'm so glad i advised you to contact your local MP! It's disgusting how they treat people sometimes and they often drag their heals.
    Now you can relax!! Take care! :)
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Thank you Teddybear12 🥰
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Really happy for you @Debbie1234 :)
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Thank you 🥰 I hope you are having a nice day 💐