How is your day going?
Morning all.
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Morning all. It sounds like everyone had a good night? 😁
Another day hiding from the builders, but I did have a pigeon friend sit on my hand, so that's put me in a good mood for the day. ❤️
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Morning all I hope yous have a good day. Nice and sunny here just now.
My son in laws in painting my living room he’s doing my kitchen tomorrow my hall on Thursday, it’s been a long time coming since my walls and ceilings got black marks from the from the loft.
So I’m sitting in my room it looks like a stall from a market in here with a lot crammed in from my living room lol❤️
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Hi everyone!!!!!
@Grinchy I'm glad you have a group you can go to for support and friendship and stuff
Maybe this needs a separate new discussion topic but going to a mens group made me think … it would be nice if there was something like that for me but I don't find I can fit into a category
I don't associate really with most other men when it comes to "men's" stuff
But I would feel the same in a group for women (if I was even allowed in)
I even don't associate with men who question their gender, I can say this from experience because I've been to a gender clinic and most are sure that they are women and wear female clothes and paint their nails and stuff … I'm happy if others are happy but not for me
I even tried to find a group for non-binary people but I found I didn't fit in well there, can't really explain why, they were nice people just no one I could relate to
There doesn't seem to be a group … for people who don't fit into a group 😆
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I’m not sure what’s wrong when I’m trying to tag Ada and Beaver79 it’s not coming up so I can click on their names but can do everyone else.
Hi I hope you had a few hours sleep please remember your thought a lot off and we are all missing you a lot.
Hi sorry I just saw that your X-rays results were all good that’s great news I hope your bloods come back the same.@Teigr
Hiya I hope your enjoying the benefits off your lounge being all finished.@Albus_Scope
Aww how cute a little friend to keep you company earlier 😊@Marydoll5
Aww great news you had a decent sleep it definitely helps.❤️
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Morning everyone! 😊 I won't tag you all but I hope you're all having a good day so far!
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@Lou67 I'm finding it won't tag some people too and sometimes if I hit like it rolls back to a previous post!
Big news is my partners coming home today 😁!!!
@66Mustang you always make me smile thank you. The fact you have tried different groups is awesome.
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Thanks @Marydoll5 I'm really glad there is a person who got my post and what I was tying to say and so glad I made you smile 😊
I hope you're good today!!!! That's great news about your partner coming home!!!!!!! 😁😁😄
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I think we posted at the same time again lol all I can say about you fitting into groups is that you fit into this group amazingly 😊@Marydoll5
Aww fantastic news your partners coming home 🥳 I’m so pleased for you both.
Thanks for letting me know about the tagging there mustangs didn’t tag I’m sure it’ll all sort itself out.@Rosie_Scope
Morning lovely to have you with us today.❤️
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That was a good way off putting what this group feels like as I also feel like that and consider yous my friends.
I’m doing ok thanks happy to be getting my house painted at long last. I’m sitting in my bedroom just now my daughter is coming to take me out for a coffee and probably drop In and see my mum.
I hope you enjoy your day.❤️
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Just popped in to say Hello 👋 ☺️ to everyone. Hope whatever you have to deal with today everything runs as smoothly as possible. Take care of yourselves everyone and remember to be kind to yourselves too . Not sure what I'm doing today 🤔.
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Good luck at the doctor @Biblioklept I REALLY hope you manage to go as it should help you a lot
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Hello @Biblioklept , your welcome. Yes waiting to go to appointments is very stressful. I can empathise with you . I hope if you attend everything goes reasonably OK. Take care. Fingers crossed for you .
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I'm going to be observing my health issues . Preparing myself for filling in my pip review form .
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I’m in my room having a cuppa just waiting on my daughter coming to go out. It’s just the living room today then kitchen tomorrow then the hall Thursday. I don’t know if you remember me telling you about the stuff from the loft coming through and marking all my walls and ceilings it’s like a black dust settled everywhere so it’s going to take a couple off coats, and that’s with a really good paint to. Sorry I rambled on there lol@Biblioklept
Good morning that’s a shame the sunshine is away hopefully it’ll be back soon. I hope you manage to get to the doctors good luck.@Strawberry1
Morning lovely to see you posting as always I hope you have a lovely day whatever you decide to do.1 -
Hi @Lou67 , please take care of yourself. I'm out of sorts with my IBD Today but it wasn't great yesterday either . I'm not planning to go anywhere today. I will just potter around the house . Lookingforward to watching The Sewing Bee tonight.