How is your day going?



  • Katiedimelow20
    Katiedimelow20 Posts: 100 Connected

    @Lou67 I didn't take the wrong way . i was venting and Mary advice has never work at all for me . or yours to . you just want to call me out to .there different between vetting and asking for advice .

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    I think your really rude and cheeky we were only trying to help but I won’t bother again Vent away.

  • Katiedimelow20
    Katiedimelow20 Posts: 100 Connected

    @Lou67 this what i not called rude , i was rude i been swearing. that is not what helping is . is doesn't work . your one that is rude to me to on more then one opinion

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,783 Championing

    Evening everyone I think it's gone cold tonight @Katiedimelow20 Lou is always nice and was offering advice. I've flagged your comments as admin did put a note on earlier on this thread about being respectable

  • Katiedimelow20
    Katiedimelow20 Posts: 100 Connected

    @Sandy_123 wasn't seem to be Lou and did insult me as well . I didn't get any being respectful I was before. I was just venting. I didn't ask for help at all.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Thanks Sandy i appreciate your post and words off support, I’m just amazed how someone can be so rude and not even be aware about it 🤦‍♀️

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    I hope you and your grandkids sleep well.

    Goodnight everyone ❤️

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    edited August 31

    It saddens me to see that @Lou67 has been accused of insulting a member here but I can't see any insults coming from her at all. Lou is such a lovely, kind and sweet person and is one of a few people that's been there for me in the past couple of weeks after having some difficult times on here and I thank her for that! There's a big difference between insults and solutions..

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 552 Championing

    Good night everyone

    @Katiedimelow20 you are coming across as really aggressive. There's no need for it. Please think before you type for everyone's sake.

    Noone is attacking you. Offering opinions is part of normal discussions and you have taken mine and Lou"s up all wrong. Sandy thanks for trying to explain this too.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Thanks so much Poppy I really appreciate the support I’ve received from yourself and a few good friends on here. I would never insult anyone myself and Mary only tried to offer advice but it’s been thrown back In our faces 🤦‍♀️

    @Marydoll5 and Poppy and everyone else.

    Goodnight ❤️

  • Katiedimelow20
    Katiedimelow20 Posts: 100 Connected
    edited August 31

    @MaryThat still what I think is aggressive to me. There is different betweens different users.

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Community member Posts: 1,478 Championing

    Good morning all

    Horrible weather

    So dark and damp

    I'm. Still having pain with my foot

    6 weeks now. Throbs and hurts

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Community member Posts: 1,478 Championing
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,347 Championing

    Morning all.

    I see I've missed all the fun again.

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,347 Championing
    edited September 1

    I hope she continues to improve @Amberpearl.

    Dry but dull here today and the temperature's dropped a fair bit.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead

    Good morning everyone

    I don't want to dwell too much on it as it seems the discussion has thankfully moved on, but we have noticed the discussion has been quite tense and could easily escalate.

    Please remember that all discussions on Scope’s online community should remain civil, supportive, and safe.

    I will be sending out a number of PMs this morning so please look out for them! 🙂 In the mean time if you see something that upsets you, please report it to the team rather than responding.

    We will continue to closely monitor this discussion and taking action where appropriate.

    For more information, please read our online community house rules.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,783 Championing

    Morning everyone @Amberpearl I hope your foot gets better, if it doesn't might be worth a visit to gp, although that's easier said then done

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Morning I hope yous have a good day whatever yous are doing.

    I’m going to stay off this thread for a bit I didn’t sleep great after the goings on last night some people really need to be more aware of how they come across.

    Sorry your foot still hurting you might be best to go and get an X-ray just incase there’s a bone broke or chipped.

    Hiya I hope you’re doing good. If you have a read over yesterdays posts you’ll see what went on.


  • AKR
    AKR Community member Posts: 161 Empowering


    Well, I went down to the rugby club yesterday for a few hours - glorious sunshine, watched the first XV in a decent game, briefly went into the club house afterwards but quickly started to become dizzy/disorientated etc.

    However, really glad I pushed myself to get down. I caught up with many former team mates who were pleased to see me, and got some nice photos.

    One of the guys I played with is emigrating to Barbados and I had a quick catch up with him and he said it would be a privilege to host me if I can get out there to see him. So, subject to health/finances, I will definitely try and make that trip. Another door has opened for me. Pain levels high today and rigidity intense but it was worth it.

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 552 Championing

    Good morning everyone

    I'm tired after a bad night's sleep too which is not what being part of this community is supposed to be about.

    Hope you get some rest @Lou67 and @Amberpearl maybe get your foot checked out.

    I'm going to listen to a meditation and with a bit of luck drift off to sleep.