Dwp universal credit



  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 371 Trailblazing

    I didn't say they would make us all work, just that their priority is getting those of us who are able to work into work. That's open.to interpretation of course, but we don't have any details as yet.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Can anyone tell me, my daughter is 22 who lives with me and is a carer for me and gets universal credit. I am on enchanted pip...Will this reduce my housing benefit and council tax in any way. She doesn't work atall. Please advise

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing
    edited October 2024

    Assuming you get Daily Living PIP, your daughter living with you won't affect Housing Benefit.

    Council Tax Reduction is harder to advise on, as each Local Authority sets their own rules on levels of help.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    I do get both daily living and mobility and I do get council reduction. This was a review that they were sending out to people to check if we getting right amounts and wanted to see my daughters income. Which is carers allowance and universal credit which she is paying £10 back each month due to a overpayment a while ago( still not sure what that was for) but no other income.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing

    It's normal for them to do such reviews, and to need to see income details for all household members.

    As I advised, CTR differs by area so it's hard to say what your household liability would be.

    It's common for those of working age to have to pay some council tax, even if on benefits in many areas.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Hi I'm sorry I'm.asking same question again. I'm getting mixed responses regarding the situation of my 22 year old daughter who is a carer for myself. She gets universal credit other than that no other income. Me on the other hand I get pip both living and mobility both highest rate. So just checking again if this will affect my housing/council benefit. We have sent the information they requested for my daughters income and just waiting.

    But abit concerned because my daughter gets universal credit they will class that as a income. Please advise

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing

    Universal Credit will be classed as your Daughters income, because it is her source of income. They will class it as a means tested benefit and not earnings from work.

    As I advised because you get Daily Living PIP no deduction will be made to your Housing Benefit.


    As I also advised CTR is difficult to help with here because every area sets their own rules.

    You could try a benefits calculator and see if they are able to calculate your CTR entitlement.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Your daughter's UC will not affect your benefits.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Can anyone tell me thst the new changes to scrap wca assessment is this for everyone or new claimants. I heard they are slashing 53% of their benefits especially targeting the disabled and mental health, that they have no choice but to look for work. Surely this will make them even more vulnerable.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    If this is true which looking like it is don't know we be horrendous I will be phoning dwp and my MP and saying I'm a very vulnerable individual and you have a duty of care well I guess we will know tomorrow dreading it

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,301 Championing
    edited October 2024


    you have to be careful which news sources you listen to, that figure is the projected/estimated increase in pip for the 2028/2029 financial year.

    They can't just throw everyone off ESA and UC LCWRA easily either.

    they can't "target" certain people either despite their rhetoric as they would be absolutely destroyed by lawsuits for discrimination.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing
  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,301 Championing

    not really but thanks for asking x I'll not go into details in this thread though to keep it on track.

    hope you're ok too

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    Oh no sorry to hear this I really hope you have some peace today we all cherish you on thos group such a kind helpful soul xx

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    Pls excuse spelling couldn't find my glasses have a restful day

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Also what's a commitment appointment. I am reading on a thread where people on esa support group will be moved over to a more management thing ( not sure what)

    Im in the esa support group and I get the highest rate of pip for both elements.

    Please advise

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,301 Championing

    you won't have any commitments as the support group status moves with you, but you will need to tell them on the journal immediately as it takes a while for the system to catch up.

    regulation 19

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing

    The commitment appointment is a one off thing, whereby you agree to keep them informed of any changes. It's just a formality really and you can ask for it to be done over the phone.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    So having watched the budget this afternoon I still don't understand it. Call me slow or dumb but I am still at a lost. Please can someone tell me what it means for us on benefits. Pip and esa support group these are what I am on. Maybe I missed a segment on benefits because I'm not always on board when I've taken meds