Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November



  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 199 Empowering
    edited November 2024

    Is esa the one where you won't need medical assessment again please, lcwra I think that I been on.

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 98 Empowering

    First time really sanctions was introduced is in the 1990s when Jobseeker's Allowance first became a thing in the John Major government

    The only thing people had in the 1980s was a 6 month review scheme called restart with a DHSS employee, that was it really.

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 98 Empowering
    edited November 2024

    In my experience, with getting LWCRA and PIP, ect is all depending on who the assessor is to be honest.

    If you get a nice and genuine assessor you'll be fine. If you get someone who just wants to save the government money, you're screwed.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,036 Championing

    The Times article implied that the assessors were paid to deal with claims fast, so if you are not really paying attention to what you are reading, it's going to end up being a lottery as to whether it not you qualify.

    They were told to cut costs, so I wonder if they just do a one in five her the points.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 605 Trailblazing

    I have ME/CFS and fibromyalgia plus other conditions they cause. I class myself as disabled as my conditions cannot be cured and I’ve had them for 35 years now , though only diagnosed about 15 years. I definitely feel it’s been harder having hidden disabilities and when I’m as bad as I am currently no one sees me as I can’t go out often . For years ME was ignored or you were just given CBT etc . Now since long covid people are recognising its existence.

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    Dear Albus_Scope

    I am feeling quite overwhelmed by the discussions on here where there seems to be a hierarchy of thoughts on disability.

    I have a long term sickness which has caused me to be unable to work and very badly affects my ability to do daily tasks. I am still disabled.

    I joined Scope to get support from the disability community but don't feel like that is happening due to the disabilities that I have that are all invisible and I am struggling massively with life and feeling like a burden due to my 'inability to contribute to society'

    I think many 1000s of people would agree with your feelings of being overwhelmed, feeling like a burden, and hierarchy. I certainly do. However please keep going, persist, you will find a way: perhaps Googling Disability Support, arts, therapy, advocacy groups with your postcode.

    I wish you well, we all suffer, and that is our opportunity to find and share compassion.

    Try to develop self-compassion, and be kind to yourself

    Relaxation and mediation can help; again just Google these later

    Never give up on yourself, and others with similar and different needs to your.


    Milan Ghosh.

  • kitsmum
    kitsmum Online Community Member Posts: 91 Empowering

    @secretsquirrel1 sorry to hear that you have me/cfs and fibromyalgia. Its tough isn't it. I have had cbt since diagnosis but that was to come to terms with it and to get my mental health under control again,

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    Dear Tumulty

    Is ESA the one where you won't need medical assessment again please,

    LCRWA I think that I been on.

    By referring I think you are referring to legal exemptions from benefit assessment tests, if claimants have certain sever diagnoses. Correct?

    Please explain further, including both abbreviations

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,036 Championing

    I don't view myself as disabled, I would prefer to view myself as less able as that for me gives me a more positive outlook on my life.

    I think as far as support from the community goes, I will be honest and say I have no idea what some members conditions actually are, so I wouldn't know how that impacts them on a daily basis. But, on the flipside I haven't disclosed my issues because although this is a disability forum, I don't want it to define who I am as a person. I am more than a benefit claimant.

  • Faithlong
    Faithlong Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    Milan, I completely agree with you! I have read few shocking comments on here in the last couple of weeks! One person was aggressively suggesting that disabled people or long-term ill people need to work with the government to get back to work to avoid future reform government which will be much worse! and I found that to be such toxic suggestion because it implies that we long-term ill people and disabled people are not even trying to contribute to society because we don’t want to! I was actually really hurt by such a comment which was left by the moderators in here! I have found comfort and support on this website and been helped by really kind people but lately some people have been using such derogatory and hurtful language which makes me not want to come here anymore.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 605 Trailblazing

    hi , yes it’s tough as I look fine so no one understands what it’s like to be permanently tired and in pain but I think since long covid the spot light is on other post viral infections so that’s a good thing . I’ve now been in set back since the Tory’s green paper due to stress and the Labour Party aren’t helping. But surely we are protected by the ECHR and Starmer must know this so I’m hoping that means they can’t just remove our money and leave us destitute they we were when PIP first came out . I sometimes wonder if Labour have a plan at all and that’s why they can’t tell us anything yet .

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,597 Championing

    I heard white paper will be disgust on dispatche program?? God my spelling bad I didn't caught when it would be on TV

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,597 Championing

    They don't get facts right many woman who have adhd have worsening symptoms in menopause literally life changing been cases of women in 50s ending it all life living with undiagnosed adhd and menopause triggers it

  • egister
    egister Posts: 834 Empowering

    Hi, this logically follows from the social model of disability if the government is made up of Vogons.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 834 Empowering

    This is government nonsense. For example, I knew how my health would deteriorate over time, and I received treatment on time, including at my own expense, followed the doctors’ recommendations - and still I have a disability.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 864 Trailblazing

    Come out about Liz Kendell who was part of removing winter fuel payments, who has her 2nd home heating paid for, plus lives in a 4 million house in Notting Hill.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,597 Championing

    The unions taking them to court it really is us and them Oliver comes to mind never seen such a divide from rich to poor they been rubbing in our faces since covid

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 864 Trailblazing

    She gets over £151 thousand a year saw on GB news

This discussion has been closed.