Dwp universal credit



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited October 2024

    They didn't announce anything other than more information will be given in the disability white paper at a later date. Pretty much what I expected to happen. There's a whole thread about it here.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Hello guys I heard dwp will be checking people's bank account, although I have nothing to hide I am very anxious and mad that this privacy could be invaded. My mental health has literally gone sky High. I feel why they need to go to such lengths. I put ยฃ10 in my daughters account and bless her she didn't need it and put it straight back via online and that caused another episode. I said why did you do that so you can imagine. It's like you have to watch what you spend and how much. Another example it's my birthday today so a pretty birthday suprise yesterday she took me Cadbury world as I hardly leave the house. I bought those bags with Cadbury on and realised oh god it will show Cadbury world they will think why is she going around wasting money so ofcourse the whole experience wasn't enjoyable as I made myself ill and wanted to get the taxi home. So I'm sorry for the long essay..but this is too much.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Sorry for wrong wording I meant to put pre birthday suprise yesterday.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Happy birthday!! It's my birthday too. ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope you had a lovely time at Cadbury world!

    They won't just randomly check peoples back accounts for no reason at all. They've always had the ability to check back accounts so that's no difference.

    Please try not to worry. You can spend your money on anything you want to. As well as go where you want to. Claiming benefits doesn't mean you can't have a life.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    Happy birthday ๐ŸŽ‚ x x

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Just saw message. Aww poppy your birthday too. Happy belated birthday. And yes had a lovely time couldn't donthe tasting as maintenance work is being carried. I don't usually go out but my daughter had other ideas. Hope you had a lovely birthday too

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Thank you. I did have a lovely birthday. I'm glad you had a lovely time.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Hello hope everyone is ok. I'm back on here because I read somewhere that the pip vouchers are being put into place. I know it's not written. In stone but does anyone else know anything about pip turned intonation voucher thing.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,882 Championing

    It was a proposal by the previous Government.

    The new Government have acknowledged the level of negative feedback towards the proposal.

    They've yet to officially announce their own policy direction.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,177 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Bostankhan22, as Kimmy says, there's still no evidence to say the government are definitely turning PIP into vouchers. Some online sites and newspapers are running stories that talk about these changes as if they're already happening. They often do this as they know worried people will click on their sites which makes them money.

    We haven't heard any official plans about what the government will be doing with PIP yet. We will keep everyone updated as we hear more ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Anyone have any update on the government reforms plans to get sick people off benefits. I read somewhere today was the day they were going to announce something or another.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    And if people who are suffering from mental health for one reason or another, how will they get people into.work. I was told I have whats called a borderline personality disorder, yes I know I am suffering because of personal and various reasons. I can't tell you how I will be from one day to another which is why my daughter has become a registered carer for myself. The medication I am on knocks me out during the day and just before bedtime which is when I take my medication. So how will all this work for myself and I'm sure alot of people in my situation. It's a huge worry and I know like myself people don't need this extra tension. I hope someone may know something we have missed

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    I have bpd as well no two days the same emotions up and down its a painful

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    So sorry your going through this. I understand the impact it has on a daily basis. I wish you well

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Can anyone shed any light about the reforms coming into place next spring, does this mean that's when benefits will either stop or given vouchers and what about people who had mental health and are unable to work. What does next spring hold for us vulnerable people. It's such a worry especially in this living crisis.

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @Bostankhan22.

    Unfortunately they have still not said what their plans for benefit reforms are, so anything you read is just guess-work and speculation at this point.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Can anyone tell me if they had a uc review phone call. My daughter had one today and was shocked that they had access to her bank account. Sometimes i will put money into her account and vice versa. That was questioned. She don't have savings etc. Also they wanted to know why sge needed her PayPal account for so she said its a safe option to purchase etc. They thought she was selling for business purpose but she was nice and understood it was for purchases only. she only probably got about ยฃ80 in there at the moment. But what I was shocked how they had her back statements infront of her. I mean she did have to send in statements few weeks back and proof of income which was a carers letter and that's all so maybe she was looking at previous statements I don't know. Has this happened to anyone else please advise

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Are they also looking at people's accounts now then and is that even allowed.

    I am concerned they will one day question me about how I spend my pip and esa like shopping and taxis as I have mobility troubles.