Dwp universal credit



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing
    edited December 2024

    Universal Credit are doing millions of these checks, I went through one last year and loads of others on the forum have been through one.

    They are to make sure the payments are correct from a financial perspective. UC is a means tested benefit so they are checking for undeclared capital, etc.

    It's normal to submit bank statements and to be questioned about some of the transactions as part of the check.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    I was worried when had benefit check with council I was shaking as I spend money like water on face creams just waste it can't help it they didn't say anything

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Hello everyone and a happy Christmas to all. I am wondering if anyone in same position as myself with not receiving the migration letter yet. I only get the esa and I'm in the support group and I get housing benefi too. Will I remain in the support group and do we get less benefits or same. I am unsure and wondering ehy why I haven't received my letter yet or is their still time. And is it same for pip. Do we need to migrate to uc if we receiving pip too. So confused. Please advise. Thankyou

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Not everyone has received a letter yet. For those claiming Income Related ESA it will be anytime up until December 2025.

    You will be entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim, if you're still in the Support Group when you migrate across.

    If your UC entitlement is less than your current benefits then you'll be entitled to Transitional Protection so you won't be worse off when you migrate.

    PIP isn't part of UC so will continue as normal.

    If you're claiming council tax reduction this isn't part of UC either but it was be recalculated based on your UC entitlement.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Happy new year to everyone lets hope this new year gives is hope and peace.

    I'm just wondering and now reading alot about the changes to pip coming to affect in spring 2025, do you think things will change immediately after that or do these proposals etc from the government take time. Some have said they may change cash payments to vouchers I mean how will that even work. Just all wrong

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Happy New Year.

    There's been no announcements made by Labour about any changes to PIP. Uf any changes are made it will very likely be a long time before they are put into place. Until that happens everything remains the same and until announcements are made no on can say what may or may not happen.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,435 Championing

    congratulations @bostankhan22 for being the first person to post on 2025

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Hello again, I just need to understand as somewhere I read that the dwp will be checking your bank accounts and probably already are. Now I have absolutely nothing to worry here yet why am I a feeling like I can't spend atall. I get worried spending at a supermarket, I use taxi alot because of mobility issues and always have my daughter who's my carers with me. Than if I need to transfer some money to my daughter because I cannot go out and I give her the money to get me whatever. in a long long time she took me to the cinema on a quite day as i have issues with social side of things, i used my card or my daughterdid to pay for popcorn and i could not enjoy becausei thought now they will question that. Its really made me quite bad thinkingi have to be carefu. I spent online £5.00 on the lottery yesterday and now feeling so horrible i actually feel sick.

    bills i understand but maybe I get my daughter to go primark and in the reduction get me something so again she will say mum it's this much or that much so I quickly do online banking and transfer. Honestly this makes me feel ill. And the fact I'm having to watch where I spend. I usually take alot of cash out and use for stuff or if I need to give my daughter for shopping even than I end up ill than I already am. My daughter says chill mum but its easy said than done. Any suggestions please and I apologise if I sound abit over the top or even silly.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing


    They've always had the ability to check bank accounts if they suspect fraud but they don't just check for the sake of it.

    They do reviews and for this they ask you to send in 4 months of bank statements to check that you're claiming the correct amount of UC. They've been doing these reviews for over a year. During this review it has been known for them to ask a couple of questions about something on a statement. If you have one of these reviews just explain to them what you do, if they ask. You won't get into any trouble for transferring money to your daughter.

    The only time they may ask what you spent it on is if you had capital of more than £6,000. Other than that you can spend your money on anything you want to and there's never been any rules on this.

    I transfer money to my daughters all the time, if I owe them something and they do the same to me.

    I agree with your daughter, please try to relax.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    I thought the same I had a benefit review out of the blue god I was scared I recklessly spend money on all matter of things I don't know how to budget don't have a pattern don't pay bills on same days ect made myself so sick panic attacks thinking all manor of things and it came back fine

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    Ps my daughter says and said same to me I was beside myself so totally understand I buy alot of face creams I can't stop myself I was ordering from eybay tiktok I order my dads shopping online then do mine so looks like I'm spending slot on shopping so pls don't worry because I know that feeling you can't rest this group been amazing and poppy advised me the same advice as you this group amazing and poppy always on the ball so relax it's all ok

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Hi has anyone not had their migration letter. I've not had mine yet I get esa support group and no tax credits just esa. And when I do will it still be same amount. And will I be assessed again for the support group. Also I am paying back few pounds for an overpayment too. Please advise.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing
    edited January 18

    Migration letters are arriving up until December 2025.

    If your ESA is wholly contribution based or New Style then these are not being migrated, but your Housing Benefit will be (from a previous post).

    You won't need a new medical assessment, you will be entitled to LCWRA (the UC equivalent of ESA Support Group) from the start of your claim.

    As to the amounts, those on ESA without SDP are better off on UC.

    Those with SDP will receive Transitional Protection, which is a top up payment to ensure you aren't worse off at the point of transfer compared to your legacy benefits. This does reduce over time as other elements go up or any new elements are added to the claim.

    The overpayment deduction will continue under UC, the amount will be higher as ESA is a weekly benefit and UC is a monthly benefit, and there are 4.3 weeks in a month not 4.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited January 18

    There's probably thousands of others that haven't received it yet, myself included. It would be anytime up until end of December this year. This is assuming that your ESA is Income Related.

    You will not need another assessment, nor will you need to provide a fit note. You'll be entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim.

    Once you submit a claim for UC your Income Related ESA will continue for 2 weeks and then stop.

    Does your ESA include the Severe disability Premium? Are you claiming housing benefit for help with your rent?

    If you're still paying back the overpayment once you do claim UC the payments will continue in your UC but it will be calculated as a monthly payment.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    My esa does not include the severe disability premium. I get housing benefit thou.

    So basically we could get our letters anytime from now til December.

    I hope its not too hard to apply to uc irs confusing enough already.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    If you're in the Support Group and you're 25 or over then LCWRA for UC pays more than ESA Support Group, it's about £120 more per month.

    It's not difficult to claim, many people are anxious due to fear of the unknown.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected

    Has anyone heard as I read in the Birmingham Live on Google that the pip benefits cuts will be announced in weeks. I know they say don't read these on Google but I thought as it was Birmingham live. How true can this be. And can they just cut your benefits like that without warning. Sorry but I must be reading too much into this but it's a worry as I read alot saying pip cuts coming soon and it worries the hell out of me and makes me feel quite unwell. Please advise If anyone else has heard this from anywhere else.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing
    edited January 21

    Lots of click bait, scaremongering inaccurate cobbled together stories going round at the moment. I suspect much of it is AI written and a journalist takes credit publishing it under their own name.

    Labour have committed only to the welfare cost savings (across all benefits) inherited from the previous Government.

    They are expected to announce details in the Spring of their intentions of how they'd like to go about that. They hwve said it will be different from previous Government.

    Even then, there will be a lengthy legal process to follow which takes a very very long time.

    They were only able to cut Winter Fuel Payments so quickly, because they are a government perk, not enshrined in legislation as welfare benefits are.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,014 Championing

    Thankyou kimmy